Teacher Name: Subject: Literature Circles – Behind Rebel Lines *No Co-Teacher
LESSON 1 / DAY 1 / DAY 2 / DAY 3 / DAY 4 / DAY 5Objective / TLW identify vocabulary words used in text.
TLW make predictions based on information in text.
TLW summarize key details and events.
TLW make connections between text and real life.
TLW identify genre. / TLW identify vocabulary words used in text.
TLW read assigned text and complete lit circle jobs.
TLW identify and analyze story elements.
TLW create various levels of questions to promote discussion of text. / TLW identify vocabulary words used in text.
TLW summarize key details and events.
TLW read assigned text and complete lit circle jobs
TLW gather relevant information from Primary Sources / TLW review vocabulary words used in text.
TLW apply knowledge of details and events .
TLW find cause/effect relationships from the text / TLW identify vocabulary words used in text.
TLW summarize the main points of a text read aloud
tEEC / CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. / CC.1.5.5.A – Discussion/building on other’s ideas
CC.1.2.5.C – Explain the relationships or interactions between 2 individuals based on specific information from the text
CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. / CC.1.2.5.G – Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.
CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. / CC.1.2.5.C – explain the relationship between two or more events based on specific information from the text
CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. / CC.1.5.5.C – Summarize the points a speaker makes and explain how each claim is supported by evidence.
CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.
procedure / Section 1: Intro/Chapter 1
*Strategy Focus: Predict/Infer
1. Anticipatory Set: The story of our book is called Behind Rebel Lines. Based off the title and what the cover looks like, what do you think this story could be about? (flipchart page 1))
2. Introduce book with one of the activities listed below.
3. Read About the Author (on flipchart p. 2)) and discuss.
4. Teacher orally reads “To Begin”. Discuss genre (journal style) and story elements.
5. Introduce vocab. for chapter 1.
6. Read chapter one large group.
7. Closure: What challenges will Emma/Franklin face as a union battlefield nurse? / Section 1: Chapter 2
*Strategy Focus: Predict/Infer
1. Anticipatory Set: PDN- What are the story elements we know so far?
2. Introduce lit. circle jobs (See options below), reteach Bloom's Levels of Questioning to enrich group discussions. (See p. 5 Flipchart).
3. Introduce/teach vocabulary for chapters 2-4. (See flipchart p. 8)
4. Students will read chapter 2 and then independently complete Lit Circle Job.
5. Conduct a class discussion. Have students share their lit. circle job. Evaluate how effective each job was completed.
6. Closure: Summarize chapters 2. May make into a game using a ball to toss to the next student to continue the summary where the previous student left off. / Section 1: Chapter 3-4
*Strategy Focus: Predict/Infer
Skill – Primary Sources
1. Anticipatory Set: Snowball activity – Each student writes a question about the story/vocab. on a piece of paper. They then crumble the paper into a ball and throw it into the center of the room. Each student selects a “snowball” and writes the answer to the question on the back of the paper. Teacher randomly calls on several students to share their question and answer.
2.Teach primary sources using the Historic Scene Investigation : found on Flipchart P.17
Choose the Children of the Civil War case file, then student view. Explain terms “front line” and “home front”. Read the first document as a group and determine what type of primary source document it is, who created it, when it was written, and the reason it was written. Completion of this HSI activity can be used as an extension activity. (See resources and Lit. circle wiki)
3. Students will read chapters 3 and 4 and then independently complete Lit Circle jobs. Groups will discuss when all members are finished with jobs.
4. When finished, students will work on an extension activity.
5. Closure: Predict the dangers Emma/Franklin will face spying. / Section 1: Chapter 5
*Strategy Focus: Predict/Infer
Skill – Cause/Effect
1. Anticipatory Set: Vocabulary review of chapters 1-5. Each group works together to complete a crossword puzzle.
(See wiki resources)
2. Review: Chapters 1-4 through cause/effect relationships. Students will use Think-Pair-Share and identify four cause/effects from the story so far.
3. Quiz: Students will complete the quiz on chapters 1-4- (see wiki).
4. If students finish early, they can finish their extension activity. / Section 1: Chapter 5
*Strategy Focus: Questioning
1. Anticipatory Set: PDN- You have been invited to a masquerade party. Describe your costume and why no one would guess it was you?
2. Introduce/teach vocabulary for chapters 5-8. (See flipchart p. 8-10)
3. Teacher will read chapter 5 using oral cloze technique at each vocab. word. Discuss why the author writes Cuff's speech patterns that way.
4. Use Song for Each Side and – p.11 on flipchart to explore music of the civil war era. Discuss why the author included the lyrics to many songs into this story.
*Introduction Activities:
1.) Brain Pop for causes of the Civil War (link on p. 2 of flipchart).
