Kerry Community Council - Minutes of the Meeting of
25th September 2013.
Kerry Village Hall
Present: / Chair / Cllr. M. J. Collis (Sarn)
Cllrs. / Cllr. K. Lander (Kerry)
Cllr. J. Bonfield (Kerry)
Cllr. D. P. Pryce (Kerry)
Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
Cllr. H. J. Jones (Sarn)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
Cllr. I. J. Jones,(Dolfor)
County Cllr. / Mrs.K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / Six
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr. D.I. Hughes. (Kerry). Cllr.T.R.Jerman. (Kerry) Cllr. T.D.B. Jones (Kerry)
Item. 2. Minutes. /
The minutes of the meeting of the 31st July & 5th August 2013 were approved and signed. /
Item 3. Presentation by Henk Kuipers on behalf of Sarn Housing Development. /
Henk was unable to attend but emailed Council as follows:
“Mid-Wales Housing needs to secure funding. There is no grant available and they are in discussion with potential funders. Secondly there needs to be an agreement between the landowner, PCC and Mid-Wales Housing. If these two are in place, Mid-Wales Housing will be able to commission further work to look into the feasibility of a development.
I would like to give you a timetable, but am unable to do so, as the above is outside my control.”
Owing to additional time allowed Council agreed to discuss the following:
Additional Item .P/2009/0106 Dolforgan View Development. Kerry
Cllr. P. Pryce was elected as Council representative to meet with the Planning officer, County Councillor Kath Roberts-Jones, the Head St Michael's School and the Wyro agent. Their aim is to discuss the allocation of financial support offered by the developers. Possible funds to be made available for the upkeep or improvement of the existing community playground, support for the school and future community amenities.
Possible dates Friday 4th. or Tuesday 8th November. /
Item.4. Matters Arising.
A. / Kerry Cemetery.
Council officially approved the action of the chairman and vice-chairman in awarding the cemetery contact to Russell France. Councillors had been informed during the summer recess of this action and given verbal approval.
Work has now commenced and final confirmation on the route for the roadway was given.
Letter of confirmation sent to Ian Pryce.
B. / Wind Farm, Pylons, Hub and Transport Public Inquiry.
Council was addressed by a member of the “STOP” group who made Council aware of a forthcoming Community Session to be held at Dolfor Village Hall on Thursday 10th October,
Wind Farm, Pylons, Hub and Transport Public Inquiry.Cont.
inviting members of the public to attend and express their views to the Inspector in charge of the public inquiry.
Council had not been informed of this event by Chris Banks (programme officer) and the lack of information to the public of this meeting was seen as a cause for concern. Clerk to write to Mr Banks expressing Council’s views.
Cllr David Jones was elected, in his absence, to represent Council at this and any subsequent meeting when Cllr. David Hughes is unavailable to attend.
Clerk to produce and distribute posters to be placed on the notice boards of Kerry, Sarn and Dolfor advertising the meeting.
I have spoken with Chris Banks (Programme Officer) who informs me that KCC will possibly be called to address the inquiry either in November or in the New Year. There are plans to hold an additional evening Community Session in November.
C. / Kerry Notice Board/Website Grant
Cllr. M. Morgan continues to seek quotes for the notice boards to be situated in all three villages. Aluminium may prove to be a more suitable option saving money and the need for maintenance.
A grant of £500 has been paid into Council’s account during August for the setting up of a Kerry Community Council web site.
Clerk to seek advice from Wyn Richards (PCC) on the development, running costs and options open to Council for the design/format of the site.
D. / Street Lighting.
County Councillor Kath Roberts-Jones has correlated information from Councillors in all three villages in regard to the number and site of street lights to be relit.
E. / Public Convenience Provision.
County Councillor Kath Roberts-Jones is to arrange for Barry Thomas (CSP - County Councillor) and Alastair Knox (CSP - Local and Environment Strategy) to talk through the significant points relating to KCC taking on this responsibility.This will allowing Council to have a full and informed discussion on the future of the Public Conveniences situated in Kerry car park.
F. / Surface Water Disposal System Land at Dolforgan View,Kerry
In response to a letter sent by Council expressing concerns and requesting further information on the Water disposal system, the Clerk read aloud the following information provided by Arwell Evans (Planning Officer).
Telephone conversation.
“I have been advised by Arwel Evans (PCC Planning Officer) that full expert advice was given and complied with by the applicant during the initial consultation period. PCC planning dept. is confident that all necessary precautions have been taken to not only protect the new dwellings from flood but the proposed flood defences will provide a heightened level of protection for existing neighbouring properties.”
E- mail received 23rd September
“I am aware that Kerry Community Council has requested further assurances that flooding and drainage matters as affected by the proposed development will be addressed when the scheme is implemented.
This will indeed be the case. I will during the course of this week issue plans and correspondence which indicate how this matter has been assessed by the council and how the scheme will address the flooding and drainage issues”.
Council await further information. One member of the public expressed concerns. To be discussed at the October meeting.
Item 4. To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Cllr. J. Bonfield (Kerry) declared and signed personal interest form in regard to planning application P/2013/0637Amended proposal. Land opposite Old Court Barn Hodley.
Cllr. Bonfield took no part in discussion or the vote.
Item 4. To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest. Cont.
Cllr. D. P. Pryce (Kerry) declared and signed personal interest form in regard to planning application P/2012/0863 Sawmill Pool, Sawmills. Having a prejudicial interest, Cllr Pryce left the room.
