SC 10/11/1 Apologies: G FORBES, D PARSONS, S CAZALY, and M COX (he apologised but said he would arrive late)
SC 10/11/2 Declaration of Interest:
PERSONAL: J Wilmut and C Vuliamy in PA12/11430
SC 10/11/3 Public Session:
There has been a complaint about Slurry covering the back lane from the main Road to Norton Farm. The clerk was asked to contact Highways and the Police.
SC10/11/4 Minutes of meeting: The minutes were amended. It was proposed by J Wilmut and seconded by C Davey that the minutes were signed as a true record of the meeting. All agreed.
SC 10/11/5 Matters Arising:
a. Asset transfer to the Local Community: Cllr Burden was asked if Kit Hill is to be transferred. He stated that it could be but it was given to Cornwall Council by the Duchy of Cornwall so it is unlikely. There would have to be enough money provided to run it. If it went anywhere it should go to Tamar AONB. At present it is run by Cormac Solutions, but decisions are made by a senior officer in Cornwall Council. The Kit Hill committee is trying to set up ‘Friends of Kit Hill’ to enable greater communication about Kit Hill. This would be an informal group although they would like to have some input into the management. J Wilmut pointed out that Kit Hill is a substantial part of the Parish and we would want to be involved in the management of this area. C Vuliamy pointed out that 1 or 2 Parish Council members sit on the committee but have very little clout. There are issues with the way the committee is run, in that there are only 2 meetings in the year and the minutes do not go anywhere. . Part of the problem is that the Kit Hill committee have no power over the way it is run. We can ask some members of the Parish who also attend the meetings but they will have specific interests. It was agreed that we need to find out more about the management of the area, in particular planning applications around Kit Hill. It was suggested that we ask someone who is involved in the decision making process to come to talk to the Parish Council. Although Footpaths are the responsibility of Highways and the Footpath Officer, the parish Council is given money to ensure the paths are kept open. The law states that styles are the responsibility of the landowner. It was suggested that we have a Footpath Committee to keep any eye on them. It was decided that we need to look at these matters in greater detail. P Barriball suggested that this should be left until after the elections in May.
b. Sam Barnes report on AONB. Sam Barnes apologised but was unable to attend the meeting. C Vulliamy stated that she was involved in drawing up a map/list of the historic items in the parish and trying to get European funding for sustainable landscapes in the area.
Corrina Woodall was welcomed by the Chairman. She has only been in her job for 7 months, working with a small unit based at Tamar Valley Centre. The pilot project , working with 4 parishes, is to investigate and generate a plan on changing landscapes. They have a hedgerow mapping project and are mapping and recording historical features in the landscape. Much of the work is done by volunteers. They are also working with artists to look at the past and the future, recently having an exhibition at the Centre. There is also a project looking at ways of generating wood fuel in the hedgerows, working in partnership with a French group. It is hoped that, if the project is successful, they can roll this out to other Parishes. The AONB is 2000sq KM so there is a wide variety of issues in different communities in the AONB. It has the same level designation as a Country park but works with the local authority rather than the Parks commission. Planning is a particular issue and they are working at strengthening that area. P Barriball pointed out that the area used to be used to grow strawberries. Corrina said that food production was one area they were looking at and hoped that they could train young people to develop this. J Wilmut asked if there would be a report for public consumption and if it would be of use to the Parish Council. Corrina stated that there would be a report which would be published and available in the News Letter. They hoped that such a report could be useful to develop practical projects in various Parishes. P Barriball thanked Corrina for her time and the interesting report.
c. The planning of the Jubilee Trees was reported in the local press. The stakes have been done. The plaques need to be ordered.
SC 10/11/6 Planning:
Cornwall Council list of Application;
PA12/10075: Dr Dylan Bright Westcountries Rivers Trust, Rain Charm House, Kyl Cober Parc, Stoke Climsland, Callington: Installation of a portable one storey shed behind offices for document storage. After discussion it was proposed by M Cox, and seconded by C Davey, that the Parish Council supported the application. All agreed.
PA12/10483: Mr and Mrs Gardiner, Cockington Farm, Callington Stoke Climsland, Callington: Conversion of barn into dwelling. After discussion it was proposed by J Wilmut, and seconded by S Tudor, that the Parish Council supported the application, provided that the work carried out was in keeping with the original building. All agreed.
