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1.Title:Verification of Models and DataforGeneratorExcitation ControlSystem or Plant Volt/Var ControlFunctions


3.Purpose:To verify that the generatorexcitationcontrolsystem or plant volt/varcontrol function1 model (including the power system stabilizer model andthe impedance compensator model) and the model parameters used in dynamicsimulations accurately represent the generator excitation control system or plant volt/varcontrol function behavior when assessing Bulk Electric System (BES)reliability.


4.1.Functional Entities:




For the purpose of the requirements contained herein, Facilities that aredirectly connected to the Bulk Electric System (BES) will be collectively referred asan “applicable unit” that meet thefollowing:

4.2.1Generation in the Eastern or Quebec Interconnections with thefollowing characteristics: generating unit greater than 100 MVA (grossnameplate rating). generating plant consisting of multiple generatingunits that are directly connected at a common BES bus withtotal generation greater than 100 MVA (gross aggregatenameplate rating).

4.2.2Generation in the Western Interconnection with thefollowing characteristics: generating unit greater than 75 MVA (grossnameplate rating). generating plant consisting of multiple generatingunits that are directly connected at a common BES bus withtotal generation greater than 75 MVA (gross aggregatenameplate rating).

1 Excitation control system or plant volt/var controlfunction:

a.Forindividualsynchronousmachines,thegeneratorexcitationcontrolsystemincludesthegenerator,exciter, voltage regulator, impedance compensation and power systemstabilizer.

b.For an aggregate generating plant, the volt/var control system includes the voltage regulator &reactivepower control system controlling and coordinating plant voltage and associated reactive capableresources.

4.2.3Generation in the ERCOT Interconnection with thefollowing characteristics: generating unit greater than 50 MVA (grossnameplate rating). generating plant consisting of multiple generatingunits that are directly connected at a common BES bus withtotal generation greater than 75 MVA (gross aggregatenameplate rating).

4.2.4For allInterconnections:

  • A technically justified2 unit that meets NERC registry criteria butis not otherwise included in the above Applicability sections 4.2.1,4.2.2, or 4.2.3 and is requested by the TransmissionPlanner.


5.1.For Requirements R1, and R3 through R6, the first day of the firstcalendar quarter beyond the date that this standard is approved by applicableregulatory authorities or as otherwise made effective pursuant to the laws applicable tosuch ERO governmental authorities. In those jurisdictions where regulatoryapproval is not required, the standard shall become effective on the first day of thefirst calendar quarter beyond the date this standard is approved by the NERC Boardof Trustees, or as otherwise made effective pursuant to the laws applicable tosuch ERO governmentalauthorities.

5.2.For Requirement R2, 30 percent of the entity’s applicable unit gross MVAfor each Interconnection on the first day of the first calendar quarter that is fouryears following applicable regulatory approval or as otherwise made effectivepursuant to the laws applicable to such ERO governmental authorities, or inthose jurisdictions where no regulatory approval is required, on the first day of thefirst calendar quarter that is four years following NERC Board of Trustees adoptionor as otherwise made effective pursuant to the laws applicable to suchERO governmentalauthorities.

5.3.For Requirement R2, 50 percent of the entity’s applicable unit gross MVAfor each Interconnection on first day of the first calendar quarter that is sixyears following applicable regulatory approval or as otherwise made effectivepursuant to the laws applicable to such ERO governmental authorities, or inthose jurisdictions where no regulatory approval is required, on the first day of thefirst calendar quarter that is six years following NERC Board of Trustees adoptionor as otherwise made effective pursuant to the laws applicable to suchERO governmentalauthorities.

5.4.For Requirement R2, 100 percent of the entity’s applicable unit gross MVAfor each Interconnection on the first day of the first calendar quarter that is 10years

2 Technical justification is achieved by the Transmission Planner demonstrating that the simulated unit orplantresponse does not match the measured unit or plantresponse.

following applicable regulatory approval or as otherwise made effectivepursuant to the laws applicable to such ERO governmental authorities, or inthose jurisdictions where no regulatory approval is required, on the first day of thefirst calendar quarter that is 10 years following NERC Board of Trustees adoptionor as otherwise made effective pursuant to the laws applicable to suchERO governmentalauthorities.


