Draft minutes of the meeting of the Management Committee held at 15 St John’s Street, Chichester on Monday 28th October 2013


Richard Wilde (Chairman) Leafy Scott (Vice Chair) Sue Wilkins

Trevor Grindrod Susie Wilde Priscilla Jutton-Holland

Tiffin Jones Tony Clark Barbara MacWhirter

Jan Copsey

Action points in bold italics. Newsletter items marked N.


There were no apologies.


The minutes needed an amendment: under the heading Funding Central for Drama Groups, it should read, ‘It was decided that there was not enough time to plan this.’


There were no matters arising.


·  Tony said that there are only 3 membership payments outstanding now.

·  The Santander account is completely closed.

·  The FP account is roughly £10½ thousand in credit.

AUTUMN PRODUCTION 2013: The 39 Steps

·  Barbara showed a mock up of the programme and there was discussion about what would go into the actors’ speech bubbles.

·  An audience will be permitted for the dress rehearsal and Barbara would like to have FoH staff present to manage this.

·  June and Eric will be asked if they can provide a bar for this. Scilla will contact them.

·  Tea and coffee will be provided at the matinee and Sue Wilkins will look into provisions.

·  There have been some problems in getting costumes as it has become very expensive, though a local firm near St James’ roundabout is extensively stocked and asks very reasonable prices. Janet and Jane are managing costumes now.

·  Barbara has had a very reasonable quote of £180 for smoke machines, etc. for the week.

·  Hair, wigs, moustaches and makeup will be challenging for this production as there will be a lot of rushing through the changing rooms and many changes of character to deal with. Barbara agreed to liaise with those who work in this area who will need to attend some rehearsals to see what is required.

·  Barbara asked for any tartan clothes, throws and rugs that anyone might have to lend. (N)

·  The lighting requirements are complex and operating the plan may be outside the capabilities of the person currently designated. Barbara will speak with the parties involved to resolve this concern

·  The introductory music was discussed and some suggestions were made that will be passed to Barbara to consider.

·  Jan will get images from Pat or Andy and will print some posters.

·  A lot of items need to be collected from the store. Tony and Richard will do this.

·  Scilla reported that permission to sell alcohol had been granted.


Scilla reported that there had been problems with getting an acting edition from Samuel French as the approved edition of the play is within a volume of 5 Stoppard plays. Samuel French insists that this is the only version that performing rights can be granted for. The French’s acting edition is available online and is from their American branch and is sold on Amazon. This is the version that has been purchased and the cheque sent in for performing rights has been cashed. The document confirming rights is awaited. The audition is planned for 5th December.


·  Master of the Marionettes was discussed. It was suggested as a possible production for the Chichester Festival. The Festival programme closes on the 31st January 2014. The play runs for around 1 ½ hours but this is not necessarily a problem.

·  Some committee members have read Touched which was offered by the retired Head of Drama from the College (Barry) who would like to direct it for FP. Others will continue to read it. It needs a cast of several young women though.

·  It was suggested that possibly two plays, though possibly not Touched, could be performed on alternate nights if the sets were very simple. Susie will talk to Barry about alternatives and Leafy will talk to Mark.

·  Tony suggested Daisy Pulls it Off as a play that is good fun and has a large cast of women that he would be happy to direct but not for autumn 2014.

·  There will be a reminder in the Newsletter for potential directors to suggest plays they would like to do (N)


1st November Play read of Rough Crossing

21st November Rostrum go up

22nd November Get in- The 39 Steps

5th December Audition – Rough Crossing

17th December Christmas Readings and Music

TBA Quiz with a theatrical theme: Barbara and Paul

28th January 2014 Rehearsals for Rough Crossing begin

July 2014 WW1themed event will follow the AGM -SusieW. (N)


The events above will go on the website.


·  Jan asked about the unused envelopes from Bolton Twill.

·  A Christmas fund-raising event on 18th December was mentioned for the Aldingbourne Centre for adults with Learning Difficulties. Andy Horner is performing and Leafy has written some of the panto.

·  The spare banner will be offered to Chichester Festival organisers by Barbara.


The next meetings are on 18th November, 16th December 2013 and 20th January 2014 at 7.30. They will be held at Susie and Richard’s new home at 15 St John’s Street, Chichester.