PA12/10410: Mr A Johns, 1 Holwell House, Stoke Climsland Callington: Proposed sand school. After discussion it was proposed by J Wilmut, and seconded by C Davey, that the Parish Council supported the application. All agreed.
PA12/11430: Mr John Wilmut, Stoke Climsland Community Project (The Old School): After discussion it was proposed by M Cox, and seconded by S Tudor, that the Parish Council supported the application. All agreed.
Kit Hill Farm, PL17 8EX: The clerk stated that she had been contacted by enforcement who said that there had been a planning application, which had been withdrawn but that the work was being done with the help of a conservation officer. The clerk was asked to go back to enforcement as the shed has been increased to twice the size of the original plan.
Refusals, Approvals and Appeals:
The planning application for solar panels near Cockington Farm has been agreed by Cornwall Council. The connection to the Grid is to be done in Stoke Climsland Parish and will pass along some of the Duchy of Cornwall Fields. The plans have now been sent to the Duchy of Cornwall for agreement. If the plans go ahead it is possible that the Parish will get reimbursed for the inconvenience.
SC 10/11/7 Items for Report and Discussion
a) Cornwall Councillor: Cllr Burden reported that a reduced form of the Strategic Partnership agreement had now been passed by Cornwall Council. This is for a joint venture with BT. The Core Plan has not yet been approved by Cornwall Council. There has been a change in Council tax for empty properties which are private lets. It is now only one month free of tax and any subsequent month will be charged at 50% rate. Cllr Burden agreed to have a new bin placed at the school and to have all bins topped up with salt. This will be done before Christmas. Many concessionary bus passes are not being used. This may be because of the poor weather and the change in the times they can be used.
b) Community Plan: D Parsons was not at the meeting. C Vuliamy suggested that we ask Sam Barnes to talk to the working Group as she is working in that area. The clerk was asked to contact D Parsons about the Community Plan meetings.
c) Repairs to benches and seats: The seat is to be removed and C Davey will do that. The benches were cleaned prior to painting but it has not stopped raining. The benches need to dry before they can be painted.
d) Salt Bins: Cllr Burden has agreed to provide a new bin and fill all the bins.
e) Rubbish on the Green: There have been problems with rubbish on the Green, particularly at lunchtimes. P Barriball and M Cox have spoken to A Council about the problem. S Tudor stated that members of the Parish have been collecting the rubbish and putting it in the bin. P Barriball has also had complaints about the poor behaviour of some of the students. One student has sworn at Mrs Bath on several occasions. This was reported to A Council, who has identified the individual and will be asking him to leave the College. A Council stated he will deal with this personally. J Wilmut suggested that we ask that a member of staff is on duty on the Green at lunchtimes.
SC 10/11/8 Highways and Maintenance
· The clerk was asked to contact the Environment Agency about the rubbish between the hedge and fence at Wooda Bridge.
· The clerk was asked to contact the Environment Agency about the rubbish accumulation at Kit Hill Farm.
· There are large Potholes on New Cross Hill at Kelly Bray.
· The road at Climson is being washed away everytime it rains
· There is a big pothole east of Monks Cross on a fast and busy narrow road.
· Greenscombe road is in a very poor condition.
· Sand Lane going to New Mills has huge holes around the edge of the road and these are likely to get larger.
· On Broadgate Lane the gravel has washed down onto the road and needs to be removed.
· The weed killing on Kyl Cober Parc hasn’t been done but the intention is to do it as soon as the weather clears.
SC 10/11/9 Correspondence
• Request from donations from Cornwall Air Ambulance
• Community Wind Turbine Development.
• Christmas Recycling
• Road Closures
SC 10/11/10 Finance
Payments: Cheques for a total of £1859.8 were signed for payment of Clerks wages, Hire of Parish Hall, Audit Commission , Edna Evely, Rent for Downgate playground, Grass cutting and footpaths.
Receipts: Interest £0.02
SC 10/11/11 Items for Agenda
· Precept to be agreed
· Donations to the chapels and Church to be agreed
· Changes to the Standing Orders to bring it into line with the National Framework
· Discussion of Ducklings Plans.
SC 10/11/12 Date and Time of Next Meeting
21st January 2013 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
Clerk: Mrs Louise Power, Top Flat, Half Moon Court, Stoke Climsland PL17 8NY
Tel: 01579 370819