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North Valley Military Institute–Special Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, April 27, 20174:00 p.m. in room 54

12105 Allegheny Street, Sun Valley, California 91352


NOTE: Reasonable Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities. Please contact the Superintendent, Dr. Mark Ryan at 323-217-4481 or via email at at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to request accommodations.

Board members may be calling in from the following location(s) at which this agenda is also posted and which are publicly accessible if members of the public would like to attend the meeting:

410 Battle Court, Ft. Lee VA 23801

1400 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1400

1308 Virginia Avenue, Fairmont, WV 26554

  1. Call to Order
  2. Adoption of the Agenda
  3. Public Comment – Members of the public who wish to make comments on non-agenda items are welcome to do so at this time. Speaker cards are available at the end of this agenda. Each speaker is limited to three (3) minutes
  4. Adjourn to Closed Session
  5. Public Employment – Superintendent
  6. Conference with legal Counsel Potential Litigation – 1 case
  7. Employee evaluation – Superintendent of Schools
  8. Reconvene from Closed Session – Report on actions taken, if any.
  9. ACTION – Approval of the March 30 Special Board minutes (see attached).
  10. ACTION – Board Membership. The board will consider taking action on the board membership of a board member unable to attend multiple board meetings.
  11. INFORMATION, DISCUSSION, AND ACTION – Fiscal Matters – Budget to Actuals – The following pages are the Budget to Actuals through March 31, 2017 submitted to LAUSD already as part of our responses to the LAUSD Notice of Concern regarding NVMI’s fiscal health. Here are notes on the significant variances:
  13. 8012 – We have received EPA monies more quickly than forecast (a good thing)
  14. 8096 – We have received in-lieu of property tax monies slightly more quickly than forecast (also a good thing)
  15. In general state and federal funds are coming at a rate approximately equal to forecasts
  16. 8685 – Schoolsite fund raising is a little slower than anticipated, but the carnival May 4-7 should dramatically improve this; the chocolate sale exceeded original projections; Casino Night did not quite meet targets because it had to be rescheduled, but PAC has done a wonderful job of fund raising and should meet or exceed targets by the end of the FY
  17. 8699 – We continue to struggle with proper coding of income. Kellie and Mark have redesigned the coding for the 17-18 FY, but this object code is an example of something showing over income which likely should be in a different category
  18. 8981 – We are behind in the Annual Campaign contributions from families; this is in part due to the possible school closure which caused some families to hold off on payments; we hope to recoup these prior to the end of the FY, but it is somewhat questionable
  19. 8985- This is the board fund raising which is significantly below projections. If our possible donor comes through, this would go into this category. Pastor Tolle’s donations are the only item in this object code to date.
  21. 1100 – Teacher salaries – we are slightly overspent in this category, but the month of June does not have full teacher salaries because of 10 and 11 month employees, so this should be on target
  22. All other salaries categories are UNDERSPENT but these will likely be on target for budget by end of the FY.
  23. Benefits are slightly underspent but should be on target by end of FY.
  24. Books and supplies as a total category is about $16,000 overspent. A number of expenses we did not properly plan for are included in this (textbooks for Mission College classes we had been told would be paid for by Mission; lacrosse equipment we anticipated a grant for which did not materialize; additional physics supplies for the new physics program we did not anticipate having to spend). We are hopeful that some of the savings from classified salaries and benefits will offset these.
