Summer Camp Workshops

Proposal to School Summer Camp Program

Description:Build-It-Yourself proposes to conduct the following workshops at the Concord Academy Summer Camp during the summer of 2012 for boys and girls ages 8-12. Each workshop focuses on using technology to solve or better understand a social issue in a playful way. Projects are posted at:

Class / Maximum # of students / Dates / Hours / # of classes / Cost per class / Sub-total
Rube Goldberg Machines / 12 / Jun 25th / 25 / 1 / $3,000 / $3,000
Flying Machines / 12 / July 2nd / 20 / 1 / $2,400 / $2,400
Scratch Computer Game Design / 12 / July 9th / 25 / 1 / $3,000 / $3,000
Lego Robot that Earns Money / 12 / July 16th / 25 / 1 / $3,000 / $3,000
Time Machines / 12 / July 23rd / 25 / 1 / $3,000 / $3,000
Website Design / 12 / July 30th / 25 / 1 / $3,000 / $3,000
Lego Robotic Super Heroes / 12 / Aug 6th / 25 / 1 / $3,000 / $3,000
3D Characters / 12 / Aug 13th / 25 / 1 / $3,000 / $3,000
Soap Box Races / 12 / Aug 13th / 25 / 1 / $3,000 / $3,000
If no cancellations, 10% discount / -$2,640
TOTAL: / $23,760

Build-It-Yourself summer camp workshops are both playful and rigorous. Students must come prepared to focus, keep a lab book, work on teams andexercise science, art and language skills. At the end ofa workshopweek, teams of 2-3 students will complete a project (including designing, building, programming, and testing) and they will present their solution with text, pictures, and video on a website.

Administration:Build-It-Yourself will provide the following for a class of up to 12 students:

1)One or two Build-It-Yourself specialists will guide campers on site for 2.5 hours in the morning and 2.5 hours in the afternoon.

2)Build-It-Yourself specialists, many of whom are Harvard or MIT students, may present some lessons via live Internet Webcasts.

3)The Build-It-Yourself team is posted at:

4)Build-It-Yourself will supply all materials. Campers may not take home LEGO or other parts that are recycled. Campers may take home lab books and parts of their projects made from craft materials.

5)Build-It-Yourself will post a website which can be referenced in marketing programs. It will include a project description and staff bio’s.

6)Build-It-Yourself will participate in several promotion events.

7)Build-It-Yourself counselors will participate in an evening orientation session.

8)Parents will be invited to a project exhibit at the end of each week.

The school will provide the following for a class of up 12 students:

1)One or more full time camp counselors to organize and manage students especially during break periods.

2)One Win2K+ or Mac OS X+ computer with high speed Internet access per 3 students plus one additional computer per class of 12 students for instructors. (Internet Explorer6.0+ (or equivalent) and Microsoft Power Point must be installed.)

3)The school firewall must enable webcast ports as specified at:

4)One screen projector per class.

5)Depending the project offered, Build-It-Yourself may request installation of licensed software on the school’s computers for the duration of the camps including Scratch, Audacity, Gimp, 3D Blender, Robolab,

6)The class size should be no more than 12 students. For some projects, if more than 12 campers are enrolled, we may be able to accommodate additional campers. The fee for each additional student >12 will be $250.

Cancellation Fee:Build-It-Yourself must make up-front commitments for human resources and materials. Therefore Build-It-Yourself has a cancellation fee of $900 for each class from date this proposal is accepted to one week prior to class start date. If a class is cancelled within one week of class start date the entire fee of $3,000 will be due.

Terms:30% due on acceptance of the contract.

The balance is due in two equal installments on July 15 and August 15.

This proposal will be honored for 1 month from the date of this proposal.

Contact: John Galinato



Build-It-Yourself  269 Pearl Street  Cambridge  MA  02139  (617) 547-9705 