New Imperialism

Standard 10.4 – Students analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism in at least two of the following regions or countries: Africa, SE Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the Philippines.

Did imperialism do more to help or hurt Asians and Africans, 1800-1920?

New imperialism is a term used to describe the sudden mania for expansion and conquest that gripped Western powers in the late 19th century. Though Western imperialism was an ancient phenomenon by the 1880s, during the final two decades of the century, the European powers demonstrated an unprecedented enthusiasm for it. The rapidity of their conquests, and their focus on the tropical regions of Asia and Africa—which had previously remained outside of the imperial orbit of Europe—encouraged later scholars to identify the trend as "new" imperialism.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8A / 9B
T: Causes of New Imp.
Causes of Imp. Notes
E.M.P.I.R.E. Chart / 10A / 11
T: Scramble for Africa
Q2 Assessment
Scramble Activity
Africa Map / 15A / 16B HW#1 DUE
T: Resistance
Battle of Adwa
Resistance Chart / 17A / 18B
T: The Raj (India)
The Story of India
Sepoy Mutiny
21 / 22 / 23 / 24
Thanksgiving / 25
28A / 29B HW#2 DUE
T: SE Asia
SE Asia Map Activity / 30A / 1B
T: China
Open Door Documents / 2A
T: Japan
Meiji Worksheet / 6A / 7B
T: United States
Soldiers in the Philipp. / 8A / 9B
Unit 5 Assessment
Portfolio DUE
Extra Credit DUE

Homework on the backside ------>

HW #1 (10 Points)DUE: Wednesday, November 16th

Read Section (pgs. 339-350) in Modern World History.

1) Why did Colonization of Africa begin in the Congo?

2) How did the Industrial Revolution lead to New Imperialism?

3) What basic assumption of Social Darwinism would Africans disagree with?

4) Why were no African rulers invited to the Berlin Conference?

5) How did the Boer War differ from other patterns of colonization in Africa?

6) How might assimilation be considered less harsh than paternalism?

7) Which of Nigeria’s three main ethnic groups would have been most likely to unite?

8) Do you think Direct Rule would have worked better or worse than Indirect Rule with the Hausa-Fulani? Why?

9) Why do you think Africans resisted New Imperialism despite the superiority of European military technology?

10) Why might Africans have admired European culture, even though it was destroying their own?

Key terms: Use these in your answers.

Imperialism, racism, Social Darwinism, Berlin Conference, Shaka, Boer, Boer War, paternalism, assimilation, Menelik II

HW #2 (8 Points) DUE: Tuesday, November 29th

Read (pgs. 357-361) in Modern World History

1) Why did the governor of Bombay think the Sepoys might turn against the British?

2) How did the Sepoy Mutiny lead to increased British racism?

3) How might child marriages and rigid caste separation have prevented India from becoming independent?

4) In what ways were Indian nationalism and westernization compatible goals?

5) Why would the British think that dividing the Hindus and Muslims into separate sections would be good?

6) Why did Britain consider India its “jewel in the crown”?

7) What form did British rule take under the Raj?

8) How did economic imperialism lead to India’s becoming a British colony?

Key terms: Use in your answers.

Sepoy, “jewel in the crown”, Sepoy Mutiny, Raj

HW #3 (10 Points) DUE: Monday, December 5th

In your textbook read (pgs. 362-365, 371-375) in Modern World History

1) What was the motive above all others that drove imperialism in Southeast Asia?

2) How did Siam’s geographic location influence its political decisions?

3) What values motivated Mongkut & Chulalongkorn?

4) What factors contributed to U.S. interest in Hawaii?

5) How did resistance to technology hurt China?

6) How did the extraterritorial treaty help foreigners?

7) What caused the increase in opium addiction in the mid-19th century?

8) How did the “sphere of influence” differ from the Open Door Policy?

9) What act by the Dowager Empress helped cause the Boxer Rebellion?

10) What were the similarities and differences between the Taiping Rebellion and the Boxer Rebellion?

Key terms: Use these in your answers.

Opium War, extraterritorial rights, Taiping Rebellion, sphere of influence, Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion, Pacific Rim, King Mongkut, annexation, Queen Liliuokalani