NIGHT Unit Test Study Guide
1. Ellie Wiesel was originally from what part of Europe?
2. Night was originally written in what language?
- Night is what genre?
4. What word means the state-sponsored systematic persecution of European Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945?
5. What word means an irrational hatred of a person, group, or race based upon a preconceived opinion or judgment?
6. Which is the name of Hitler’s three-fold plan for ridding Europe of Jews?
7. What groups besides the Jews did Hitler want to eliminate?
8. In what point of view was the book Night written? (1st, 2nd, or 3rd?)
9. What did Elie Wiesel want to study at the beginning of the book?
10. Who helped Elie with his studies at the beginning of the book?
11. What age is Elie when he reaches Auschwitz? What age does Elie tell the SS officer he is?
12. What is Elie’s new name at the camp?
13. Whose death symbolizes the loss of Elie’s faith? (Hint: he is hanged.)
14. What do the men do to help their chances during selection?
15. The process of selection was used to:
16. Why does Elie go to see the doctor?
17. Who does the prisoner in the hospital in the bed next to Elie say that he trusts the most?
- The Red Army is whose army?
19. When the Russians are coming and they evacuate the camp, how do the prisoners travel to Gleiwitz?
20. What happened to the men who slowed down on the way to Gleiwitz?
21. What happened to the men who slept in the snow at the caved-in brick factory?
22. How many men get on the train car with Elie and his father on the trip to Buchenwald?
23. How many men get off the train at Buchenwald?
24. What was the last word Elie’s father said?
25. Elie’s father died from what?
26. What are the following symbols of: the babies burning in pits in Auschwitz and the hanging of the little boy
27. Wiesel wrote Night for what purpose?
28. What is Wiesel’s tone all throughout the book?
29. Is Moshe the Beadle killed when he is deported with the foreign Jews?
30. Does Idek, the Kapo, treat all of the factory workers at Buna well?
31. Do the men eat snow while waiting for a train to take them to Buchenwald?
32. Do the prisoners divide the food equally among themselves on the train ride to Buchenwald?
33. Who is Juliek?
34. Night (like nighttime) is a symbol of?
- List the themes of this book. (Think about the poetry center…)
Figurative Language
36. Madame Schatcher’s visions about fire are an example of?
37. “It was like a page torn from some storybook,” is an example of?
38. “Everywhere rooms lay open…An open tomb.” This is an example of what?
39. “Here came the Rabbi…His mere presence among the deportees added a touch of unreality to the scene. It was like a page torn from some storybook, from some historical novel about the captivity of Babylon or the Spanish Inquisition.” Example of?
40. In the quote from question #41, the Rabbi’s presence is compared to
41. “We were already accustomed to rumors of this kind [that told the front was drawing nearer to the camp]. It was not the first time a false prophet had foretold to us peace-on-earth…And we often believed them. It was an injection of morphine.” Example of?
42. In the quote from question #43, rumors are compared to
43. “Suddenly his eyes would become blank, nothing but two open wounds, two pits of terror.” Example of?
44. “When at last a gray glimmer of light appeared on the horizon, it revealed a tangle of human shapes, heads sunk upon shoulders, crouched, piled one on top of the other, like a field of dust covered tombstones in the first light of dawn.”Example of?
Irony is the difference between what is said and its actual meaning. Describe the irony in the following quotes.
45. “But we had been marching only a few moments when we saw the barbed wire of another camp. An iron door with this inscription over it: ‘Work is liberty!’”
46. “Some prominent members of the community came….to ask him what he thought of the situation. My father did not consider it so grim…’The yellow star? Oh well, what of it? You don’t die of it….’”
47. “I’ve got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He’s the only one who’s kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people.”