R1.Each Transmission Plannershallprovide the following requestedinformation tothe Generator Owner within 90 calendar days of receiving a written request :[Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time Horizon: OperationsPlanning]

  • Instructions on how to obtain the list of excitation control system or plantvolt/var control function models that are acceptable to the Transmission Planner for usein dynamicsimulation,
  • Instructions on how to obtain the dynamic excitation control system orplant volt/var control function model library block diagrams and/or data sheetsfor models that are acceptable to the Transmission Planner,or
  • Model data for any of the Generator Owner’s existing applicable unitspecific excitation control system or plant volt/var control function contained inthe Transmission Planner’s dynamic database from the current (in-use)models, including generator MVAbase.

R2.EachGeneratorOwner shall provide for eachapplicable unit, a verifiedgenerator excitation control system or plant volt/var control function model,including documentation and data (as specified in Part 2.1) to its Transmission Plannerin accordance with the periodicity specified in MOD-026 Attachment 1. [ViolationRisk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Long-termPlanning]

2.1.Each applicable unit’s model shall be verified by the Generator Owner usingone or more models acceptable to the Transmission Planner. Verificationfor individual units less than 20 MVA (gross nameplate rating) in a generatingplant (per Section,, or may be performed using eitherindividual unit or aggregate unit model(s), or both. Each verification shall includethe following:

2.1.1.Documentation demonstrating the applicable unit’s modelresponse matches the recorded response for a voltage excursion from either astaged test or a measured systemdisturbance,

2.1.2.Manufacturer, model number (if available), and type of theexcitation control system including, but not limited to static, AC brushless,DC rotating, and/or the plant volt/var control function (ifinstalled),

2.1.3.Model structure and data including, but not limited to reactance,time constants, saturation factors, total rotational inertia, or equivalent datafor thegenerator,

2.1.4.Model structure and data for the excitation control system, includingthe closed loop voltage regulator if a closed loop voltage regulator isinstalled or the model structure and data for the plant volt/var controlfunction system,

2.1.5.Compensation settings (such as droop, line drop,differential compensation), if used, and

2.1.6.Model structure and data for power system stabilizer, if soequipped.

R3.EachGeneratorOwner shall provide a written response to its TransmissionPlanner within 90 calendar days of receiving one of the following items for an applicableunit:

  • Written notification from its Transmission Planner (in accordancewith Requirement R6) that the excitation control system or plant volt/varcontrol function model is not usable,
  • Written comments from its Transmission Planner identifyingtechnical concerns with the verification documentation related to the excitationcontrol system or plant volt/var control function model, or
  • Written comments and supporting evidence from its TransmissionPlanner indicating that the simulated excitation control system or plant volt/varcontrol function model response did not match the recorded response toa transmission systemevent.

The written response shall contain either the technical basis for maintaining thecurrent model, the model changes, or a plan to perform model verification3 (in accordancewith Requirement R2). [Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time Horizon:Operations Planning]

R4.EachGeneratorOwner shall providerevised model data or plans to performmodel verification4 (in accordance with Requirement R2) for an applicable unit toits Transmission Planner within 180 calendar days of making changes to theexcitation control system or plant volt/var control function that alter the equipmentresponse characteristic.5 [Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time Horizon: OperationsPlanning]

3 If verification is performed, the 10-year period as outlined in MOD-026 Attachment 1 isreset.


5 Exciter, voltage regulator, plant volt/var or power system stabilizer control replacement including software alterations thatalter excitation control system equipment response, plant digital control system addition or replacement, plant digital controlsystem software alterations that alter excitation control system equipment response, plant volt/var function equipment additionor replacement(suchasstaticvarsystems,capacitorbanks,individualunitexcitationsystems,etc.),achangeinthevoltagecontrol mode (such as going from power factor control to automatic voltage control, etc.), exciter, voltage regulator,impedance compensator,orpowersystemstabilizersettingschange.Automaticchangesin settingsthatoccurduetochangesinoperating mode do not apply to RequirementR4.

R5.EachGeneratorOwner shall provide a written response to its TransmissionPlanner, within 90 calendar days following receipt of a technically justified6 unit requestfrom the Transmission Planner to perform a model review of a unit or plant that includesone of the following: [Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time Horizon:Operations Planning]

  • Details of plans to verify the model (in accordance with Requirement R2),or
  • Corrected model data including the source of revised model data suchas discovery of manufacturer test values to replace generic model dataor updating of data parameters based on an on-site review of theequipment.

R6.Each Transmission Planner shall provide a writtenresponse to the GeneratorOwner within 90 calendar days of receiving the verified excitation control system orplant volt/var control function model information in accordance with Requirement R2that the model is usable (meets the criteria specified in Parts 6.1 through 6.3) or isnot usable.