2.) Use the flipchart from the Lit. Circle wiki (p. 1).
3.) Use Civil War overview from Discovery Learning(Link is on p. 2 of flipchart) (
4.) Create a K-W-L chart.
5.) Make a Behind Rebel Lines journal for reflections and vocabulary.
6.) Color code a map from 1861 to show Union/Confederate states.
(see resources in binder) / OPTIONS:
* Lit. Circle jobs that work well with this story are:
a.) Travel Tracker – Student will note where Emma was in each chapter.
b.) Quotation Keeper – Student will choose two important quotes from the reading and explain importance.
c.) Inquiring Investigator – Student researches a topic mentioned in the text.
d.) Content Connector – Student will find passages that make reference to the Civil War.
e.) Discussion Director
f.) Super Summarizer
g.) Word Finder – Option may be to have the student select social studies terms. / OPTIONS:
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily.
*Extension activities:
HSI: Historical Scene Investigation Students will complete the packet using primary sources.
*Alternative extension activity: -Civil War Crossword Puzzle-p.38 in Civil War Unit-Students may use the internet to find answers.
-We Need You!-p. 22 in Civil War Unit- Students create recruiting posters.
-Famous People Portraits-p. 65-66 in Civil War Unit – Students research famous Civil War personalities. May use internet for researching. / OPTIONS:
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily.
*Extension activities:
HSI: Historical Scene Investigation Students will complete the packet using primary sources.
*Alternative extension activity: -Civil War Crossword Puzzle-p. 38 Students may use the internet to find answers.
-We Need You!- p.22 Students create recruiting posters.
-Famous People Portraits p 65-66– Students research famous Civil War personalities. May use internet for researching. / OPTIONS:
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily.
*Extension activities:
HSI: Historical Scene Investigation Students will complete the packet using primary sources.
*Alternative extension activity: -Civil War Crossword Puzzle-p. 38 Students may use the internet to find answers.
-We Need You!- p.22 Students create recruiting posters.
-Famous People Portraits p 65-66– Students research famous Civil War personalities. May use internet for researching.
EVALUATION / *Student successfully completes the introduction activity Scoring rubric will depend on the activity selected.
*Students will identify new vocabulary words in the text as they read.
*Students will name the genre and story elements of the book. 3/3 (character, setting, problem/plot) / *Completion of review question from previous chapter to 90% accuracy (#/2)
*Evaluate the accuracy of job completion as per rubric.
*Student will seek and notate vocab. words in chapter 2. / *Students will complete their Literature Circle job (see teacher selected rubric).
*Teacher will sit in with one of the groups and score each student's participation and performance. Then each member of that group completes a reflection form to evaluate self/group performance. (See rubric in resources)
*3/4 on rubric for job and reflection. / *Completion of review crossword 17/21.
*Students will apply their knowledge to chapters 1-4. quiz. 16/20 pts. / *Participation of Cloze activity completing 3 /4 words orally.
*PDN completed with 100% accuracy (2/2).
Teacher Name: Subject: Literature Circles - Behind Rebel Lines *No Co-Teacher
LESSON 1 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10Objective / TLW identify vocabulary words used in text.
TLW write various levels of questions to promote discussion of text
TLW complete assigned reading of text and lit circle jobs. / TLW identify vocabulary words used in text.
TLW summarize the main points of a text read aloud
TLW find cause and effect relationships from the text
TLW analyze multiple accounts of the same event, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. / TLW review vocabulary words used in text.
TLW apply knowledge of key details and events via quiz.
TLW write a reflection of a scene from the text through the viewpoint
of the main character / TLW review vocabulary words used in text.
TLW read assigned text and complete lit circle jobs. / TLW identify vocabulary words used in text.
TLW apply knowledge of key details and events from text via quiz.
TLW explain relationships or interactions between two or more individuals in a text based on specific information in the text
TLW summarize the main points of a text read aloud
eEC / CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. / CC.1.2.5.D – analyze multiple accounts of the same event, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.
CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. / CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.
CC.1.4.5.S – draw evidence from the text to support analysis, reflection and research, applying grade-level reading standards. / CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.
CC.1..5.5.A – Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions / CC.1.2.5.L – Read and comprehend literary nonfiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.
CC.1.5.5.B – summarize the main points of a written text read aloud
procedure / Section 2: Chapter 6-7
*Strategy Focus: Questioning
1. Anticipatory Set: Write two questions about chapter 5. One question can be a level 1-3 and the other level 4-6. (Refer to Bloom's levels in flipchart p.5) Collect to use tomorrow.- Review Vocab
2. Students will read chapters
6 – 7 and then independently complete Lit Circle jobs. Groups will discuss when all members are finished with jobs.
