ECE 3074

Experiment 25: Simulated Inductance

Name: ______

Date: ______


1.  The component values used in the modified circuit for the gyrator are:

Component / Value

2.  From your MATLAB calculations, the voltage in phasor notation at:

Frequency / Voltage in Phasor Notation
1 kHz
When w = R/L
100 kHz

3.  Insert the Bode plot obtained from your MATLAB program from the RL filter circuit. The -3dB point should be marked on the plot.


4.  Insert the plot obtained from the AC Sweep in PSpice from the RL filter circuit. The -3dB point should be marked on the plot.

5.  Insert the plot obtained from the AC Sweep in PSpice from the R-gyrator filter circuit. The -3dB point should be marked on the plot.


6.  Insert the Bode plot measured using the Velleman oscilloscope for the RL filter circuit. The -3dB point should be marked on the plot.

7.  Insert the Bode plot measured using the Velleman oscilloscope from the gyrator circuit. The -3dB point should be marked on the plot.

8.  The lower and upper corner frequencies, fL and fH, determined from the -3 dB points obtained from MATLAB plot and the PSpice simulations are listed below as well as the lower and upper corner frequencies of the two circuits as experimentally measured. The entry None is used when one of the two frequencies was not found from the simulation, either because it does not exist or the frequency over which the simulation was performed was too small for one to be observed.

Corner Frequency / -3dB Point Measured on the RL Filter / From PSpice Simulation of RL Filter / Percent Difference*
(PSpice as Expected Value)
Corner Frequency / -3dB Point Measured on the Gyrator / From MATLAB / Percent Difference*
(MATLAB as Expected Value) / From PSpice Simulation of Gyrator / Percent Deviation*
(PSpice as Expected Value)

9.  The slope of the frequency response below the low corner frequency and above the high corner frequency from your MATLAB and the PSpice simulations are listed below as well as from the measurements on the two circuits. The entry None is used when one of the two frequencies was not found from the simulation, either because it does not exist or the frequency over which the simulation was performed was too small for one to be observed.

Slope of the Response Corner Frequency / From Measurement on RL Filter / From PSpice Simulation of RL Filter / Percent Difference*
Below fL
Above fH
Slope of the Response Corner Frequency / From Measurement on RL Filter / From MATLAB / Percent Difference*
(MATLAB as Expected Value) / From PSpice Simulation of Gyrator / -3dB Point Measured on the Gyrator / Percent Deviation*
(PSpice as Expected Value)
Below fL
Above fH

10.  The phase angle at lower and upper corner frequencies, qL and qH, obtained from MATLAB, the PSpice simulations are listed below as well as the lower and upper corner frequencies of the two circuits as experimentally measured. The entry None is used when one of the two phase angles was not found from the simulation, either because it does not exist or the frequency over which the simulation was performed was too small for one to be observed.

Phase angle at -3dB point / -3dB Point Measured on the RL Filter / From PSpice Simulation of RL Filter / Percent Difference*
Corner Frequency / From MATLAB / Percent Difference*
(MATLAB as Expected Value) / -3dB Point Measured on the Gyrator / From PSpice Simulation of Gyrator / Percent Deviation*
(PSpice as Expected Value)

Percent Difference = 100% [Expected Value – Measured Value]/Expected Value

11.  Explain any discrepancies between the simulated and measured results of the RF filter. Comment whether the results would be the same if the corner frequency was defined to be the intersection of two lines, where one line was the response at very low frequencies and the other was response at high frequency.

12.  Explain any discrepancies between the simulated and measured results of the gyrator circuit. Comment whether the results would be the same if the corner frequency was defined to be the intersection of two lines, where one line was the response at very low frequencies and the other was response at high frequency.

13.  Describe the similarities and differences between the simulation of the RL filter and the gyrator and provide an explanation for the differences.

14.  Describe the similarities and differences between the measurements on the RL filter and the gyrator circuits and provide an explanation for the differences.