This two year contract is for commencement 1st April 2018

Job Description

Maintain the Green, Allotment Field and Community Orchard areas to an acceptable level of tidiness as determined by the Parish Council by keeping agreed mown areas regularly cut, and trees, edges, seats, amenity equipment, paths, boundaries etc, strimmed around without causing any damage to them. Also to take care around any patches of flowers that may grow through the grass, allowing them to mature and set seed where appropriate, in agreement with the Parish Council.

Report immediately to the Parish Clerk any damage or any safety concerns regarding trees, fences, walls, paths, amenity equipment etc.

Specifics - The Green: -

Maintain all areas so the grass is shorter than 50mm by regularly mowing/strimming as required, with mowing and strimming taking place on the same day.

During the football season liaise with the nominated representative of any resident football club and keep the football pitch cut to a level of 40mm in accordance with their requirements.

Cut the Green ahead of any special events as notified by the Parish Clerk.

Bushes and shrubs to be neatly trimmed. Trees and bushes should be pruned so their lowest branches are above 1.9m.

Grass cuttings to be mulched in. All arisings are to be removed from roads and paths immediately after cutting.

Specifics - The Allotment Field and Community Orchard: -

Maintain the football pitch and a 2m boundary around itso the grass is shorter than 50mm by regular mowing/strimming as required. Maintain the rest of the field and the Community Orchard area so the grass/vegetation is shorter than 300mm by regular mowing/strimming as required.

Maintain hedges and bushes inside and on the boundaries, including the road frontage and the roadside verge. Trees and bushes should be pruned so their lowest branches are above 1.9m with the exception of the Community Orchard trees which are not to be pruned without specific instruction from the Parish Council.

Grass cuttings to be mulched in.

Safety & Insurance

A Certificate of Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of £5,000,000 must be shown to the Clerk before this contract is signed and such insurance maintained for the entire duration of the contract.

All employees are to be made aware of safety procedures and issued with safety equipment where necessary. All measures to ensure public safety must be taken.


The Green & Allotment Grass Cutting Caretaker’s contract figure for the year is £TBC, paid in arrears monthly.

The Contract

The contract will be subject to three months notice on either side to be given in the event of either party wishing to cancel the contract. The Parish Council reserves the right to review this contract at any time; any variations ordered by the Parish Council will be commensurate in workload unless a contract variation is agreed.


On behalf of the Parish Council Caretaker