3. When finished, students will work on an extension activity.
4. Ticket Out the Door:
Write 3 leveled questions from chapters 6-7. Collect the questions to be used in tomorrow's set activity. / Section 2: Chapter 8
*Strategy Focus: Questioning
*Skill: Point of View
1. Scramble - Questions will be randomly placed around the room to review chapters 5-7. Students will have 10 minutes (total) to visit all the cards and write down their answers on a piece of paper.
2. Teacher will orally read chapter 8 and discuss/teach troop movement using a map.
3. Teach Point of View using flipchart-p.12 (Intro or advanced options) or page 26 in the Civil War Unit packet.
Page 13 Flipchart- Randomly distribute a name to each student. (Emma's father, Dr. Hodes, etc.) Student will write a reaction from their person's view point to Emma's decision to disguise herself as a man.
4. Have students with the same person share their responses. Then choose one person to read their response to the entire class.
5. Closure: Discuss how the point of views varied for each person and why. / Section 2: Chapter 9-10
*Strategy Focus: Summarize
1. Anticipatory Set: Vocab. review for chapters 5-8 using flipchart. Review Point of View for the upcoming activity.
2. Quiz on chapters 5-8-see wiki,
3. Introduce/teach vocab. for chapters 9-11 using flipchart pp 10 and 14.
4. Students will silently read chapter 9-10.
5. When finished, students will work on a point of view activity:
Write a first person reflection about the time in the cabin with the dying Confederate soldier. Express Bridget/Frank's feelings about the experience.
6. Closure: Summarize chapters 9-10. May make into a game using a ball to toss to the next student to continue the summary where the previous student left off. / Section 2: Chapter 11
*Strategy Focus: Predict/Infer
1. Anticipatory Set: Students will share their first person reflections to review chapters 9-10. Review vocabulary.
2. Students will read chapter 11 and then independently complete Lit Circle jobs. Groups will discuss when all members are finished with jobs.
3. When finished, students will work on an extension activity.
4. Exit Ticket: Think about how chapter 11 ended. Is there a limit to a person's luck? / Section 3: Chapter 12
*Strategy Focus: Summarize
*Skill: Character Relationships
1. Anticipatory Set: Vocab. review for chapters 9-11 using flipchart pp 10 and 14.
2. Quiz on chapters 9-11. -see wiki
3. Introduce/teach vocab. for chapters 12-14 using flipchart.-p. 15
4. Teacher will orally read chapter 12 and discuss/teach troop movement using a map.
5. Teacher will lead a discussion about relationships. Have students Think-Pair-Share about Emma's relationships with Mrs. Butler and Cuff. What evidence in chapter 12 shows how important these relationships have become to Emma? How has Cuff become real to Emma? Why is he her favorite spy role?
7. Ticket Out the Door: Write 3 sentences summarizing chapter 12.
*Vocabulary Extension activities: crossword puzzle for chapters
5-8- see Resources in Binder.
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily
*Extension activities:
HSI: Historical Scene Investigation – Students will complete the packet using primary sources.
*Alternative extension activity:
Where Did It Happen?-p.46 in Civil War Unit - Students locate civil war locations using longitude and latitude. / OPTIONS:
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily.
*Extension activities:
HSI: Historical Scene Investigation – Students will complete the packet using primary sources. / OPTIONS:
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily.
*Extension activities:
HSI: Historical Scene Investigation – Students will complete the packet using primary sources.
*Alternative extension activity:
Vocabulary Crossword puzzle (See resources) / OPTIONS:
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily.
*Extension activities:
HSI: Historical Scene Investigation – Students will complete the packet using primary sources.
*Alternative extension activity: / OPTIONS:
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily.
*Extension activities:
HSI: Historical Scene Investigation – Students will complete the packet using primary sources.
*Alternative extension activity:
EVALUATION / *Students will complete their Literature Circle job (see teacher selected rubric).
*Teacher will sit in with one of the groups and score each student's participation and performance. Then each member of that group completes a reflection form to evaluate self/group performance. (See rubric in resources)
*3/4 on rubric for job and reflection.
*Exit ticket completed to 100% accuracy (2/2). / *Completion of Scramble activity from previous chapter to 80% accuracy (7/9).
*Point of View Response, 3/4. / *Completion of review quiz of chapters 5-8 to 80% accuracy.
*Students will complete their first person reflection with accurate details, 3/4. / *Students will complete their Literature Circle job (see teacher selected rubric).
*Teacher will sit in with one of the groups and score each student's participation and performance. Then each member of that group completes a reflection form to evaluate self/group performance. (See rubric in resources)
*3/4 on rubric for job and reflection.
*Exit ticket completed to 100% accuracy (2/2). / *Students complete chapters 9 – 11 quiz to 80% accuracy (5/7).
*Exit ticket completed with accurate story information (2/3).