  25. 5500 – we have still not received bills form LAUSD For overtime custodial services
  26. 5508 – we have canceled almost all remaining field trips so this should be money that can be assigned elsewhere
  27. 5800 – we are due multiple bills from providers who are behind in billing
  28. 5802 – we are slightly overspent in our move project manager which is an expense we incurred almost entirely at the beginning of the FY but there have been a number of “hanging chads” we have had to address (off site storage for instance)
  29. 5810 and 5811 – like 5800, we are due multiple bills from people who are trying ti help us with cash flow by holding off on billing us
  30. 5820 –this is chocolate money; the budget needs to be adjusted to reflect the reality; we did get a bonus from the chocolate company for selling out
  31. 5842 – This is coaching contracts and referees; I am not sure why this budget amount was adjusted downward; it appears to be a mistake that will need to be corrected
  32. Overall total operational expenses are slightly under budget (about $208,000 in all)

July - March Summary / 2016-2017
Account Code / Description / Actual / Budget / Variance $ / Variance % / Total Budget / Remaining Budget
8011 / LCFF Revenue / $2,106,536 / $2,124,155 / ($17,619) / -0.8% / $3,620,708 / $1,133,316
8012 / Education Protection Account Revenue / $631,431 / $346,330 / $285,101 / 82.3% / $805,571 / $174,141
8019 / Prior Year Income/Adjustments / ($4,151) / - / ($4,151) / 0.0% / - / $12,596
8096 / Charter Schools Funding In-Lieu of Property Taxes / $857,071 / $819,438 / $37,633 / 4.6% / $1,067,982 / $210,911
Revenue Limit / $3,590,887 / $3,289,923 / $300,964 / 9.1% / $5,494,261 / $1,530,963
8181 / Special Education - Entitlement / $81,812 / $80,298 / $1,514 / 1.9% / $106,627 / $24,814
8291 / Title I Federal Revenue / $119,714 / $122,355 / ($2,641) / -2.2% / $192,217 / $72,503
8292 / Title II / $593 / $2,149 / ($1,556) / -72.4% / $2,149 / $1,556
Federal Revenue / $202,119 / $204,802 / ($2,683) / -1.3% / $300,993 / $98,873
8550 / Mandate Block Grants / $100,334 / $100,089 / $245 / 0.2% / $115,618 / $15,284
8560 / State Lottery Revenue / $23,954 / $26,125 / ($2,170) / -8.3% / $104,498 / $80,544
8590 / All Other State Revenues / $37,500 / $37,500 / - / 0.0% / $75,000 / $37,500
8599 / Prior Year State Income / $24,853 / $2,329 / $22,524 / 967.1% / $2,329 / ($22,524)
Other State Revenue / $186,641 / $166,043 / $20,598 / 12.4% / $297,445 / $110,803
8682 / Foundation Grants/Donations / $20,050 / - / $20,050 / 0.0% / - / ($20,050)
8685 / School Site fundraising / $102,385 / $62,300 / $40,085 / 64.3% / $62,300 / ($40,085)
8699 / All Other Local Revenue / $84,653 / $29,035 / $55,619 / 191.6% / $55,000 / ($29,653)
8791 / SPED State/Other Transfers of Apportionments from Districts / $238,891 / $234,471 / $4,420 / 1.9% / $311,349 / $72,458
8981 / Unrestricted Contributions / $52,764 / $88,329 / ($35,565) / -40.3% / $130,131 / $77,367
8982 / Foundation Grants/Donations / - / $7,350 / ($7,350) / -100.0% / $7,350 / $7,350
8983 / All Other Local Revenue / - / - / - / 0.0% / - / -
8985 / School Site Fundraising / - / $40,000 / ($40,000) / -100.0% / $400,000 / $400,000
Local Revenue / $498,744 / $461,485 / $37,259 / 8.1% / $966,130 / $467,386
Total Revenue / $4,478,392 / $4,122,253 / $356,138 / 8.6% / $7,058,828 / $2,208,026
1100 / Teachers' Salaries / $1,193,436 / $1,116,406 / ($77,030) / -6.9% / $1,421,651 / $167,382
