Food / Drinks: All pupils are reminded that the only designated areas in the school for eating and drinking are the canteen and outside. Food and drinks etc must not be consumed in the corridors or stairwells. This includes items purchased elsewhere eg tesco. Any food purchased elsewhere at lunchtime must be consumed before coming into the building. (DB)

World Book Day is Friday 8 March
World Book Day is the biggest celebration of its kind, anywhere. Millions of book vouchers given out, great free books, excitement everywhere on blogs, in newspapers, on TV and in bookshops and, of course, in ElginAcademy.
A big celebration of reading is planned here:
  • We will DROP EVERYTHING AND READ for 15 minutes on Friday 8 March. A bell will ring at 10:30am and we will all ‘all down tools’ for 15 minutes to enjoy reading. Please make sure you have got something to read.
  • Take part in ‘GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER’ –
Who would you invite…and what would you eat?
Is itDarren Shan??
Eatinga succulent pig roasting on an open fire, with roast potatoes and a black forest gateau, with blood-red wine to drink.
Would you have this meal in an old crumbling house, at the top of a hill, during a thunder storm, and discuss vampires and life and Darren’s books?
Tell all for World Book Day: Hand in to Mrs Toonen and see if you win a prize.
  • Write the name of your FAVOURITE BOOK on the World Book Day Noticeboard in the Library. The Top 5 books will be bought for all to enjoy.
Make sure you help to make this the best World Book Day ever.

CooperParkSpecialAnniversaryGarden Display (return date extended): Does your club or organisation have a special anniversary this year? Or perhaps you know of a special anniversary being celebrated this year? Moray Council wishes to develop a theme for a small garden display in Cooper Park and has asked pupils of ElginAcademy to submit suggestions. Just think your idea could be in the park for everyone to see! Write down your thoughts on a piece of paper along with any designs for the display, and remember to include your name and class. Hand it to your registration teacher before Wednesday 27 February. (H Hird)

Library: The Library will be closed this afternoon. Open as usual at lunchtime. (ST)

History Department Cinema Trip:Lincoln (open to all year groups): The History department is organising a trip to the cinema to see Lincoln, a film surrounding the life of the American President, Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War, which also includes the Slave Trade. This is a must for any American History enthusiast or anyone studying the topics. It is on the evening of Wednesday 13th March, 7.45. For more information, see the History notice-board or Miss Skinner. Sign up with Miss Skinner in the Social Studies Base during registration this week.

Cameron Davidson 5I – Charity Skydive: Cameron Davidson will be taking part in a skydive which raises money for the following charities - Cancer Research, Alzheimer Scotland, Diabetes UK, Oxfam Scotland, Friends of the Earth and Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland. If you would like to sponsor Cameron there is a form in the school office.

Climate Week 2013 Swap Shop: In celebration of climate week Ms Wallace is organising a Swap Shop in the Assembly Hall at lunchtime on Thursday 7March. Bring your old and unused items like toys, clothes, books, DVD’s and CD’s and swap them for something that you will use. Only bring items that you will be willing to exchange and that are in good condition. Make sure that your parent/guardian is aware of what you intend to do. Bring your item to the assembly hall at lunchtime and receive a ticket for each item you bring. You can then exchange each ticket for another item. (TW)

Climate Week Challenge: The Climate Week Challenge is part of Climate Week, which aims to inspire a new wave of action to help people live and work in a more sustainable manner. The Climate Week Challenge is an exciting activity for teams of four to six. It develops innovation, enterprise, environmental awareness and skills of delivering to a deadline.The actual challenge will be revealed to Ms Wallace a week in advance and is kept a secret from those participating until the start! The challenge is one hour long and will take place in Ms Wallace’s room (G16). You will be given the challenge on the lunchtime of Monday the 4th at 1.10 p.m. and will return on the Tuesday and Wednesday in order to finish the challenge. A winner will be picked from each age category and these will be entered into the national competition. Go see Ms Wallace if interested in taking part!’ (TW)

School Rugby Club: School rugby training is every Wednesday after school at Morriston Playing fields from 3.45 to 5.00pm. All new and existing players are welcome. For more information see Mr Kelly in Physics. (PK)


S1 Pupil Council: There will be a pupil council meeting on Thursday 28 February, period 1 in the Conference Room. Full attendance required. (KJG)

S1/S2 Rugby Team - UPDATED: Match away against Milnes’s High School this Wednesday (not Tuesday). Details on Rugby Noticeboard by G15. (PK)


Career Planning Appointments with Skills Development Scotland – Monday 25 February:

9:50Reece Napier 5I11:00Hannah MacDonald 6S11:55Jacob Paterson 6S

1:40Jo-Ann Gilbert 4M2:30Emily Watt 5R

Career Planning Appointments with Skills Development Scotland – Tuesday 26 February:

9:50Mateusz Bernacki 4I11:00Katie Shaw 6R11:55Jack MacDonald 4M

1:40John Masson 4S2:30Caitlin George 5R

S4 French & German: Miss Newbould’s Folio Factory is open for business every day after school for an hour in B21 until mid-March. Help is also available Mon, Tues & Fri lunchtimes by arrangement. Come along to improve, memorise and re-sit your writing pieces to improve your grade. Remember Writing & Speaking are worth 50% of your overall grade! (SN)

Library Study Monday PM: As the Library is closed this afternoon, please go to B20 for your study period during the afternoon. (ST)