PRESENT:The Mayor,CouncillorD. Moore.
Councillors:Mrs. A. Abbott, Mrs. J. Bolton, Mrs. J. Harvey, W.S.Q. Cook, Mrs. L. Crosby, E. Hughes, N. Hughes, Mrs. I.Moore, E. Nesbitt, Mrs. M. Nesbitt, Mrs. P. Pilkington,and the Town Clerk, Mrs. P Harrison.
Also present:Press
Sandra Walker & Phil Pool - DMBC
Public Participation: None.
The Mayor announced Domestics to those present.
H. Riley – personal
D. Cannon – holiday
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF ANY INTEREST – invited by the Mayor and Cllr. Mrs. A. Abbott declared her interest in item 5 on the agenda.
3. TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING MINUTES – circulated prior to meeting.RESOLVED that they be signed as a true record:
(a)Annual Town Council meeting held on 20.5.2014.
(b)Open Town Council meeting held on 20.5.2014.
(c)Cemetery Committee meeting held on 29.5.2014.
separate sheet – circulated herewith.
(a)Victoria Close Coffee Club – request for financial assistance. RESOLVED that a donation of £200.00 be made under S137 Powers.
(b)To endorse the acquisition of an additional ride on mower and a manual mower for the Cemetery. RESOLVED that this action be endorsed.
(c)The Tuesday Club – request for financial assistance. RESOLVED that a donation of £200.00 be made under S137 Powers.
(d)To receive and approve the annual accounts for the year ended 31.3.2014 and to sign the Annual Return. The Clerk reported that the internal audit was now complete and Mrs. Branaghan, the internal auditor, found no matters to raise. Noted. A copy of the accounts was circulated to those present and it was RESOLVED that they be signed along with the annual return by the Mayor and Clerk.
Signed………………………………………………………………Mayor, 15th July 2014.
5. TO CONSIDER CEMETERY MATTERS. It was RESOLVED that Press & Public be excluded from the proceedings, Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
(a)To receive an update on current grounds maintenance issues
(b)To receive an update on additional apprentice.
(a)Local Government Boundary Commission – Electoral review of DMBC: Draft Recommendations. Noted.
(b)SELRAP – Newsletter. Noted.
(a)14/01197/FUL – Installation of replacement air conditioning apparatus to rear of premises at One Stop Select and Save, 65-67 Princess Avenue, Stainforth for One Stop Stores Ltd. No objection.
8. TO REPORT ON POLICE MATTERS. Mrs. Walker circulated a copy of the latest newsletter to which she was thanked. She reported on plans for summer activities aimed at young people. The PACT meetings have now been abandoned in favour of drop-in sessions on specific dates. The next PAG (Positive Action Group) meeting is scheduled for 15th July at 1pm at the Youth Club. The officers’ profile within the community is much lower these days as a result of dealing with some families on a one to one basis. However, they do still address antisocial behaviour, nuisance bikes, fly tipping and other issues as they arise.
Cllr. E. Nesbitt reported on a number of problems on New Park Estate and Mr. Pool confirmed his awareness of these issues and reassured those present that action is being taken. Mr. Pool reported that there has been a recent spate of thefts from gardens such as garden furniture, hanging baskets etc, which are turning up at car boot sales. A number of verbal reports have been received on a range of subjects but Mr. Pool and his colleague urged reporting through the appropriate channels in order that crime statistics accurately reflect criminal activity.
These statistics can have a bearing on which areas are identified as hotspots. Cllr. E. Hughes raised the issue of fly tipping at the rear of Kenneth Avenue and a discussion took place between him and Mrs. Walker who, ultimately, indicated she would be happy to address this matter further outside the meeting. There being nothing further to discuss the officers were thanked for their attendance.
9. TO REPORT ON WELFARE GROUND MATTERS. Cllr. Mrs. Crosby reported that providing Cricket teas currently falls to a small minority of members and she asked for volunteers to take hygiene certificates in order that these duties can be more fairly shared out. The following Cllrs kindly volunteered: Mrs. Crosby, Mrs. Harvey, D. Moore & E. Nesbitt. The Clerk agreed to establish whether St. Leger Homes could provide this training.
10. TO CONSIDER HIGHWAYS MATTERS. Members raised a number of issues:
East Lane – roughly 50% of the road is in an appalling condition.
Zebra crossing near Asda – following reports of near misses, traffic lights be requested.
Rear of 47 Junction Road – potholes, causing difficulties for disabled residents.
Thorne Road – traffic survey please, with a view to installing a pelican crossing.
Lay-by outside Cemetery, Church Road, parking issues.
Mrs. Walker indicated she would ask the Police to survey some of the above areas since the Council staff don’t have the required enforcement powers.
11.TO DISCUSS THE WORLD WAR 1 CENTENARY ON 28.7.2014 – Cllr. Nesbitt addressed those present and expressed the view that this anniversary should be marked out of respect to the fallen and in gratitude for our current peace time. A discussion took place and various suggestions were made in relation to a memorial event, photographic displays, etc. It was ultimately agreed that a working group meet to formulate any event and most members agreed to participate in this.
12(1)TO RECEIVE A PRESENTATION FROM MS. H. MCLOUGHLIN, WAYSTONE LTD.Unable to attend, defer to a later meeting.
13.TO CONFIRM THE DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT TOWN COUNCIL MEETING– confirmedas Tuesday 15th July 2014 at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber.
There being nothing further to discuss, the Mayor declared the meeting closed at 7:40p.m.
Signed………………………………………………………………Mayor, 15th July 2014.