-Map scale….
-Contour interval….
-What major river…
-How was Lake Providence created….
-How was Pittman Island created….
-The Yazoo River is in the lower right, what is a yazoo river….
-How was Cypress Lake created (center right)…
-What cultural feature in T9N R8W NE corner….
-Most marshes and swamps are called what….
-What is different about the ‘County sized’ civil units in Louisiana….
-What are the brown lies with dashes found either side of the river….
-Why do the county boundary lines leave the river and go through
Eagle and Alamarie Lakes….
-Map scale….
-Contour interval….
-What is the heavy dashed line in the western half of the map….
-What is the blue feature between Parker Peak and Kolp Peak….
-How high is Parker Pass….
-What is the highest mountain or peak on the map….
-What is running between sections 4 and 5….
-What is the surface elevation of Eilery Lake….
-What happens to the stream in sections 20 and 21….
-What is the Farrington ______in section 33….
-Find Gibbs Canyon:
-How many feet does it fall between Kidney Lake to the creek in section19….
-How many miles in distance….
-What is the gradient in feet per mile….
-Find Bloody Canyon:
-How many feet does it fall between Upper Sardine Lake to the aqueduct in section 4….
-How many miles in distance….
-What is the gradient in feet per mile….
-Map scale….
-Contour interval….
-How high is Deadman Point above the river….
-How wide is the top of the valley between Deadman Point and Bowknot Bend….
-What cultural feature is in the SW ¼ of section 25….
-What major river flows through the area….
-What natural feature is located between sections 32 and 36….
-What is on the eastern end of the jeep trail ending above Twomile Canyon….
-What two natural features are named ‘Keg’….
-What cultural feature is located on Mineral Bottoms….
-Map scale….
-Contour interval….
-How many valley miles along the Souris River…
-How many river miles along the Souris River….
-Calculate the sinuosity of the river system (river miles/ valley miles)….
-In section 35, how high is the valley wall….
-Draw a cross-section of the valley on a different piece of paper:
-between middle of section 32 to middle of section 9 (# to #)….
-along the section line of 35 and 36….
-Map scale….
-Contour interval….
-Find Eds Creek
-elevation of road in Mineral County just above the south fork….
-elevation of where the creek leaves the map….
-Calculate the gradient (# feet fall per mile)….
-Stream order where Eds Creek leaves the map….