Frequently Asked Questions

  • I’m a parent and I have a child who is ill. Can Icontact the H&HES directly?

We’re happy to talk to any parents or carers. For inpatients, we make contact during our morning ward round three times a week. For longer term arrangements, your child’s school will need to make the decision about how much they can support your child’s education directly and how much support they would like from us. We may also have contact from lots of professionals regarding your child (e.g. Hospital Consultants, Doctors, Physiotherapists, Mental Health Workers, Education Welfare Officers, School Nurses and Community Nurses) but it is in working with you and with your child’s school that the educational programmes are developed.

  • I work at a school and one of my pupils is ill. When can I contact the H&HES?

There are four main reasons that schools contact our service about a pupil:

(1)When a pupil is absent from school for more than three weeks (15 school days or more) due to the same illness, including mental health conditions or injury.

(2)When a pupil is integrating back to school after a period of illness or injury.

(3)When a child is frequently absent from school for short periods of time due to the nature of their chronic illness or following a treatment e.g. chemotherapy for cancer, where the cumulative absences total 15 days or more in an academic year.

(4)When the attendance of a child is a cause for concern for the home school/academy due to the impact of their medical/mental health needs.

  • What is the best way to contact someone in the H&HES?

You can contact directly the Head of Centre, H&HES, Lys Kirby in the following four ways:

(1)By post;

Lys Kirby

Head of Centre

Hospital and Home Education Service, EOTAS

Children’s Unit

Great Western Hospital

Marlborough Road



(2)By email;

(3)By telephone;

Tel: 01793 604982

(4)Via our website;

  • How can I refer?

Only the home mainstream school can refer a pupil. A referral form should be completed and sent to us using the contact information above. An EOTAS panel meet once per month to discuss all referrals received. Please refer to the EOTAS website for Admission Panel dates.

  • Is this service free of charge?

We have a Universal Offer which forms part of our core service. In addition to this is an Individual Offer which is chargeable to the home mainstream school. Please refer to our Charging Policy for more information.

  • What subjects do you offer?

We offer English, maths, numeracy and literacy. We focus on the skills needed to learn successfully – especially when a child’s confidence has taken a knock by being ill or by missing lots of school.

Being ill can also be quite isolating so we organise a range of activities and curriculum to extend learning opportunities and make links with the community around us. (e.g. Arts Award, Preparation for Working Life, “Expanding Horizons”, Resilience and the “Shed” (which specialises in therapeutic activities through equine care). Additional subjects can be offered by home tutors and the home school.

  • How much education will my child receive from the H&HES?

Every pupil is entitled to as much education as their health allows.

Once admission to H&HES tuitionis confirmed, a personalised planwill be agreed by the H&HES and the home school. The plan takes medical advice into account and includes subjects to be taught, hours of tuition and place of learning.

  • Where is my child taught?

Children are taught in three main locations:

(1)On the ward, at the bedside

(2)1:1 at home or in an agreed setting (e.g. local library or a quiet room at the home school)

(3)In a small group in the school room on the Children’s Ward at the GWH

  • How long will you support my child?

This will be regularly reviewed with the home mainstream school, medical staff and the family. We advise schools on the best programme for integration, however, the final decision of the duration of support rests with the home school.

  • I’m a parent. Can my child continue at their home school (part time) whilst also being taught by the H&HES teachers?

Yes. It is essential for your child to maintain as much contact and involvement as possible with their home school. A sense of continuing to belong to the school is key to successful reintegration.

  • How will my child maintain friendships and links with their friends?

The home school should ensure thatgeneral school information for pupils, parents and/or carers is sent home to all pupils even if the pupil is not attending school, and to include the pupil in the life of the school as far as possible.

  • Who will update me about my child’s progress?

The H&HES provide a regular progress report to the home school and to parents. It is the responsibility of the home school to put regular meetings in place with family, home school andthe H&HES at which academic and non-academic progress is tracked and “next steps” are agreed. At times, the family, home school and H&HES will need to attend meetings led by other key professionals.

  • How and when will my child be reintegrated to their home school or move on to the next stage of their education?

Once admission to H&HES tuition has been agreed(Individual Offer only), an initial meeting is arranged with the school/academy, H&HES and family where a personalised plan is agreed, which includes a reintegration timeline.

  • My child has a right to patient confidentiality. How do you ensure this?

The EOTAS Admission Panel meets to discuss all new requests and to monitor the educational programmes for pupils. All information shared is subject to data protection, but all parents/carers are asked to sign a form so that we can share information about their child’s needs (including medical information) across relevant agencies. If you have any concerns about this, please speak to the Manager of the H&HES.

  • I’m a parent and I feel pretty helpless at the moment. What one thing can I do to support my child?

Be positive and be consistent with your child as you encourage them to interact with us.

  • I’m a teacher. Who else do you work with to support the pupil?

We work with many different parties and agencies. For example:

Parents and Pupils

Primary and Secondary Schools


Other Educational Settings

Advisory Teachers

CaMHS and TaMHS

Family Contact Point


Early Help Service

Parent Partnership

Educational Psychologist

Consultants, Hospital Doctors and Nurses


Speech and Language Therapists

Occupational Therapists

Community Nurses

School Nurses


YEW (Youth Engagement Workers)

Charities – oncology, bereavementetc