"Unquestionably, the Maya represent one of the great civilizational flowerings of planet Earth. Scattered across the jungles of the Yucatan and the highlands of present-day Guatemala are incredible numbers of ancient cities and temple sites. Towering stepped pyramids, finely laid-out plazas, and ceremonial centers are exquisitely adorned with sculpted stones, covered everywhere with hieroglyphic inscriptions." -ValumVotan
The "Classic Maya" (approx. 435 A.D. - 830 A.D.) are known as Supreme Masters of Time Magic, best known for recording an unsurpassed system of planetary and galactic time cycles. Perhaps most intriguing, is the fact that at the height of their civilization, by the millions they mysteriously disappeared.
The Mayan temples and time cycles serve as gateways of sacred knowledge which integrates man, earth, and the heavens as one cosmic unfoldment.
The Maya taught that the Milky Way Galaxy is the generator of life. In the Yucatec language, the architect of the universe is called "HunabK'u," meaning the One Giver of Movement and Measure; the Absolute Being; The Center of the Galaxy; The Universal Dynamism which stimulates and motivates life in its total manifestation of spirit and matter; the principle of intelligent energy that pervades the entire universe, animate or inanimate.
HunabKu is understood to transmit radiant energy/information through stars which serve as lenses to transmit energies to planets. So our Sun (called "Kin" in Yucatec) is the chief mediator of HunabK'u for our planetary system, the lens by which Earth receives direct galactic information. The pulsations of HunabKu are understood as a language of codes/energies recorded in the form of the "Tzolkin," a universal harmonic module accomodating every possible permutation of HunabK'u, also known as the Sacred Calendar. Numerically, HunabK'u is communicated as the union of numbers 13 and 20 which represent movement and measure; energy and form; spirit and soul. Geometrically, HunabK'u can be symbolized by a square within a circle.
As accounted by Yucatec Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men, Mayan science was not separate from their religion, for they embraced the microcosm of the atom and the macrocosm of the infinite. Their universal philosophy teaches us that "the human body belongs to the earth, and the human spirit to the Universe." The Maya understood human existence as "nothing less than a faithful reflection of cosmic energy." As manifestations of cosmic consciousness, the Maya regarded all things and beings that exist on Earth as products of the projection of energy in the form of vibration. Their world view is a paradigm based on wave harmonics and resonant fields. The Mayan sages were aware of the sensory and extrasensory characteristics of trees and plants, and, understanding that the tree is the best regenerator of the air we breath, revered the tree.
The Cosmology of the ancient Maya was a holistic one, including a highly developed science of the 7 energy centers of the human body (called "chakras" in Hindu), indepth understanding of the healing and restorative power of the sacred kundalini life-force of our sexual energy ("k'ulthanlilni" in Mayan), extensive practices of Solar worship, meditation, yoga, and ritual, and an exquisite language which incorporates the songs of the birds. The characteristic dynamic of Zuyua Mayan language is that its words are invertable, for example "y'ak" means "language" and "k'ay" means "song". The Mayan word for flower, "l'ol" literally means vibration and consciousness.
The Maya did not have a mythical concept of deities, but instead maintained that lords represented the forces of nature. As pioneers of the mathematical concept of zero, they depicted zero in the form of an eye because it has great spiritual implications and represents the essence of the beginning, the seed from which all life springs, the Great Mystery.
As PeterTompkins details in "Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids,"It is documented that the Classic Maya trained and sensitized their physical, astral, and mental bodies to such a degree that they became human 'observatories.'"
French astrologer AlexandreBolguine notes that Mayan eyesight in those days was far more powerful than today, although even with acute eyesight, it would be difficult to account for how the Maya knew of 400 stars in the 7 Sisters constellation the Pleiades (called Tzab in Mayan) whereas today we can only spot 6 with the naked eye."
Even with today's most progressive technology, we cannot produce a more accurate set of astronomical calculations, nor whole-systems understanding of the living Universe than that of the Classic Maya.