Item. 5.
PCC. Consultation*. / Application / Comments / Outcome.
P/2013/0637 12/06/2013
Amended proposals. / Land opposite Old Court Barn Hodley Kerry SY16 4LU Outline: Erection of a dwelling, detached garage, formation of vehicular access and installation of a septic tank / 2 members of the pubic expressed extreme concerns. / “Council wish to support this application meeting local needs. It was suggested that the dwelling be relocated nearer the cross roads and that it be retained only as a residential property. “
/ Perth y Bu Sarn
Full: Erection of an agricultural building / “Council wish to support this application”.
C. P/2012/0863
Additional Information. / Sawmill Pool, Sawmills
Proposed Development Engineering operations to construct a causeway and reprofile existing pool (part-retrospective) / Applicant present. / “Council continue to support this application.”
5. cont. PCC Planning Application Decisions / KCC Consultation* /
PCC Notice.
P/2013/0593 Trebedw Lower Trefeen Kerry SY16 4EG
Householder: Installation of photo-voltaic panels on roof / “Council wish to support this application”. / Full Planning Permission is Granted.
P/2013/072010 Dolforgan View, Kerry SY16 4DZ
Erection of a single storey extension / “Council wish to support this application.” / Conditional Consent
P/2013/0733 Land between Newtown and the proposed Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm.
Awaiting paperwork. Full: Highway upgrades and associated works on 3rd party land between Newtown and the proposed Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm to facilitate deliveries of abnormal indivisible loads and the construction of a new track and upgraded track from Cwm y Berllwyd across the proposed Llanbadarn Fynydd Wind Farm. / “Kerry Community Council strongly objects to this application for the following reasons:”
Please refer to the Minutes of 5th August 2013. Item 5. Application B. for full details. / Refused.
5. cont. PCC Planning Application Decisions / KCC Consultation* /
PCC Notice.
Land adjacent toDolforGarage. Dolfor
Full: Erection of a local needs dwelling, installation of sewage treatment plant and associated works / “Council wish to strongly support this application.
Over the past few years the applicant has worked hard to provide an invaluable service to the local community, this being the only repair garage offering an out of hours repair service in the area.
It would be to the detriment of the local community if this business was to fail” / Planning Permission Granted subject to S106
Item 6. Finances.
Accounts Paid July2013.
Accounts to be Paid September 2013. / M. Jones & Son. Hannah O. Breeze
Leach & Son. Edith A Price. (Burial)
Leach & Son. Mary Pryce.(Burial)
Leach & Son.C. Millerchip
Office Express
A Evans July cemetery maintenance.
A Feltham clerk’s wages.
A Feltham clerk’s expenses.(including postage costs for Questionnaire)
Donation to British Lung Foundation in memory of Mary Pryce.
A Evans Cemetery grass cutting (Aug/Sept)
A Feltham clerk’s wages (Aug/Sept)
A Feltham clerk’s exp. (Aug/Sept)
P&W Contracting. Grass Cutting ½ year
Royal Mail. Questionnaire returns.
Kerry Baptist Chapel
Office Express
SLCC Training
BDO Audit fees
Ian Pryce Property Services.
Cllr. Ivor Jones. (Audit) / £100.00
The Annual Financial Return for 2012/2013 was approved and Council.
Item 7. Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Cllr. K. Lander (Kerry) and Mrs A. Feltham.(clerk) attended a training session on the Law.
Item 8. Correspondence/Communications Received.
PCC. Public Convenience Provision.
Kerry WI. Letter of thanks.
PCC Upgrading of Dolfor Bus Stops.( Cllrs Jones & Powel advised. County Cllr.Mrs.K.Roberts-Jones to clarify with John Hough the positioning of bus stops.
Montgomeryshire Local Forum Mins/Agenda. (Query apologies for absence given for Kerry Community Council?) Clerk to write to the Forum confirming that Kerry Community Council no longer wish to be a part of the forum. Any Councillor wishing to attend does so solely on a personal basis and not as a representative of KCC.
Glyn Davies MP/AS Request for support in a charity Memory Walk. Enclosure Advice surgery dates & notice of reorganisation of NHS in Shropshire.
BDO Notice of conclusion of audit and request for payment.
OVW Training Programme (September-December 2013)
OVW The Ombudsman's Casebook - Issue 13
Russell George. Newsletter - Summer 2013
PCC Funding Opportunities
Wales Yearbook urgent request for information of Kerry Community Council (clerk has updated list of Councillors )
Russell George. Funding opportunities and Advice Surgeries
OVW Changes to Householder Permitted Development Rights in Wales
OVW Website Grants. Update.
OVW Older People's Commissioner for Wales
Play Wales New information sheet: Safeguarding children
Montgomeryshire CHC. Full Council MeetingsWednesday 23rd October 2013 at 2.00pm ,Wednesday 4th December 2013 at 2.00pm (venues to be confirmed) County Cllr.Mrs.K.Roberts-Jones handed Councillors petition forms requesting Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust to “Keep A&E and Stroke Services at Shrewsbury Hospital”.
Talk Care - Your experiences and expectations of the NHS.
Heddlu Dyfed-Powys Police ~ Rural Policing Consultation completed by clerk.
Powys Community Nectar Tree Scheme.
Powys County Council in partnership with Natural Resources Wales are very pleased to offer local communities in Powys free trees. To be placed on the October agenda.
Item 9. Any Other Business.
Kerry / None.
Sarn. / The derestriction speed sign to remain, however a 30mph restriction sign to be erected approx.30/50yds on the approach to the new estate.
Dolfor / None.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9-35pm.

Meetings are open to residents, who may only address the meeting with the Chairman’s prior consent.

If you wish to address the Council in Welsh please make your intentions known at the time of your request, which should be made prior to the meeting date.

* Although KCC works in conjunction with PCC as consultants, it has no authority to grant planning permission.

Copies of Minutes can be made available after approval, on request.

Next Meetings Scheduled;

Wednesday 30th October 2013. 7-30pm. at Kerry Village Hall.

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