1200 / Certificated Pupil Support Salaries / $56,520 / $56,320 / ($200) / -0.4% / $74,827 / $15,189
1300 / Certificated Supervisor and Administrator Salaries / $193,750 / $193,750 / ($0) / 0.0% / $245,000 / $42,708
1900 / Other Certificated Salaries / $110,755 / $107,259 / ($3,496) / -3.3% / $142,202 / $25,113
Certificated Salaries / $1,554,461 / $1,473,735 / ($80,726) / -5.5% / $1,883,681 / $250,392
2100 / Instructional Aide Salaries / $557,247 / $542,754 / ($14,494) / -2.7% / $671,900 / $88,462
2200 / Classified Support Salaries (Maintenance, Food) / $207,443 / $221,211 / $13,768 / 6.2% / $315,128 / $95,950
2300 / Classified Supervisor and Administrator Salaries / $238,255 / $222,323 / ($15,932) / -7.2% / $284,827 / $34,211
2400 / Clerical, Technical, and Office Staff Salaries / $202,185 / $198,582 / ($3,603) / -1.8% / $254,616 / $42,449
2900 / Other Classified Salaries (Noon and Yard Sup, etc.) / $141,292 / $136,295 / ($4,997) / -3.7% / $173,966 / $24,797
Classified Salaries / $1,346,422 / $1,321,164 / ($25,258) / -1.9% / $1,700,437 / $285,869
3101 / State Teachers' Retirement System, certificated positions / $170,204 / $168,721 / ($1,483) / -0.9% / $220,292 / $41,360
3313 / OASDI / $91,773 / $87,223 / ($4,550) / -5.2% / $110,738 / $14,370
3323 / Medicare / $41,791 / $40,364 / ($1,427) / -3.5% / $51,808 / $7,904
3403 / Health & Welfare Benefits / $194,637 / $210,287 / $15,650 / 7.4% / $247,143 / $29,370
3503 / State Unemployment Insurance / $33,578 / $34,821 / $1,244 / 3.6% / $37,878 / $3,897
3603 / Worker Compensation Insurance / $59,049 / $34,200 / ($24,849) / -72.7% / $45,600 / ($17,250)
Employee Benefits / $591,032 / $575,617 / ($15,415) / -2.7% / $713,459 / $79,650
Total Personnel Expenses / $3,491,916 / $3,370,517 / ($121,399) / -3.6% / $4,297,577 / $615,911
4100 / Approved Textbooks and Core Curricula Materials / $23,647 / $22,662 / ($984) / -4.3% / $22,662 / ($984)
4101 / Curriculum Assessment and Software / $23,968 / $16,468 / ($7,500) / -45.5% / $16,468 / ($7,500)
4200 / Books and Other Reference Materials / $5,121 / $3,067 / ($2,054) / -67.0% / $3,067 / ($2,054)
4300 / Materials and Supplies / $16,275 / $16,903 / $628 / 3.7% / $17,761 / $1,486
4301 / Other Supplies -Uniforms / $108,707 / $108,708 / $1 / 0.0% / $108,708 / $1
4302 / Other Supplies -Athletic Uniforms / $4,345 / $1,824 / ($2,521) / -138.2% / $1,824 / ($2,521)
4303 / Other Supplies - Athletic Equipment / $6,547 / $4,342 / ($2,205) / -50.8% / $4,342 / ($2,205)
4304 / Other Supplies - Intramural Athletic Supplies / $2,752 / $2,752 / $0 / 0.0% / $2,752 / $0
4306 / Office Supplies - Fitness Challenges / - / $250 / $250 / 100.0% / $500 / $500
4307 / Other Supplies - Planners / $14,662 / $14,662 / ($0) / 0.0% / $14,662 / ($0)
4308 / Merit Reward Supplies / - / $2,500 / $2,500 / 100.0% / $5,000 / $5,000
4309 / Other Supplies-Medical / $4,450 / $4,700 / $250 / 5.3% / $4,950 / $500
4315 / Classroom Materials and Supplies / $23,183 / $23,027 / ($156) / -0.7% / $23,027 / ($156)
4342 / Materials for School Sponsored Athletics / - / - / - / 0.0% / - / -
4400 / Noncapitalized Equipment / $1,497 / - / ($1,497) / 0.0% / - / ($1,497)
4401 / Noncapitalized Equipment / $2,485 / $2,485 / $0 / 0.0% / $2,485 / $0
4403 / Other Supplier- Athletic Equipment / $33 / - / ($33) / 0.0% / - / ($33)
4415 / Student Band/Drama Equipment / $49 / - / ($49) / 0.0% / - / ($49)
4430 / Noncapitalized Student Equipment / $4,050 / $6,274 / $2,224 / 35.4% / $7,000 / $2,950
