Vocabulary Week 10 – 12th grade
Complete using vocabulary 1-10
Monday – Synonyms and Sentences
1. ______nitpick, quibble
2. ______distrustfully, suspiciously, skeptically
3. ______shortcoming, defect, quirk
4. ______accustom, acclimate
5. ______benevolent, salutary, harmless
6. Again and again, Napoleon was able to ______the armies of his enemies and lead his men on to further victories.
7. Even with the most advanced equipment, expeditions to the top of Mt. Everest are still ______with danger.
8. After making sure the wound was clean, the doctor took steps to ______the victim’s pain.
9. One of the best, if not the easiest, ways to lose weight is to ______dessert.
10. The reporter exposed the real estate agent as a ______who routinely deceived her customers.
Tuesday – Synonyms and Sentences
11. ______fraud, mountebank
12. ______thin out, dilute, water down
13. ______charged with
14. ______ravage, devastate
15. ______refrain from, renounce
16. Backbiting is one human ______not likely to be eradicated.
17. Abraham Lincoln’s sensitive stepmother had a ______influence on the lonely boy who had lost his mother.
18. The English teacher looked ______at the suggestion that students read compendiums of Dickens’s novel.
19. The Inuit have become ______to the hardships of the long Arctic winters through years of experience.
20. I suggest you do not ______over small things but instead focus on what is important.
Complete using vocabulary 11-20
Wednesday – Synonyms and Sentences
21. ______high-handed, unconditional
22. ______vibrate, vacillate
23. ______intermittent, spasmodic
24. ______radiant, bright, refulgent, lustrous
25. ______stupid, dumb, thick, mild, dull-witted
26. Infantry officers often ask for volunteers to ______the terrain ahead before ordering their soldiers to advance.
27. The thief was sincerely ______.
28. Jane Austin ridiculed characters who were ______to the aristocracy but condescending to their social inferiors.
29. The burglars made a complete ______of the apartment in their search for money and jewelry.
30. Her ______of my invitation was quite rude.
Thursday – Synonyms and Sentences
31. ______remorseful, regretful, rueful, sorry
32. ______mess
33. ______scout
34. ______fawning, servile, sycophantic
35. ______(v.) spurn, repulse, reject; (n.) setback
36. Walking under that ______night sky induced in me weighty thoughts not often pondered.
37. The soldiers heard ______gunfire from the other side of the river.
38. The board members resented the director’s ______tone of voice.
39. The lieutenant was too ______to see the danger and led hid company right into the hands of the enemy.
40. The terrified narrator on Poe’s story The Pit and the Pendulum watches the dreaded instrument ______as it slowly moves toward him.
Vocabulary Week 10
12th Grade
1. askance – (adv.) with suspicion, distrust, or disapproval
2. attenuate – (v.) to make thin or slender; to weaken or lessen in force, intensity, or value
3. benign – (adj.) gentle, kind; forgiving, understanding; having a favorable or beneficial effect; not malignant
4. cavil – (v.) to find fault in a petty way, carp; (n.) a trivial objection or criticism
5. charlatan – (n.) one who feigns knowledge or ability; a pretender, imposter, or quack
6. decimate – (v.) to kill or destroy a large part of
7. foible – (n.) a weak point, failing, minor flaw
8. forgo – (v.) to do without, abstain from, give up
9. fraught – (adj.) full of or loaded with; accompanied by
10. inure – (v.) to toughen, harden; to render used to something by long subjection or exposure
11. luminous – (adj.) emitting or reflecting light, glowing; illuminating
12. obsequious – (adj.) marked by slavish attentiveness; excessively submissive, often for purely self-interested reasons
13. obtuse – (adj.) blunt, not coming to a point; slow or dull in understanding; measuring between 90o and 180o; not causing a sharp impression
14. oscillate – (v.) to swing back and forth with a steady rhythm; to fluctuate or waver
15. penitent – (adj.) regretful for one’s sins or mistakes; (n.) one who is sorry for wrongdoing
16. peremptory – (adj.) having the nature of a command that leaves no opportunity for debate, denial, or refusal; offensively self-assured, dictatorial; determined, resolute
17. rebuff – (v.) to snub; to repel, drive away; (n.) a curt rejection, a check
18. reconnoiter – (v.) to engage in reconnaissance; to make a preliminary inspection
19. shambles – (n.) a slaughterhouse; a place of mass bloodshed; a state of complete disorder and confusion, mess
20. sporadic – (adj.) occurring at irregular intervals, having no set plan or order