Welcome to Troop 466

Attached are a number of information items, and resources, as well as a form for you to let us know how you can help to make your troop a success.

Troop Policy Manual – please read this over, as it gives an overview of the troop and how it functions. Several of the sections should be reviewed with your son.

Troop Roster – Self evident uses. It will be updated and reissued as the need arises.

Points of Contact – Again, self evident, found on the bottom of the roster.

Troop Resource Survey – The most important item in this packet. Parent participation leads to a successful troop. Your Troop needs your help in order to lead the boys on the adventure that is scouting. Please Fill this out and return it to the Scoutmaster as soon as possible. There are amazing talents and skills that all of you bring to the Troop and we would like to tap into this talent pool as needed.

All parents should choose between Program Track and Committee Track and let the Scoutmaster and/or the Committee Chair know as soon as possible how they wish to support the troop.

The Program track means training to be an Adult Scout Leader and working as an Assistant Scoutmaster (or Scoutmaster!) in a direct way with the boys. The Committee Track means working on the Troop Committee. The Troop Committee works “behind the scenes” to support the program and the Scoutmaster. These Tracks are not mutually exclusive, and being a Committee Member does not preclude you from assisting in the program.

Merit Badge Counselor Application – Please consider utilizing your talents in this way. There is little more rewarding than sharing your enthusiasm for a subject with a scout. Information on being a Merit Badge Counselor is as easy as asking one of our experienced adults about it.

***All adults working with scouts need to take the Youth Protection Guidelines Course available here: Print the certificate and turn it in to me. Please take care of this as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or any Scouter or Committee Member.

Tom Magrino, Membership Member, Troop Committee
