1.  Participate in all required social, service, and fundraising events. The requirements are as follows:

1 Fundraising Activity

1 Social Event and 1 Service Event

1 Networking Event

Resume Critique at The Center for Spartan Engineering

Be sure to sign in for the event as this is the only record we have of your attendance. If we don’t have the record, you didn’t do it!

2.  Complete all enclosed application materials and return them to us in the Tau Beta Pi mailbox (Room 2218EB) by 5:00 pm Friday, November 10, 2017. The materials will include a quiz on TBP, a signature sheet, your list of events, and your membership fees (If you are not elected, your money will be returned). The packet should conform to the guidelines listed on the “APPLICATION FOR TAU BETA PI MEMBERSHIP.”

If you are notified that you have been elected

3.  You will receive an email to fill out your catalog card online. Complete this as soon as possible, otherwise you will not receive your materials at initiation.

4.  Attend the initiation on Sunday, December 3, 2017. The ceremony is secret and only members and initiates may attend. Sorry, family members may not attend unless they are TBP members.

5.  Attend the all-member meeting after initiation on Sunday, December 3, 2017. This will be the last meeting of the semester, and will be mandatory for both the newly initiated members and current members.

Tau Beta Pi Initiate Quiz

(Hint: Great resources for this quiz are the Tau Beta Pi Constitution and Information booklet, the national website,, our chapter website,, and other chapter websites. Enjoy!)

1)  When, where and by whom was Tau Beta Pi founded?

2)  Who was the first student inducted into Tau Beta Pi?

3)  When was the Michigan Alpha chapter founded?

4)  How many collegiate chapters of Tau Beta Pi are there currently?

5)  What are the official colors of Tau Beta Pi?

6)  What is Tau Beta Pi’s public creed?

7)  What is the purpose of Tau Beta Pi, as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution?

8)  To what District does our chapter belong?

9)  Who is the current President and Secretary-Treasurer of the Tau Beta Pi Association?

10)  On what date did Sigma Tau merge with Tau Beta Pi?



Please type all required materials. Place them in an envelope and turn it into our mailbox in room 2218EB by 5:00 pm November 10, 2017. Please put your name on the envelope. All material will remain strictly confidential. Also, please include your fees with your application. If you are not elected to join Tau Beta Pi, your money will be returned.

Complete Applications MUST include:

1.  EVENTS: List the fundraising event you attended as well as: i) Social events and service projects that you attended.

ii) Networking event

3.  INITIATE’S QUIZ: This will be posted on our website It covers such topics as the history of the National Association and our Chapter.

4.  SIGNATURE SHEET: Five Officers and Five Fellow Initiates.

5.  SIGNED RESUME: Have your resume critiqued and signed at The Center for Spartan Engineering.

6.  DIGITAL RESUME SUBMISSION: Email a copy of your updated resume to our Webmaster, Evan Draplin, at

I hereby apply for membership in Tau Beta Pi. I understand the requirements and agree to actively participate in the society.


I also consent that Tau Beta Pi has my permission to make my resume available to potential employers that are affiliated with Tau Beta Pi.



Please include fess with application. They will be returned if you are not elected.

Membership Key / $ / 6.75
Membership Certificate / $ / 3.40
Four-Year Subscription to The Bent / $ / 8.40
Constitution, Info Books, and The Bulletin / $ / 1.95
Expenses of the Society / $ / 4.50
Convention Assessment / $ / 12.00
National Total / $ / 45.00
Chapter Fee / $ / 25.00
Club Activity Fees / $ / 15.00
Membership Subtotal / $ / 85.00

Please make check payable to Tau Beta Pi.

Due November 10, 2017 by 5:00 pm in room 2218EB, TBP mailbox

Membership in Tau Beta Pi

In order to become a member of the national engineering honor society, Tau Beta Pi, you must participate in the events described below and complete an application.

Application materials should be placed in an envelope and turned it into our mailbox in room 2218EB by 5:00 pm November 10, 2017. Please put your name on the envelope. All material will remain strictly confidential.

All initiates will be notified following the initiate review meeting as to whether their application has been accepted or declined. If your application is declined, your membership fees will be returned to you. If you are accepted, please fill out your catalog card online. You will receive an email with instructions.

Initiation will be held on Sunday, December 3, 2017. The ceremony is secret and only members and initiates may attend. Sorry, family members may not attend unless they are TBP members. Following the initiation is the final members meeting for the semester.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or another officer.

Jason Sammut

Chapter President

Participation in the following Tau Beta Pi sponsored events are required:

•  Fundraising Activity

•  Social Event and Service Event

•  Networking Event

•  Resume Critique (Not TBP Sponsored, but is available at The Center for Spartan Engineering)

A completed application includes the following:

•  Complete the online application form available on the chapter website, This includes the following items:

o Contact Information

o Biographical information

o Dates of events in which you participated o Initiates Quiz

o Membership Fees

•  Completed signature sheet (see reverse)

•  Signature of this sheet

•  Signed Resume

•  Digital Resume Submission

I hereby apply for membership in Tau Beta Pi. I understand the requirements and agree to actively participate in the society.


Tau Beta Pi Signature Form

Your Name: ______

You must obtain at least 5 officer signatures, and 5 initiate signatures.



Vice President




Social Events

Community Service



Dr. Katy Colbry

Dr. Dirk Colbry

Zane Crawford







Name / Email / Signature
Jason Sammut / / ______
Megan Beisser / / ______
Noah Keppers / / ______
Anna Thomas / / ______
David York / / ______
Emma Heckelsmiller / / ______
Austin Klump / / ______
Evan Draplin / / ______

Office of the Dean


ECE Grad Student

Printed Name Signature






Tau Beta Pi Service/Social Events Form

Your Name: ______

Please list the service and social events that you have participated in this semester and get this sheet signed at each event by one of the TBP officers.

Service Events :

Event Title Officer Signature






Social Events :

Event Title Officer Signature






Networking Events :

Event Title Officer Signature