6.1.The excitation control system or plant volt/var control function modelinitializes to compute modeling data withouterror,

6.2.A no-disturbance simulation results in negligible transients,and

6.3.For an otherwise stable simulation, a disturbance simulation results inthe excitation control and plant volt/var control function model exhibitingpositive damping.

If the model is not usable, the Transmission Planner shall provide atechnical description of why the model is not usable. [Violation Risk Factor: Medium][Time Horizon: OperationsPlanning]


M1.The Transmission Planner must have and provide the dated request for instructionsor data, the transmitted instructions or data, and dated evidence of a writtentransmittal (e.g., electronic mail message, postal receipt, or confirmation of facsimile) asevidence that it provided the request within 90 calendar days in accordance withRequirement R1.

M2.The Generator Owner must have and provide dated evidence it verified eachgenerator excitation control system or plant volt/var control function model according to Part2.1 for each applicable unit and a dated transmittal (e.g., electronic mail message,postal receipt, or confirmation of facsimile) as evidence it provided themodel, documentation, and data to its Transmission Planner, in accordance withRequirement R2.

M3.Evidence for Requirement R3 must include the Generator Owner’s datedwritten response containing the information identified in Requirement R3 and datedevidence

6 Technical justification is achieved by the Transmission Planner demonstrating that the simulated unit orplantresponse does not match the measured unit or plantresponse.

of transmittal (e.g., electronic mail message, postal receipt, or confirmationof facsimile) of theresponse.

M4.Evidence for Requirement R4 must include, for each of the GeneratorOwner’s applicable units for which system changes specified in Requirement R4 were made,a dated revised model data or plans to perform a model verification and datedevidence (e.g., electronic mail message, postal receipt, or confirmation of facsimile) itprovided the revised model and data or plans within 180 calendar days of makingchanges.

M5.Evidence for Requirement R5 must include the Generator Owner’s datedwritten response containing the information identified in Requirement R5 and datedevidence (e.g., electronic mail message, postal receipt, or confirmation of facsimile) itprovided a written response within 90 calendar days following receipt of a technicallyjustified request.

M6.Evidence of Requirement R6 must include, for each model received, the datedresponse indicating the model was usable or not usable according to the criteria specifiedin Parts 6.1 through 6.3 and for a model that is not usable, a technical description;and dated evidence of transmittal (e.g., electronic mail message, postal receipt,or confirmation of facsimile) that the Generator Owner was notified within 90calendar days of receipt of modelinformation.


1.Compliance MonitoringProcess

1.1.Compliance EnforcementAuthority

The Regional Entity shall serve as the Compliance Enforcement Authorityunless the applicable entity is owned, operated, or controlled by the Regional Entity.In such cases the ERO or a Regional entity approved by FERC or otherapplicable governmental authority shall serve as theCEA.


The following evidence retention periods identify the period of time an entityis required to retain specific evidence to demonstrate compliance. Forinstances where the evidence retention period specified below is shorter than the timesince the last audit, the Compliance Enforcement Authority may ask an entityto provide other evidence to show that it was compliant for the full time periodsince the lastaudit.

The Generator Owner and Transmission Planner shall each keep data orevidence to show compliance as identified below unless directed by itsCompliance Enforcement Authority to retain specific evidence for a longer period of timeas part of aninvestigation:

  • The Transmission Planner shall retain the information/data requestand provided response evidence of Requirements R1 and R6, Measures M1and M6 for three calendar years from the date the document wasprovided.
  • The Generator Owner shall retain the latest excitation control system orplant volt/var control function model verification evidence of RequirementR2, MeasureM2.
  • The Generator Owner shall retain the information/data request andprovided response evidence of Requirements R3 through R5, and Measures M3through M5 for three calendar years from the date the document wasprovided.

If a Generator Owner or Transmission Planner is found non-compliant, itshall keep information related to the non-compliance until mitigation is completeor approved or for the time specified above, whichever islonger.

The Compliance Enforcement Authority shall keep the last audit records andall requested and submitted subsequent auditrecords.

