
(Foreign Language 28.A.3b)Follow instructions in the target language as given in multistep segments for assignments and activities in and out of the classroom.

(Foreign Language 28.C.4b)Demonstrate understanding of written materials by organizing information and concepts (e.g., outlines, flow charts).

(Foreign Language 28.D.2a) Write on familiar topics using appropriate grammar, punctuation and capitalization.

(Foreign Language 28.D.3b)Present findings from research on unfamiliar topics

(Foreign Language 29.D.4)Compare and contrast the influences of historical figures and events and their impact on the development of their countries.

(Foreign Language 28.D.5a)Write documents in a variety of forms with supporting evidence from electronic and print sources to meet academic, social and workneeds.

(Foreign Language 29.D.2) Use simple history vocabulary to identify historical concepts and trends.

(Foreign Language 29.E.2) Use maps, charts, digital images, graphs and other geographic representations to describe and discuss the countries where the target language is (was) spoken.

(Foreign Language 29.E.4) Compare a target country with the United States using geographic representations to illustrate and explain their economic nature.

This project, in addition to meeting the above Illinois State Standards for Foreign Languages, meets several Illinois State Standards for Social Science:

(Social Science 16.A.1b) Ask historical questions and seek out answers from historical sources (e.g., myths, biographies, stories, old photographs, artwork, other visual or electronic sources.)

(Social Science 16.A.2c) Ask questions and seek answers by collecting and analyzing data from historic documents, images and other literary and non-literary sources.

(Social Science 16.B.1b) Explain why individuals, groups, issues and events are celebrated with local, state or national holidays or days of recognition.

(Social Science 17.A.1b) Identify the characteristics and purposes of geographic representations including maps, globes, graphs, photographs, software, digital images and be able to locate specific places using each.

Technology Foundation Standards for Students

Basic operations and concepts

  • Students are proficient in the use of technology.

Social, ethical, and human issues

  • Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.

Technology productivity tools

  • Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
  • Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works.

Technology communications tools

  • Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences.

Technology research tools

  • Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
  • Students use technology tools to process data and report results.