Have you noticed that WIOA is a four-letter word?

Not that I’m judging, mind you

Or comparing WIOA to other four letter words

I don’t like those other four letter words

Did you know my Mom used to wash my mouth out with soap when I said four letter words?

She did.

It was very unpleasant

Soap is not meant to be eaten or tasted or put in ones mouth

Trust me on this.

It cured me of cursing though

Every time I’m tempted to swear, I think of Ivory soap

And I do not use Ivory soap to this very day.

So pure it floats.

W is an interesting letter

It reminds me of learning to write cursive as a child

All those loops and swirls

I think my second grade teacher, Ms. Jones, thought a lot about retirement when she saw me

trying to write cursive

I didn’t realize it at the time but Ms. Jones was a brave woman

She was the only African American teacher in a lily-white school district

That took some guts on Ms. Jones part

She had a really cool Afro.

I wonder how my hair would look with an Afro

Or painted bright red.

Ms. Jones was an amazing teacher

She helped me believe in myself

I don’t think they teach cursive much in school these days.

It’s becoming a lost art

Speaking of lost, I wonder whatever happened to MsJones?

I would love to talk with her again and hug her neck.

And tell her what I brave lady she is.

Her first name was Adrian – maybe I can find her on Facebook

When I think about the last three letters in WIOA, IOA – it makes me think of the state of Iowa

We drove through IOWA one time on our way to Idaho

Iowa is very flat.

Corn grows well there – it must like the humidity

I wonder how many ears of corn are planted each year in Iowa?

Probably billions.

It seems we only hear about Iowa once every four years during Presidential elections

Why is Iowa so important in choosing the President?

As corn goes, so goes the nation? Hmmmm

When looking at the candidates running for office this year,

I believe I would rather vote for an ear of corn.

And I love corny jokes.

Did you know there is a university in Minnesota that has corn as a mascot?

It’s true

Concordia University in Minnesota

It was founded by Norwegian settlers

Those pioneer settlers were tough people

Amazingly tough.

We complain when our cable goes out.

They battled blizzards, tornadoes, dust storms

Plagues of locusts, floods, droughts, blazing heat, bitter cold.

We complain that our wireless is slow

They were made of sterner stuff, those Norwegian immigrants

They helped make America what it is today

Why did they go to Minnesota, I wonder, when the rest of the US was available?

Norwegian makes me think of my favorite college professor, Dr. Litcher

He always called me Schmidtnik

Even though I stunk up the classroom as a student teacher, he was so encouraging

Dr. Litcher was from Minnesota

He loved to tell Norwegian jokes about Sven and Ollie

Dr. Litcher was an amazing man and one of the big reasons I became a teacher

He encouraged technology in the classroom.

Of course technology in that day was an overhead projector.

Overhead projectors were big time, except when the bulbs went out

Anyway Concordia University mascot is Kernel Cobb

He looks like an angry ear of corn.

What does corn have to be angry about?

Well, if somebody was going to roast me and slather me with butter and salt, I guess I would not be

too happy either

Anyway Kernel and Ms. Cobb had a little baby

His name is Niblet.

Or is it a her? I’m not sure.


We owe a

That reminds me of debt

I hate debt – debt is slavery

One of my dreams is to be out of debt

It will be nice to wake up knowing we owe nothing to anyone

Someone could come up to me and say, UOIA

I could say, no I don’t owe anything!

And I owe it all to WIOA.

Steve Schmidt Institute 2016