4431 / Noncapitalized Student Equipment Drill Team and Color Guard / $40 / - / ($40) / 0.0% / - / ($40)
4432 / Noncapitalized Other Furniture etc. / $7,293 / $7,293 / ($0) / 0.0% / $7,293 / ($0)
4700 / Food and Food Supplies / $51,636 / $47,052 / ($4,584) / -9.7% / $70,000 / $18,364
Books and Supplies / $300,740 / $284,969 / ($15,770) / -5.5% / $312,502 / $11,763
5200 / Travel and Conferences / $30 / $30 / ($0) / -0.2% / $30 / ($0)
5210 / Training and Development Expense / $2,836 / $5,281 / $2,445 / 46.3% / $5,281 / $2,445
5300 / Dues and Memberships / $20,130 / $20,130 / ($0) / 0.0% / $20,130 / ($0)
5400 / Insurance / $48,318 / $48,318 / - / 0.0% / $59,124 / $5,403
5500 / Operation and Housekeeping Services / $674 / $4,337 / $3,663 / 84.5% / $8,000 / $7,326
5501 / Utilities / $2,609 / $786 / ($1,823) / -231.8% / $786 / ($1,823)
5506 / Transportation Repair / $1,375 / $1,375 / - / 0.0% / $1,375 / -
5507 / LOC Field Trips / $13,040 / $12,696 / ($344) / -2.7% / $15,000 / $1,960
5508 / Merit Field Trips / $670 / $2,835 / $2,165 / 76.4% / $5,000 / $4,330
5509 / Gas For Vans / $2,027 / $2,226 / $199 / 8.9% / $3,400 / $1,373
5510 / Athletic Trips / $500 / $500 / - / 0.0% / $500 / -
5511 / Transportation LOC Field Trips / $8,700 / $8,700 / - / 0.0% / $8,700 / -
5514 / Academic Field Trip - Fees / - / - / - / 0.0% / - / -
5516 / LOC Field Trip - Food / $3,528 / $3,529 / $1 / 0.0% / $3,529 / $1
5517 / LOC Field Trip - Supplies / $7,324 / $7,323 / ($1) / 0.0% / $7,323 / ($1)
5600 / Space Rental/Leases Expense / - / $181,500 / $181,500 / 100.0% / $363,000 / $363,000
5602 / Other Space Rental / $26,825 / $11,984 / ($14,842) / -123.9% / $11,984 / ($14,842)
5603 / Athletic Space Rental / $655 / $355 / ($300) / -84.5% / $355 / ($300)
5605 / Equipment Rental/Lease Expense / $9,758 / $12,081 / $2,323 / 19.2% / $14,238 / $4,480
5606 / Equipment Rental School Vans / $13,755 / $13,075 / ($680) / -5.2% / $13,075 / ($680)
5607 / Park Fees / - / $175 / $175 / 100.0% / $350 / $350
5608 / PAC Events / $562 / $806 / $244 / 30.3% / $1,050 / $488
5800 / Professional/Consulting Services and Operating Expenditures / $104,344 / $74,351 / ($29,993) / -40.3% / $80,000 / ($26,932)
5801 / Non Instructional School Athletics / $1,064 / $2,416 / $1,352 / 56.0% / $4,000 / $2,936
5802 / Non Instructional Project Manager Move / $20,350 / $18,287 / ($2,063) / -11.3% / $20,000 / ($350)
5803 / Banking and Payroll Service Fees / $8,962 / $8,759 / ($202) / -2.3% / $11,759 / $2,451
5805 / Legal Services and Audit / $2,821 / $4,028 / $1,207 / 30.0% / $5,000 / $2,179
5806 / Audit Services / - / $250 / $250 / 100.0% / $500 / $500
5810 / Educational Consultants / $60,909 / $96,834 / $35,925 / 37.1% / $137,000 / $75,291
5811 / Student Transportation / $127,999 / $184,332 / $56,333 / 30.6% / $255,693 / $127,694
5815 / Advertising/Recruiting / $123 / $227 / $104 / 45.9% / $250 / $127
5820 / Fundraising Expense / $47,234 / $40,445 / ($6,789) / -16.8% / $50,000 / $2,766
5821 / Recruitment / $81 / - / ($81) / 0.0% / - / ($81)
5842 / Services Student Athletics / $5,770 / $1,357 / ($4,413) / -325.2% / $1,357 / ($4,920)
5873 / Financial Services / $30,000 / $30,000 / - / 0.0% / $40,000 / $10,000
5874 / Personnel Services / $77 / $77 / - / 0.0% / $77 / -
5890 / Interest Expense/Fees / $25 / $1,013 / $988 / 97.5% / $2,000 / $1,975
5891 / Sale of Revenues Fees and Discounts / $206,724 / $259,877 / $53,153 / 20.5% / $340,877 / $134,153
5892 / Charter Asset Management Fees / $48,165 / - / ($48,165) / 0.0% / - / ($48,165)
