Earl Haig School Council General Membership and Election Meeting

Tuesday, September 18th 2012

7 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.

Attendance: Hilary Gray, Mesfin Tereda, Younes Kaouachi, Mike Hillmer, Erin Stayanoff, Diane Wright, Robin Forbes, Kathleen Peak, John Parker, Barb Fine, Kate Wallis, Sarah Eshelby, Clem Brollo, Michael Hershoran, Chad Nolan, Andria Keen, Adam Wientjes, Alisa Metcalfe, Tracey Pirso, Mary Wolicky, Nancy Lor, Sharon Storr, Erin Wong, Lisa Sevigny, Stephanie Little, Marcelle Cerny, Mary McAllister, Louise Horton, Sarah Gale, Chris Probst, Ashley McKellar, Shannon Connors, Jenn Haines, Jill Delgado, Diego Delgado, Mike Rivington, Maisie Tang, Michael Li, Sheila Mattar, Hayjin Jeon, Laara Sadiq, Christian Hurst, Tamara Robertson, Tara Virland

Regrets: Samantha Robinson, Johnna Puusa

1.  Welcoming remarks and introductions –Karen Finley Kelly, Chair of 2011/2012council - a great turnout! Welcome to new and past members and introducing Alisa Metcalfe (Past Chair), Stephanie Little (Treasurer), and Hilary Gray (Secretary)

- The Earl Haig School Council organization is not taking a stance with regards to the Teacher work action. Karen will provide anyone who is interested with a sheet of government contacts for people to send comments/concerns to. Welcome to Sheila Carey-Meagher, Earl Haig's School Board Trustee.

2.  Acceptance of the Agenda - Alisa Metcalfe moved to accept, Tracey Pirso seconded it. Passed.

3.  Reading and acceptance of the minutes from the June 2012 meeting - Kate Wallis moves to accept, Andria Keen seconded - passed.

4.  Remarks from our Principal – Olga Ellis - Welcome, it's a dream to be here!

- enrollment is 442, Earl Haig is up from projected enrollment. So far, Earl Haig does not require any realignment. JK - gr. 3 are at 20 or below, gr. 3 is at 23, gr. 2/3 split at 21

- a mural will go along the west side of the school that represents our school community

- safety is paramount - a nut free environment - no birthday treats are to be brought into the classrooms.

- all doors will be locked all day, except for the front door. Please check in to the office when you come into the school and get a "visitor" pass

- lice checks - will happen periodically.

- Terry Fox run this Friday morning, Sept. 21 @ 9:10

- Upcoming event: pediatric oncology awareness campaign - chalk messages of hope or inspiration to cancer patients and survivors

- QSP magazine sales start at the beginning of Oct.

- Student Photo day Oct. 5

- Lunch/Snack programme is looking for volunteers in order to keep the programme going. Please speak to Sarah Eshelby if interested

- Next meeting will be a discussion about the school budget and EQAO results

- Ron Morrish - guest speaker at Earl Beatty on Sept. 19

- Earl Haig Teacher action: Comments provided by Olga Ellis and Karen Finley Kelly - The Earl Haig staff is very committed to extracurriculars, however they have decided as a staff to not offer extracurriculars at this time. Ms. Ellis will keep us posted if any changes come up. Curriculum Night has been moved to the afternoons. Sheila Carey-Meagher (our School board Trustee) indicated that this dispute is between the provincial gov't and the Unions. See the article from Gerry Caplan in last weeks Globe and Mail.

5.  Taking the Mystery out of School Council - Karen Finley Kelly

IN BRIEF- What is school council? Who participates? What does council do at Earl Haig?

- we sponsor and raise funds for our sports teams, , ECO schools , enhancing technology, and contributing funds to Arts programmes in the school. Money is raised through QSP sales, pumpkin patch, Upcycle/recycling events, and the Spring Festival, etc. We offer a variety of events such as Healthy Mind/Healthy Body event, the Diversity Potluck, etc.

- Please consider donating some of your time to School Council, whether it be a small one-time commitment to a year round commitment

6. Reviewing our financial results for the 2011/2012 school year and our current financial status – Stephanie Little, Treasurer - last year we raised about $15,000 and gave out about $15,000 - different events raise funds - pumpkin patch, upcycle/recycle event, spring festival (we raised $9,000!) Money raised is put towards funding different initiatives in the school such as technology, gardening equipment, etc.

