Moonee Valley Young People’s Award
Do you know, or are you a young person who is achieving something remarkable in Moonee Valley?
Moonee Valley Young People’s Committeeis run by young people for young people, supported by the dedicated team from Moonee Valley City Council Youth Services and provides fantastic opportunities for young people to work on projects and raise issues they feel are important to local young people.
The Moonee Valley Young People’sAward aims to:
- To recognise the achievements and contributions of individual and groups of young people in the Moonee Valley community
- To promote a positive image of young people in the Moonee Valley community
Quarterly, young people from Moonee Valley will be recognised for their achievements and or contribution to the local community. The award winner will receive a $150 voucher, a certificate from Moonee Valley City Council and be presented the award at a public forum by the Mayor.
To be eligible, nominees must be a young person, or a group of young people, aged 12-25 years who live, work or study in Moonee Valley.
The Moonee ValleyYoung People’s Award is open to young individuals and youth groups who live, work or study in Moonee Valley. Awards are granted based on their achievements or contributions to the Moonee Valley community in one or more of the following category areas:
- Youth Led Programs
- Recreation and Sport
- The Environment
- Social Welbeing or Community Programs
- Arts, Cultural Diversity and Music
If you are nominating someone else you must ask for their permission before submitting this application form.For more information, please call Youth Services on 9243 8888
Announcement of Winners:
Winners will be notified by phone and email.
How to nominate
Please complete this form in full, then and return it to:
Moonee Valley Young People’s Award
Moonee Valley City Council, Youth Services
PO Box 126, Moonee Ponds, 3039
Nomination Form
Young People’s Committee Reward & Recognition Award
Nominate an Individual or Group
Name (of person or group)Key contact person (if group)
Street address
Suburb / Postal code
Phone (during business hours) / Phone/mobile (after hours)
Email address / Website
Main purpose of group
Number of members / Number of years in operation
Additional Details (For individual Nominees/Group key contact)
Occupation/schoolEmployer’s name and address (if applicable)
Date of birth / Place of birth
Permission (individual or group)
Have you asked the young person or group for nominationpermission?Yes□
Details of person or organisation submitting the nomination
Name (of person or group)Key contact person (if group)
Street address
Suburb / Postal code
Phone (B.H) / Phone (Home)
Email / Date of submission
Provide a brief profile describing the young person or group
Describe the young person’s or groups achievements in relation to one or more of the category areas
List any awards the nominee/group has received
Other details
Please provide any other details to support the nomination. You may attach clear copies of any newspaper articles or other relevant information about the nominee and their achievements.
Other details/list of attached support material
Please provide details of two people who can support this nomination.
Street address
Suburb / Post code
Phone (during business hours) / Phone (after hours)
Street address
Suburb / Post code
Phone (during business hours) / Phone (after hours)
This initiative is funded by Moonee Valley City Council Youth Services and co-ordinated by the members of Moonee Valley Young People’s Committee.
Privacy Collection Statement
In accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2000, the personal information collected on this form is for the purpose of processing and considering award nominations. It will not be used for any other purpose, or provided to any other parties
Moonee Valley City Council Youth Services wishes to acknowledge Hobson’s Bay City Council for use of this model.