Glendale Town Corporation
Regular Town Board Meeting
December 15, 2015
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Mayor Dan Spencer
Present: Mayor Spencer, Jarad Brinkerhoff, Deone Baird, Don Davis and Ellen Lamb. Lorraine Chamberlain was excused.
Minutes: The minutes from the regular town board meeting held November 17, 2016 were reviewed. Jarad Brinkerhoff made a motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Deone Baird. All voted yes. Motion Passed.
Bills: the bills and financial statements were reviewed don Davis made a motion to accept and pay the bills. Deone Baird seconded the motion. All voted YES. Motion passed.
Water project: Jarad Brinkerhoff updated everyone on the emergency loan process for the water improvements needed as outlined by the recent Water Study completed by Jones and Demille Engineering. Jarad is in close contact with Daniel Hawley at Jones & Demille.
Officially, there will be 2 projects. The first phase will be with USDA emergency funding. This Is no interest no repay money. For phase 2: Daniel is pursuing grant money with some matching or interest bearing funds. It is likely that the second will be a low interest loan. Jarad noted that the town will have to restructure water rates in the near future. A discussion followed.
The discussion veered to a discussion of flood control at ball park.
Don Davis remarked he wants to clarify or do away with active to inactive rates. On the second half of the projects we will need to raise the rates.
Phase 1 will consist of spring redevelopment, pump replacement and a pipe fix at the crossing by Mystic River.
Presently we are waiting to see what the USDA and engineers will recommend. We will need to follow their recommendations to ensure the emergency funding. When discussing rate increase or changes to the rate structure it was noted that we will have a Public Hearing. At the present we do not know the time frame we are working with. Jarad said after the emergency funding is secure we will start within 1 month of signing. The emergency grants are processed faster.
Jones and Demille are also looking at sizemic activity at the spring locations. A discussion followed.
A discussion concerning water rate restructure followed. Rates, active/inactive rates were discussed. The clerk reported what different towns do with this problem. Meters should be locked when the people are on off rates. Deone Baird wanted to vote on this issue tonight.
Jarad Brinkerhoff asked that this discussion be postponed until the grant is funded. More discussion followed. Orderville may be the module to follow.
Basketball Hoops: The Mayor was able to secure at no cost the used basketball hoops recently removed from Valley High School. These are very nice outdoor hoops. Mayor Spencer will personaly refurbish and paint them before they are ready to install here at the park. Discussion followed. Installation could be an eagle project.
Water: Jarad Brinkerhoff: no further comments
Streets and Roads: Mayor Spencer: Jarad Brinkerhoff asked about the concrete repair at corner of State Street and 300 South by Elaine Hoyt residence. Mayor Spencer explained the project and verified it was Glendale Town. The town and a neighbor did the work and Maxwell’s donated concrete. Jarad also remarked that Larry Rose possibly damaged 100 N by walking a Cat track hoe down the street. Mayor Spencer noted there was no damage done.
Mayor Spencer reviewed new deposits into the PTIF road fund. There is now $19,00 in that fund.
Apple Festival: Lorraine Chamberlain: absent
Deone Baird: Parks: no report. Jarad Brinkerhoff reported he has been in contact with someone who informed him there are grants available for cemetery GIS studies. This would be very worthwhile. Jarad will be meeting with this source again.
Fire Department: Don Davis: still concerned about the furnace. Mayor Spencer remarked the parts have been ordered. The ISO rating is still under review. We are still under probation. We are better than a 10. Don is hoping we come in at 7 or 8.
Maintenance: Mike Chamberlain: Absent. Clerk reported Mike had done a repair around the culvert at the corner of State and 300 South. This was to fix erosion problems.
Clerk: Hams: holiday thank you hams were discussed.
Adjourn: 8:03
A motion to approve these minutes was made by Deone Baird and seconded by Don Davis, All voted YES. Motion Passed
Regular Town Board meeting 1/19/17