- this year money will be provided for: $1500 for a bike rack, $300 Roots of Empathy, among other things

·  Facilities Update - full-day kindergarten will come to Earl Haig in Sept. 2013 and a Kindergarten addition will be added with construction beginning in Jan. 2013. Ground floor will possibly have one classroom and a storage space. The second floor will possibly have 2 classrooms. Should this new construction allow for later classrooms to be built? To be discussed further. Daycare space will be protected.

- Chris Probst from the Earl Haig daycare introduced herself. She shared that the daycare has 156 kids and they will be advocating to keep their space within the school as full-day kindergarten is introduced.

- Barb Fine will help put together the pros and cons of the construction options in a presentation format to present to our community at a later date

·  Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) Update - Kate Wallis - There is a Parent conference on Nov. 17 @ Earl Haig High School http://www.tdsb.on.ca/_site/ViewItem.asp?siteid=91&menuid=8109&pageid=7084

- People for Education conference will be held on the weekend of Nov. 3 & 4 http://www.peopleforeducation.ca/events-workshops/come-to-our-conference/

- It would be appreciated and beneficial if members of the Earl Haig community attended one or both of these conferences. Contact Kate Wallis for more info:

·  Coordinating the Pumpkin Patch - Wednesday, Oct. 24 - Sarah Eshelby - School Council fundraiser sells pumpkins, honey, maple syrup and baked goods - we need people to sell baked goods and to bake items for the sale. We will send out a link to the Board approved Cook Book "Bake It Up!" http://www.nutritionrc.ca/resources/nrc-english.html Sale will begin at 7:15 am

- *Volunteers are needed to unload pumpkins at 6:00 am that morning! Contact Sarah Eshelby if you would like to donate your time

·  Lunch program and volunteers - Sarah Eshelby - VOLUNTEERS are needed to help cook and serve kindergarten snacks and lunches Snack (9-10:15), lunch serving (11:30-12:45)

·  Proposal for graduation funding - this will be discussed at the next meeting

7. Election of the 2012/13 Council Executive

Participation in school council is open to all parents at Earl Haig. School Council meetings happen the 3rd Tuesday of every month, excluding Dec. and March. There are several options open to parents:

·  Sitting on the council as part of what is called the executive (chair/co-chair, treasurer, co-secretary, quadrant rep) who are all voting members and who coordinate the business aspects of council (financials, setting meetings dates and agendas, recording meeting minutes)

·  Joining as a member-at-large which is also a voting position

·  Participating more informally by sitting on one of the council committees (e.g., fundraising, gardening, festival)

·  Attending meetings to share your impressions and ideas

The 2012/2013 School Council will be: (based on members volunteering with no opposition/competition for positions)

Co-Chairs - Karen Finley-Kelly & Hilary Gray

Co-secretary - Tracey Pirso (meeting secretary) & Samantha Robinson (email list coordinator)

Treasurer - Stephanie Little

Ward Council Rep: Barb Fine

Parents-at-Large: Alisa Metcalfe, Robin Forbes, Kathleen Peak, Kate Wallis, Sarah Eshelby, Clem Brollo, Michael Hershoran, Chad Nolan, Andria Keen, Mary Wolicky, Sharon Storr, Marcelle Cerny, Mary McAllister, Louise Horton, Shannon Connors, Jenn Haines, Jill Delgado, Diego Delgado, Mike Rivington, Hayjin Jeon, Laara Sadiq, Christian Hurst, Tamara Robertson

Staff Representatives: Rob Taylor, Stephanie Reisler (alternate)

8. Setting council meeting dates for the 2012/2013 school year – these are typically held on the third Tuesday of every month with the exception of December and March.

·  October 16, 2012

·  November 20, 2012

·  January 15, 2013

·  February 19, 2013

·  April 16, 2013

·  May 21, 2013

·  June 18, 2013

9. New Business – these are any issues, relevant to the school community as a whole, which parents wish to bring forth for discussion or consideration

- Facebook page - Earl Haig School Council - Barb Fine, Samantha Robinson and Karen Finley-Kelly are the page moderators.

We look forward to seeing you at the second meeting of the year on Tuesday, Oct. 16! The meeting will be held in the Library that is located on the second floor. Childcare will be provided – see notice in the front hall for location as you arrive.

Minutes Submitted by: Hilary Gray