RHMS PTSA Minutes – November 15, 2016 - DRAFT
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Rose Hill PTSA
General Membership Meeting Minutes
and Meeting Notes – DRAFT
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
RHMS Library

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by President Tania Bennett. A quorum was present (attendance sheet attached).

Approval of Minutes—Minutes from the previous meeting were approved as presented. (Movement from floor: Beth Benincasa)

Standing Rules: Tania Bennett reviewed the standing rules presented at the general meeting last spring. One new change has been made since then: the family membership price was increased from $25 to $30 per year.

Motion from floor to approve change in membership price: Anne Allen.

Changes were approved by membership.

Approval/adoption of the 2016–2017 Budget: The proposed budget is attached and was presented to the membership.

Changes to the budget: Addition of $1,000 expense for Pantry Packs line item under “Student and School Services” section of budget. These funds will be used to add fresh fruit to the bags of nonperishables provided by Pantry Packs. Currently 60 RHMS students receive a weekly Pantry Pack bag. Motion from floor to approve budget line item: Anne Allen. Approved by general membership.

Nominating Committee—If you are interested in being on the committee to search and nominate new RHMS PTSA board members for next year, please contact Tania Bennett.

School Play—Janice Vache gave an overview of the Alice@Wonderland play offered for students this year. She outlined the audition dates and process, rehearsals, and performance details.

Membership—Beth Benincasa gave an update. The PTSA had 386 members last year, and already has 400 for this year. This includes 26 teachers/staff.

Fundraising—Linda Cheyne provided an update: Holiday greens fundraising, 60 orders brought in $1,256. October Walk-to-School month brought in $2,500. Sounders family fun night raised $96. Pass the Hat brought in $8,134. Passive fundraisers (Amazon Smile, Fred Meyer) opportunities are available (info on website).

Mini grants—Teacher grants were reviewed last week. Erin Bowser outlined the purpose and benefits of the teacher grants, providing funds for special projects and needs that teachers propose that would otherwise not be funded.

Treasurer’s Report—Treasurer Lynda Speicher distributed the YTD treasurer’s report to those present.

Presentation and discussion: Sheila Storrer, a licensed independent clinical social worker, presented on how parents can navigate the challenges of parenting teenagers.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted by:


Laura Fisher, Communications Chair