Draw a model of a plant cell be sure to label the cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria, and chloroplast / Write
A 10 question quiz about the parts and functions of a cell.
Create an answer key. / Draw
Draw an animal cell be sure to label the cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria, ribosomes, and golgi body.
A video about cell division write down 5 facts that you learned. (Be sure to identify what the name of the video is you watched) / Free choice
Design your own homework assignment that covers information about cells. / Show
Write a comic about the parts of the cell as a city. Hint look at the lyrics to CELL CITY to help you
Draw a comic strip about the difference between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. / Create
A poster about the need for cells in living organisms. / Judge
Write a review for a scientific video about DNA that evaluates how useful, scientific and clear it was. Be sure to include the NAME of the video.
Don’t forget to clearly label your homework with what items this is. Please make sure to label any pictures you draw and clearly label the pictures you draw in your homework. If I see a picture with a blob and squiggles it’s going to be a 2, not a 4. J
An article about stem cells. Find an article online and summarize what the article is about (5-8 sentences). / Write
A 10 question quiz about stem cells. Create an answer key. / Draw
A picture or diagram showing stem cell differentiation.
A video about stem cells and write down 5 facts that you learned. / Free choice
Design your own homework assignment that covers information on stem cells. / Show
Create a rap or rhyme that would help someone remember what stem cells are. Write out the words to the rap or rhyme.
5 flashcards. Write the word on one side and the definition with a picture on the other. / Create
A title page in your science journal for the unit we are ending on cells and the human body. Include both pictures and words.