5900 / Communications (Tele., Internet, Copies,Postage,Messenger) / $3,447 / $4,966 / $1,519 / 30.6% / $7,000 / $3,553
5901 / Communications Tech / $42,024 / $40,749 / ($1,275) / -3.1% / $52,000 / $9,976
Services & Other Operating Expenses / $873,436 / $1,106,010 / $232,575 / 21.0% / $1,549,744 / $666,663
5875 / District Oversight Fee / $41,136 / $37,463 / ($3,673) / -9.8% / $54,943 / $13,807
7010 / Special Education Encroachment / $30,683 / - / ($30,683) / 0.0% / - / ($30,683)
7141 / Special Education Encroachment District / $239,800 / $265,477 / $25,677 / 9.7% / $352,524 / $112,723
Other Outgo / $311,619 / $302,940 / ($8,679) / -2.9% / $407,466 / $95,847
Total Operational Expenses / $1,485,794 / $1,693,920 / $208,126 / 12.3% / $2,269,712 / $774,272
Total Expenses / $4,977,710 / $5,064,437 / $86,727 / 1.7% / $6,567,289 / $1,390,183
Net Income / ($499,318) / ($942,183) / $442,865 / 47.0% / $491,539 / $817,842
  1. INFORMATION, DISCUSSION, AND ACTION – Members of the school administration will answer questions on the following written reports submitted for board information and as part of the board’s fiduciary responsibility to monitor all aspects of school operation:
  2. Superintendent (Dr. Mark Ryan):
  3. PROPOSITION 39 FACILITIES - NVMI is in receipt of the final offer from LAUSD for Prop 39 for the 17-18 school year for 24 classrooms and 3 offices. NVMI has filed for Dispute Resolution but continues to hope for an Alternative Agreement. The current Alternative Agreement has been proposed as the starting point for a 17-18 Alt Agreement, with the addition of Classroom 111 as a life science/biology lab in place of 98L (a current SDC classroom). NVMI is also asking for the district to rekey all current “below the line” spaces to the charter master key and redo the alarms and PAs in those spaces to the NVMI system.
  4. FISCAL NOTICE OF CONCERN - VMI is in receipt of an email from Lillian Lee, who provides LAUSD Fiscal oversight, asking us to provide information on the status of the potential donor and on the plan to remain fiscally viable through June 30, 2018. The board will discuss the response it wishes the Superintendent to provide to Ms. Lee’s email.
  5. FISCAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES – NVMI’s Board Finance Committee needs to meet during the first part of the month of May to finalize revised Fiscal Policies and Procedures for adoption by the full board at its May meeting. We need to schedule that committee meeting.
  6. NOTICE OF CONCERN REGARDING DRUG TESTING AND SEARCHES – The board has already responded in writing to the LAUSD NOC regarding drug testing and searches, and at board direction, the Superintendent and administration have ceased all drug testing and searches. Until such time as the board adopts a revision to this policy, the Superintendent recommends the board adopt the following policy:
  7. NVMI will not conduct any drug or alcohol testing of students at any time.
  8. In cases where a student is suspected of being under the influence of an illegal substance, parents/guardians will be encouraged to get their children tested and share those results with the school.
  9. In considering student disciplinary consequences connected to current policies regarding students suspected of being under the influence, the administration shall be permitted to use circumstantial evidence, including direct observation evidence (and reports) and any hearsay evidence the administration believes to be credible.