1.3.Compliance Monitoring and AssessmentProcesses

ComplianceAudit Self-Certification SpotChecking

ComplianceInvestigation Self-Reporting Complaints

1.4.Additional ComplianceInformation


2.Violation SeverityLevels

R # / LowerVSL / Moderate VSL / High VSL / SevereVSL
R1 / The Transmission Plannerprovidedthe instructions and data totheGenerator Owner more than 90calendar days but less than orequalto 120 calendar days of receivingawrittenrequest. / The Transmission Plannerprovidedthe instructions and data totheGenerator Owner more than120calendar days but less than orequalto 150 calendar days of receivingawrittenrequest. / The Transmission Plannerprovidedthe instructions and data totheGenerator Owner more than150calendar days but less than orequalto 180 calendar days of receivingawrittenrequest. / The Transmission Planner failedtoprovide the instructions and datatothe Generator Owner within180calendar days of receiving awrittenrequest.
R2 / The Generator Owner provideditsverified model(s),includingdocumentation and data to itsTransmission Planner afterthetimeframe specified inMOD-026Attachment 1 but less than orequalto 90 calendar dayslate;
The Generator Owner providedtheTransmission Plannerverifiedmodels that omitted one of thesixParts identified in RequirementR2,Parts 2.1.1 through2.1.6. / The Generator Owner provideditsverified model(s),includingdocumentation and data toitsTransmission Planner more than90calendar days but less than orequalto 180 calendar days late asspecifiedby the periodicity timeframeinMOD-026 Attachment1.
The Generator Owner providedtheTransmission Plannerverifiedmodels that omitted two of thesixParts identified in RequirementR2,Parts 2.1.1 through2.1.6. / The Generator Owner provideditsverified model(s),includingdocumentation and data toitsTransmission Planner more than180calendar days but less than orequalto 270 calendar days late asspecifiedby the periodicity timeframeinMOD-026 Attachment1.
The Generator Owner providedtheTransmission Plannerverifiedmodels that omitted three of thesixParts identified in RequirementR2,Parts 2.1.1 through2.1.6. / The Generator Owner provideditsverified model(s),includingdocumentation and data morethan270 calendar days late to itsTransmission Planner inaccordancewith the periodicity specifiedinMOD-026 Attachment1.
The Generator Owner failed tousemodel(s) acceptable to theTransmission Planner as specifiedinRequirement R2, Part2.1.
The Generator Owner providedtheTransmission Plannerverifiedmodel(s) but omitted four or moreofthe six parts identifiedinRequirement R2, Subparts2.1.1through2.1.6.
R # / LowerVSL / Moderate VSL / High VSL / SevereVSL
R3 / The Generator Owner providedawritten response more than90calendar days but less than orequalto 120 calendar days ofreceivingwrittennotice. / The Generator Owner providedawritten response more than120calendar days but less than orequalto 150 calendar days ofreceivingwrittennotice. / The Generator Owner providedawritten response more than150calendar days but less than orequalto 180 calendar days ofreceivingwrittennotice. / The Generator Owner failedtoprovide a written responsewithin180 calendar days ofreceivingwrittennotice.
The Generator Owner'swrittenresponse failed to contain eitherthetechnical basis for maintainingthecurrent model, or a list offuturemodel changes, or a plan toperformanother modelverification.
R4 / The Generator Ownerprovidedrevised model data or planstoperform model verificationmorethan 180 calendar days but lessthanor equal to 210 calendar days ofmaking changes to theexcitationcontrol system or plantvolt/varcontrol function that alteredtheequipment responsecharacteristic. / The Generator Ownerprovidedrevised model data or planstoperform model verificationmorethan 210 calendar days but lessthanor equal to 240 calendar days ofmaking changes to theexcitationcontrol system or plantvolt/varcontrol function that alteredtheequipment responsecharacteristic. / The Generator Ownerprovidedrevised model data or planstoperform model verificationmorethan 240 calendar days but lessthanor equal to 270 calendar days ofmaking changes to theexcitationcontrol system or plantvolt/varcontrol function that alteredtheequipment responsecharacteristic. / The Generator Owner failed toprovide revised model data orfailedto provide plans to performmodelverification within 270 calendardaysof making changes to theexcitationcontrol system or plantvolt/varcontrol function that alteredtheequipment responsecharacteristic.
R5 / The Generator Owner providedawritten response more than90calendar days but less than orequalto 120 calendar days totheTransmission Plannerfollowingreceipt of a technicallyjustifiedrequest to perform a model reviewofan applicableunit. / The Generator Owner providedawritten response more than120calendar days but less than orequalto 150 calendar days totheTransmission Plannerfollowingreceipt of a technicallyjustifiedrequest to perform a model reviewofan applicableunit. / The Generator Owner providedawritten response more than150calendar days but less than orequalto 180 calendar days totheTransmission Plannerfollowingreceipt of a technicallyjustifiedrequest to perform a model reviewofan applicableunit. / The Generator Owner failed toprovide a written response totheTransmission Planner within180calendar days following receipt ofatechnically justified requesttoperform a model review ofanapplicableunit.
The Generator Owner’swrittenresponse failed to include one ofthesub bullets of RequirementR5.