-Public Primary Schools supported qualify for primary school sports championships -

June 7th 2013 - Over 200,000 children havehad access to sports facilities and equipment thanks to the Procter & Gamble Sports Legacy campaign launched in partnership with the National Olympic Committee of Kenya (NOC-K).

The sports kits containing team sports equipment included basket balls, net balls, volleyballs, rugby balls, referee uniforms, nets among otherswhich were distributed to 150 public primary schools nationwide by Procter and Gamble (P&G), the company behind brands like Ariel, Pampers and Always.The company is currently in the process of raising $25 million globally to help say ‘Thank You Mom’ by helping establish and sustain youth sport programs around the world, as part of its 10-year partnership with the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Speaking during an award ceremony at the Machakos School for the Deaf who were the runners up in the national special sports games, Procter & Gamble Communications MsIrene Mwathi said the company was happy to see that selected schools had made progress with their participation in the nationalsports tournaments. She further reiterated the company’s commitment to youth engagement and the use of sports as a tool for self-empowerment.

“At P&G, we understand the critical role that the young people play in our society and through this campaign, we hope engage them through platforms that can positively transform their lives with sports being one of them. We are glad that the schools have taken the initiative and progressed to the national games,” said Ms Mwathi.

Through the Legacy programme, the company has been engaging school children in sports activities that resonate with the 2012 London Olympic Games. At the same time, P&G has been working with teachers to raise awareness on the importance of sports in development among the youth.

“At the start of our ‘Thank You Mom’ program, we asked moms everywhere, what would be a great way for us to help you and they said – “Help support youth sports because sport helps moms too. It helps moms raise healthy, happy kids. This is why we are committing to support not just the moms of Olympians – but every mom who does whatever it takes to make her child’s life the best it can be,” said Ms. Mwathi.

National Olympic Committee of Kenya Machakos coordinator Stephen Makau said that there is importance in encouraging sports development from the grassroots level so that students’ with special sporting abilities can be supported.

“We are thankful as all the 30 schools which received the sports kits reached the national championships. There is a lot of sports talent in schools and we are happy that our stakeholders are working together with us to identify and coach children with sporting abilities to succeed as Kenyans next Olympians.” said Mr. Makau.

To support the Legacy campaign, P&G sold specially packaged products with the P&G logo and Olympic rings towards the improvement of Kenyan lives through sports. In return, P&G donated one Kenyan Shillings for every product purchased during the 2012 London Olympic Games period.

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For media enquiries, contact:

Michelle Anekeya at Hill+Knowlton Strategies

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