  10. NVMI will make every attempt to get students suspected of being in possession of anything contrary to school policy to voluntarily give those items to a school administrator or show that their backpack, purse, pockets, or other personal property do not contain the suspected item(s). In cases where the suspected item is illegal but NOT believed to be immediately dangerous to others (e.g. drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc), if students refuse to voluntarily show that their personal property does not contain the suspected item(s), parents/guardians will be called and encouraged to voluntarily conduct a search of their children. If students and/or parents refuse such voluntary activities, the NVMI administration may call school police or the LAPD to conduct a search and/or seek counsel and/or may take other disciplinary action it deems appropriate.
  11. In cases where the immediate health and safety of the school community is at risk (i.e. a suspected weapon),law enforcement will be called to conduct searches for weapons or other dangerous material (explosive devices, etc). If law enforcement is not immediately available, and, in the opinion of the Superintendent or his designee, the situation warrants immediate action to protect the safety of the school community, the administration will be permitted to conduct searches of personal property (including pockets, waistbands, socks, shoes, etc (WITHOUT any disrobing by the individual being searched) provided the search is conducted by at least two school staff members of the same gender of the person being searched.
  12. 2017-2018 SALARIES AND BENEFITS - The Superintendent recommends the board adopt a policy that there will be no step or column increases to employee salaries between 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 and that the same benefits package in place for the 2016-2017 school year remain in place for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
  13. ENGLISH LEARNER MASTER PLAN – The Superintendent recommends the board adopt the LAUSD English Learner Master Plan as the NVMI EL Master Plan.
  14. LOCAL CONTROL ACCOUNTABILITY PLAN – State law requires all charter schools and school districts to adopt a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which we have done each of the last three years. To the greatest extent possible, this plan should represent alignment of the school’s WASC Action plan, identified schoolwide areas of strength and growth, Academic Improvement plans, Operational Improvement Plans, English Learner Master Plan, board goals and priorities, etc. The NVMI Schoolsite council has taken the lead on developing and revising the annual LCAP and is doing so now. At its meeting Tuesday, April 25, the SSC will be discussing the LCAP and making recommended revisions to it, based in part on the collection of student, family, and staff survey data, data on student academic performance, and data on performance metrics in each of NVMI’s four pillars – ACADEMICS, LEADERSHIP, CITIZENSHIP, and ATHLETICS. The SSC should have a final draft of the LCAP to present to the NVMI Governing Board for adoption at the board’s May meeting.
  15. CHARTER RENEWAL – The Superintendent will lead a board discussion of his concerns regarding District Required Language (DRL) for Charter Renewal and will discuss LAUSD Renewal Policies and Procedures. He will seek board direction on the content of the NVMI Charter Renewal petition and on the timeline for Charter Renewal petition submission.
  1. BUDGET – The Superintendent recommends the board discuss and adopt (with any requested revisions/modifications) the following draft budget for the 2017-2018 school year, and authorize the Superintendent to offer employment agreements for all full and part time positions (certificate and classified) listed in the budget detail. The budget reflects an ending balance of $760,774 which should result in NVMI ending the 2017-2018 school year with an effective “zero balance” (no debt, ostensibly eliminating all of the approximately $1 million debt that appears on the 2015-2016 audit).There are a number of assumptions within this budget which the Superintendent will present to the board for it consideration, including enrollment and Average Daily Attendance (568.60 in grades 6-12 total), Local Control Funding Formula rates, the Governor’s proposed budget, cash flow bases, maintaining the current salary and benefits with no increases, fund raising projections, the role of our possible donor, etc.