We now have access to some of the primary codes constituting their cosmic knowledge thanks to 3 generations of scholars who deciphered the few remaining Mayan codices not destroyed by the brute of Spanish missionaries.
The calendar cycles of the Maya are highly relevant to us in this day and age because all of their stone records point to an end-point synchronization of A.D. December 21, 2012. Why would the Maya people, so long ago, labor so greatly carving huge stone markers called "stelae" to alert us of this date in time? Because, this date, only 8 years away, is the end of our Earth's current 26,000 year evolutionary cycle.
Their mission appears to have been to mark this prophetic closing date so that present day humanity would awaken the urgent need to return to living in harmony with the laws of nature and become conscious of the critical, transformative powers now enveloping the planet.
In 1990, after a lifetime of study and decoding, Dr.JoseArguelles, Ph.D., revealed a modern version of the ancient time science of the Maya in a system of time-keeping known as the "Dreamspell." This system interfaces a modern version of the sacred 260-day cycle with the 13 month yearly calendar.
Dr.Arguelles writes, "To unlock the memory patterns contained in these codes is the primary task of the present moment in human history."
Dr.Arguelles shares further:
"The Maya were masters of time.
The Old World was based totally on the mathematics of 10, whereas in the New World the Mayan Civilization developed a mathematics of 20 (based on 20 fingers and toes) and with this mathematics were able to make astronomical and calendrical calculations of fantastic levels.
In some of the Mayan sites we have what appear to be dates that go back into the past 400 million years, or even as far back as 25 billion years. Of course this is a great puzzle to the Western archaeologists and scientists. Why would people living in the Stone Age, without metallurgy or development of any other refined technology as we put it, why whould these people have such an evolved mathematics? What events in the remote past were they remembering? Were these just mythological moments, or was there some more scientific reason?
"The Maya were using more than 17 calendars, so we find that in the mental development no other people on Earth even came close to the sophistication of time and mathematics as did the Maya.
"The Maya computed the length of the Earth's revolution around the Sun to within a thousandth of a decimal point of the calculations of modern science. This they did without use of our precision instruments. Not only that, but they kept calendars of the lunation and eclipse cycles, equinox and solstices, and even more, they maintained calendars recording synodical revolutions and synchronizations of the cycles of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. All of this they did with a unique and incredibly simple yet flexible numerical system that counted by twenties, and used only three notational symbols. Why, and to what end?
"How does the Mayan calendrical knowledge relate to the mystery of their origins and to the enigma of the abandonment of their major cities by A.D. 830? Though efforts are made to hypothesize internal revolution, drought, or pestilence as a cause of the abandonment of the great centers, there is no convincing proof for any of these theories. The probability still remains, as stunning to our way of thinking as it may be, that the Maya consciously abandoned their civilization at its very peak. If this is the case, we must ask why?
"And where did the Maya go following A.D. 830? Certainly there were those that remained, and yet there is such a clear break prior to the recommencement of Mayan civilization in the late tenth century that it is as if the rupture had been conscious and deliberate. Not only is the break between so called New Empire Maya and the pre-A.D. 830 Maya profound, but by the time the Spaniards arrived, it is as if all understanding of the past had been forgotten. And yet the calendar remained. A clue - for whom?
"The archeologists, of course, see the calendar system as just that - a way of recording time. But the question of why so much time is spent recording time remains unanswered. The suspicion dawns that the calendar is more than a calendar. Is the number system, so exquisitely proportioned, also a means for recording harmonic calibrations that relate not just to space-time positionings, but to resonant qualities of being and experience, whose nature our materialistic predisposition blinds us to?
...The Mayan Mission, it seems, was to place the Earth and its solar system in synchronization with a larger galactic community."
In Lak'ech - Yucatec Mayan Code of Honor: I am Another Yourself
Recommended Reading on the Maya:
Mayan Factor by JoseArguelles
Mayan Science/Religion by Hunbatz Men
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