Mrs. BurgeRoom 245
Grading Scale
Your grade will be based on a weighted system. Letter grades will be assigned as follows:
Grade % Grade %
A90%-100% D+67%-69%
B+87%-89% D63%-66%
B80%-86% D-60%-62%
C+77%-79% F<60%
Grade breakdown
-Quarter Grades- weighted
- Assignments 10 %
- Quizzes 30%
- Tests 60%
-Semester Grades-
- Quarter One: 40%
- Quarter Two: 40%
- Midterm/Final: 20%
*If a student passes two out of the three components of the semester grades, then the student will earn credit in the course for the semester.
Grades will usually be updated weekly on PowerSchool; however, updates will not be immediate.
-Extra Credit-
- There will be a limited number of extra credit opportunities.
- Extra Credit will be available throughout the semester for no more than 5% of the overall grade.
- No late extra credit will be accepted.
-Late Work-
- Late work will not be accepted per department procedures.
- If you need an extension for any reason, please let Mrs. Burge know by email or parent-signed note preferably in advance, but sometimes life happens!
-Absent Work-
- If you are absent you should check the classroom website or absent board in class which tells you what you missed the previous day(s).
- Get your assignments from the website or the absent board before or after class- DO NOT interrupt any lesson because you do not have an assignment from the previous day(s).
- You have as many days as you were absent to make up missed work.
- If you are absent the day of a test or quiz, you must make it up the day you return!
- Expect to have notes/ homework/ classwork/ warm-ups on a daily basis for the class.
- Homework throughout the semester will be graded through completion and accuracy based on the teacher’s discretion. YOU MUST SHOW WORK! NO WORK = NO CREDIT!
- Your homework will be due the following day unless noted otherwise.
- Quizzes will be frequent!
- Quizzes may or may not be announced.
- Quizzes will be similar to your notes and homework- Keep these things organized as these are resources to study from!
- You may retake most quizzes before or after school with an appointment and once quiz corrections have been approved.If you miss the appointment you forfeit your retake privileges.
- In order to retake a quiz, you must complete quiz corrections. Quiz corrections are comprised of the new work and new answer for each incorrect response. Staple to original quiz and turn in.
- The retake will be the student’s new grade regardless if it is better or worse.
- No retakes will be given during class time.
- You will be notified in advance when a test is to be expected.
- There will be no surprises! You will receive a study guide and there will be a review in class! Also, the tests are based off your notes and homework.
- It is your job to ask questions during class time and study!
- No Unit Assessment Aids (index cards, formula sheet, or notes) will be allowed.
- You may retake any one unit tests per quarter- No retakes on midterms and finals.
- In order to retake a test, you must complete test corrections.Test corrections are comprised of the new work and new answer for each incorrect response. Staple to original test and turn in.
- Once Mrs. Burge feels you are ready to retake the test, an hour appointment will be made to take the test. If you miss the appointment you forfeit your retake privileges.
- The retake will be the student’s new grade regardless if it is better or worse.
- No retakes will be given during class time.
- Zero if communication with another student or if cell phone is out.
What to Do When You Enter Class:
Be in your seat when the bell rings. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be tardy. Also, when entering class, read the board and follow the directions on it.
Take Notes! You should always have your class notes out when completing assignments. You are expected to take notes as they help you tremendously with your homework and study skills.
-Classroom Rules-
BE RESPECTFUL- respect each other and the teacher, respect the classroom, respect the classroom supplies!
Examples of disrespectful behavior- having phone out, cheating, talking while the teacher is, disruptive behavior, etc.
My classroom is a “red light” room- meaning, you can not use your electronic devices. I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CELL PHONE OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICE IN MY CLASS! LEAVE IT IN YOUR LOCKER!
You will need:
- pencils (No Pen on tests or quizzes)
- Compass and Protractor
- Calculator (see below)
- 1- three ring binder (2” recommended)
- Dividers (optional)
- Colored pencils or markers or pens
Please let Mrs. Burge know if you need assistance providing these materials. You are expected to bring all materials to class every day (except textbook) unless instructed otherwise.
- TI-84+ or TI-83 or TI-INSPIRE CX (NOT CAS) OR Graphing Calculator is strongly recommended
You will be using these calculators in the classroom. You will also benefit from having your own on the SAT. You will need a scientific calculator if you do not purchase a graphing calculator. Scientific Calculator recommendation is: TI-30x IIS(NOT THE TI-30 XA)
How should I organize my binder?
You should always have your binder organized and with you in class. You are expected to use your notes to help you with your homework and practice!
It is best to have a binder with dividers – one divider for each unit we will be covering.
Keep your papers in your 3 ring binder and in the order we learn them! This will be particularly important for midterm and final exams.
-Hall/Bathroom Passes-
I strongly urge you to go before or after class. Time spent outside of our class means missed notes, instruction, work time, etc.
-Extra Help-
Tutoring is available from the Geometry teachers before school from 6:30-7:05 a.m. and after school from 2:15 – 3:00 p.m. (A weekly schedule will be posted in the room and online.) If you need more help, see me. If you would like to schedule an appointment before/after school, please see me.
Class Website
- Notes & Homework Assignments
- Extra Credit
- Extra Resources
- Link to Textbook
Remind 101
Text @geoburge to (832)706-4456 for updates and reminders about class!
Stay up to date on class info! Follow @BurgesMathClass!
Parents- feel free to contact me via email or my school phone with any concerns. Email is the quickest and easiest way to get ahold of me. However, if you would like to speak to me om the phone, please leave a message stating your name, student’s name, the nature of your phone call, and a number to return your call at. I want to keep an open line of communication with you!
Phone: (586)723-2997
Mathematics: Geometry
ESSENTIAL CONTENT & SKILLS (From Common Core Standards):
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
In Geometry, these practice standards will be emphasized through:
1. Using basic language, tools of geometry, plane geometry and coordinate geometry
2. Using logical reasoning and proof
3. Using angle relationships
4. Using polygons
5. Using congruent and similar triangles
6. Exploring geometric concepts with constructions using traditional tools and technology
7. Using right triangle trigonometry
8. Using transformational geometry
9. Using circle properties
10. Using 3-Dimensional figures
Order of topics
1. Into to Geometry
2. Angle Relationships
3 Proofs
4. Polygons
5. Triangles
6. Congruent Triangles
7. Similarity
8. Right Triangles
9. Trigonometry
10. Circles
11. Area
12. Surface Area and Volume