Further, the Superintendent requests the board, by moving to approve the draft budget, delegate to the Superintendent full authority to enter into all contracts and agreements inherent in the draft budget, including but not limited to the following, with the caveat that the Superintendent is only authorized to enter into agreements which fall within the total amounts authorized in the corresponding line items in the draft budget :

  1. Prop 39 Agreement
  2. Special Education Related Service Agreements (to provide psychological assessments, speech services, etc
  3. Agreement to provide health services (nursing assessments, etc)
  4. Food Service Agreement with LAUSD
  5. Transportation Agreement
  6. Agreements to provide Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life insurance benefits
  7. Curriculum Assessment and Software Agreements
  8. State Teachers Retirement System Agreement
  9. Membership Agreements with professional and related organizations
  10. Insurance Agreements (liability, etc)
  11. Legal Services Agreement
  12. Professional/ Consulting Services Agreements
  13. Communications Technology Agreements
  14. Equipment Rental/Lease Agreements

Object / Description / Data from Assumptions, Payroll & Detail Tabs
8011 / LCFF Revenue / 3,997,940
8012 / Education Protection Account Revenue / 793,134
8019 / Prior Year Income/Adjustments / -
8096 / Charter Schools Funding In-Lieu of Property Taxes / 1,221,251
Revenue Limit / 6,012,325
8181 / Special Education - Entitlement / 114,109
8182 / Special Education - Other Federal Apportionments / -
8220 / Federal Child Nutrition Programs / -
8291 / Title I Federal Revenue / 169,151
8292 / Title II Federal Revenue / 21,320
8293 / Title III Federal Revenue / -
8294 / All Other Federal Revenues - Facilities Incentive Grant / -
8290 / All Other Federal Revenues / -
8299 / Prior Year Federal Revenue / -
Total Federal Revenue / 304,580
8520 / State Child Nutrition Program / -
8550 / Mandated Block Grant / 15,035
8550 / Mandated Block Grant - 1X Funds / 27,293
8560 / State Lottery Revenue Prop 20 / 26,627
8560 / State Lottery Revenue Unrestricted / 85,205
8590 / All Other State Revenues
8590 / All Other State Revenues / -
8591 / SB740 / -
8594 / Clean Energy Act-Prop 39 / -
8599 / Prior Year State Income/Adjustments / -
Other State Revenue / 154,159
8639 / Student Lunch Revenue / -
8660 / Interest Income / -
8685 / School Site Fundraising / 567,000
8699 / All Other Local Revenue / -
8981 / Unrestricted Contributions / -
8982 / Foundation Grants/Donations / -
8985 / Fundraising - BOD / -
8999 / Revenue Suspense / -
8791 / Special Education - AB602 Entitlement / 333,198
Local Revenue / 900,198
Total Revenue / 7,371,263
1100 / Teachers' Salaries
1120 / Substitute Expense
1200 / Certificated Pupil Support Salaries
1300 / Certificated Supervisor and Administrator Salaries
1900 / Other Certificated Salaries
Certificated Salaries / 1,956,336
2100 / Instructional Aide Salaries
2200 / Classified Support Salaries (Maintenance, Food)
2300 / Classified Supervisor and Administrator Salaries
2400 / Clerical, Technical, and Office Staff Salaries
2900 / Other Classified Salaries (Noon and Yard Sup, etc.)
Classified Salaries / 1,461,249
3101 / State Teachers' Retirement System / 282,299.28
Public Employees Retirement System / 230,877.34
3313 / OASDI / 90,597
3323 / Medicare / 49,554.98
3403 / Health & Welfare Benefits
3503 / State Unemployment Insurance / 29,250
3603 / Worker Compensation Insurance / 85,439.63
3703 / Other Post Employment Benefits
3903 / Other Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits / 768,019
Total Personnel Expenses / 4,185,604
4100 / Approved Textbooks and Core Curricula Materials / 23,500
4101 / Curriculum Assessment and Software / 13,500
4200 / Books and Other Reference Materials / 10,000
4210 / Testing and Exam Supplies / 1,000
4215 / Classroom Materials and Supplies
4300 / Materials and Supplies / 15,000
4301 / Other Supplies -Uniforms / 140,000
4302 / Other Supplies -Athletic Uniforms / 4,000
4303 / Other Supplies - Athletic Equipment / 32,500
4304 / Other Supplies - Intramural Athletic Supplies / 1,500
4305 / Staff Uniforms / 500
4306 / Office Supplies - Fitness Challenges / 13,000
4307 / Other Supplies - Planners / 15,000
4308 / Merit Reward Supplies / 8,500
4309 / Other Supplies-Medical / 1,250
4310 / Messenger
4315 / Classroom Materials and Supplies / 20,000
4342 / Materials for School Sponsored Athletics
4381 / Materials for Plant Maintenance
4400 / Noncapitalized Equipment / 1,500
4403 / Other Supplier- Athletic Equipment
4405 / Non Educational Computer Software
4407 / Student Educational Computer Software
4410 / Computer Hardware
4415 / Student Band/Drama Equipment
4420 / Student Athletic Equipment
4430 / Noncapitalized Student Equipment
4431 / Noncapitalized Student Equipment Drill Team and Color Guard
4432 / Noncapitalized Other Furniture etc.
4433 / Noncapitalized Band Equipment
4440 / Student Events
4700 / Food and Food Supplies / 80,000
4701 / Non School District Food
Books and Supplies / 380,750
5200 / Travel and Conferences / -
5205 / Auto Mileage
5206 / Parking
5210 / Training and Development Expense / 2,000
5300 / Dues and Memberships / 22,000
5310 / Educational Publications (Subscriptions)
5400 / Insurance / 44,000
5500 / Operation and Housekeeping Services / 6,500
5501 / Utilities / -
5502 / Drinking Water / -
5505 / Student Transportation To and From School / 270,000
5506 / Academic Fieldtrips / 1,500
5507 / SC svcs, food, supply &facilities / 47,500
5508 / Merit Field Trips
5509 / Gas For Vans
5510 / Athletic Trips
5511 / Transportation Non SC Field Trips / 13,000
5512 / Transportation Summer Camp / 8,000
5513 / Non SC svcs, food, supply & facilities / 22,500
5514 / Academic Field Trip - Fees, transportation and food / 1,500
5515 / Academic Field Trip - Meals
5516 / Parade- Food, scvs & supply / 4,500
5517 / Parade transportation / 6,000
5600 / Space Rental/Leases Expense / 415,000
5601 / Building Maintenance
5602 / Other Space Rental
5603 / Athletic Space Rental / 900
5605 / Equipment Rental/Lease Expense / 15,000
5606 / Equipment Rental School Vans / 13,000
5607 / Park Fees / 350
5608 / PAC Events / 500
5610 / Equipment Repair
5700 / Facility Move
5800 / Professional/Consulting Services and Operating Expenditures / 215,000
5801 / Non Instructional School Athletics / 18,000
5802 / Non Instructional Project Manager Move
5803 / Banking and Payroll Service Fees / 10,000
5805 / Legal Services / 5,000
5806 / Audit Services / 5,000
5807 / Legal Settlements
5809 / Employee Tuition Reimbursement
5810 / Educational Consultants
5811 / Student Transportation
5815 / Advertising/Recruiting
5820 / Fundraising Expense / 50,000
5821 / Recruitment / 1,000
5836 / Transportation Services
5842 / Services Student Athletics
5850 / Scholarships Awarded
5873 / Financial Services
5874 / Personnel Services
5875 / District Oversight Fee / 60,123
5877 / IT Services
5890 / Interest Expense/Fees / 2,000
5891 / Sale of Revenues Fees and Discounts / 350,000
5892 / Charter Asset Management Fees
5900 / Communications (Tele., Internet, Copies,Postage,Messenger) / 5,000
5901 / Communications Tech / 52,000
5999 / Expense Suspense
Services & Other Operating Expenses / 1,666,873
6900 / Depreciation Expense
Capital Outlay / -
7141 / Special Education Encroachment / 377,262
7438 / Debt Service - Interest
Other Outgo / 377,262
Total Operational Expenses / 2,424,885
Total Expenses / 6,610,489
Net Income / 760,774
  1. In response to the LAUSD Notice of Concern regarding Academics, the Superintendent and administration recommend the board adopt the following SMART Goals and action steps:
  2. GOAL #1: 70% or more of NVMI students in grades 6-11 will make at least one year’s growth on the Scantron English, Reading, and Math tests during the school year. The remaining 30% will make no less than ¾ year growth.

AND At least 25% of NVMI students will make 1.5 or more years growth in English, Reading, and Math.