Project: PowerPad2

Date: December 22, 2014


Project Outline

Development Methodology



Development and Testing

Project Schedule

Risk Analysis


Project Outline

The project outline is call a PowerPad2 computing deviceweb-base that scans proof of delivery (POD), packages being picked up, retrieving a signature from a customer, using a stylus. This device will be an upgrade from the old PowerPad2. This PowerPad2 software will be enhance to add additional software, like e-notes: this will allow the driver to capture holiday close information if the company is taking additional days off. Included from the enhancement is a delivery and pick up manifest visible on the powerpad2 for the driver. The powerpad2 will also keep records of any signature retrieve and sent to the main database at the main location. More enhancements is allowing the driver to release without a signature for the customer, and identify if theirs is no release. Each day from the night before, a genesis pickup database will record all pickups and transfer the information into the powerpad2 the next morning in a form of a manifest, stop per stop.

We will also speed up the scanning process on each barcode, from 10 seconds to 2 seconds once it reads each barcode. This powerpad2 will cost more to develop since it is an upgrade and weighs less than the powerpad1. As before this design will improve productivity in the field, at the location, reduce hours from each driver’s route; improve the sorting inside the building station. Also the information sent to dispatch will be faster and able to locate any driver’s location in the field.

Before the PowerPad1 and II, the company was using a super tracker, a small infra-red scanner, only for scanning barcodes, losing data and not capturing the signature correctly. This software is more sufficient and better efficient for the drivers and the company that will use it.

Some issues that may occur during this project

If the main database server fails to receive the information, all the customer signatures will not be uploaded and the service agents have to re-load and up-load the information the next day.

The device will be costly

The database has to work to perfection to receive tons of information from these devices.

If the database is hacked it would cause a lot of problems hence it has to be secure.

The customer signature may not be captured correctly.

Development Methodology

In this project we will be using the agile methodology for the development of this device. This development is incremental and iterative and we can improve our software product, if any of the requirements change or enhance during the process. This method has meetings that depict the performance of the team members after regular intervals. This method reduces cost and time consumption such that the regular increments allow us to analyze if we are working in the right orientation and we don’t have to start all over again.

Developers have a framework or processes to follow, the agile methodology can help the organization reduce risk. The benefits of the agile scrum method are feedback from stakeholders, quicker releases due to the fast development cycles. This agile methodology can give the organization a competitive advantage. Once we patent the software sooner we will hold the rights to the patented software. The agile methodology can improve the product quality. Conducting both formal and informal interviews with stakeholders for this project is very important. Highly skilled senior level technicians has to work together or collaborate on a single code, also errors checking are performed quicker and more accurate.

Below is a diagram of the agile development process:


The team will use two approaches to gather the requirements for the PowerPad2 software project. The interview and survey approaches will be used for this project, the requirements gathering for the agile development method can occur at different stages. It can occur before the creation of the product back log document. One of the senior staff members like a scrum master can conduct both formal and informal interviews with all the stakeholders to gather higher level requirements called user stories. The user stories are then documented in the product back log document. The requirements gathering can also occur during other phases like during the sprint retrospective and iteration phases.

Continual feedback during all of the phases from all stakeholders will be required for this project. The three most important things to address when gathering requirements for a software development project are eliciting, collecting and developing requirements. Eliciting is determining the source of requirements. A requirement elicitation is a task that helps a customer to define what is required (“Requirements Elicitation Methods”, n.d).

The team travelled to the user location and asked only opened ended questions, this was chosen because we will be able to get more of positive answers than negative.

The requirements process for this project we will gather requirements, document the requirements, check for any errors or competence, refine or remove any bad requirements. We will also validate the requirements, and manage the requirements for the PowerPad2. Some of the high level requirements gathered that the application must allow the user to change from alpha to numeric, connect to a wireless network, allow the user to collect a proof of delivery signature, any graphics must be displayed to the user, send updates to the main database once a signature has been received. A technical team will be ready for any issues 24 hours a day, along with a 1800-666-5151 number. The final high level requirement will be the timing of the barcode scanning, from 25 seconds to 10 seconds a scan. The elicitation process used for this project is the interview and survey process. We will use brainstorming as another technique to define the requirements. All of the developers involved in this project will contributed their ideas, and select the best ideas for the PowerPad2.

Requirements Analysis

Interviews: we will visit and contact delivery stations and company warehouses for wireless availability for the product.

Questionnaires: all of the questions can be asked using a questionnaire online or in a printed form, or these questions can be asked in a live meeting. Another way could be made consisting of all the interview questions.


We will conduct meetings of all the department heads of this project and we will also involve some stake holders who would give us random ideas on any aspect that is relevant to the execution of this project. This activity would be a refreshing exercise for all the minds involved in this project and also this will provide us with many ideas and we can choose the best ones at the end and also link these aspects. In the end of the meeting we will have a mission statement and know the orientation of our work and how it will progress ahead.


It will be the analyst’s job to see how things are progressing and what can be the future of the product. We would need to keep a track of all the activities and observe. We will identify the weak factors of the organization and team members. The factors identified to be incompetent would be analyzed and correction will be made by the team members or any department.

Some of the functional and non-functional requirements of the PowerPad2 project requirements we will first point out some key functional requirements and non-functional key requirements:

Functional Requirements

All users associated will need a employee ID number to login

Capture a signature from the powerpad2

Customer sign for the package and the driver obtain the signature

The driver compare the address on package with the manifest

Received the data

Send data to the main database

Scan the package information

Dispatch receive information

Non-Functional Requirements

The device should be efficient

The device should have a display with a light

The device weight is light to handle

A keyboard on the device

The screen is larger to read the information

A touch input

Font size are readable

This device should be affordabl

Elicitation Requirements

The elicitation requirement method process is to gather the requirements: mind mapping, interviews, stakeholders and more. Below are some processes of the elicitation process:

Customers and sponsors that pays for the final system

Have a focus group for the methodology

Outputs from the elicitation process, that is organized by the use cases, prototypes and domain constraints

Make sure each rationale for each requirements that’s recorded

Use case scenarios and mind mapping these are good visual for the customer

Most of the requirements are non-functional like: usability, performances, operational, security, and maintainability and support requirements. The functional requirements will be the scope of the work and the functional requirements for the PowerPad2 (Programmer’s Life, 2009).

Some of the possible measurements and criteria for the PowerPad2 just to name a few:

Ratio of any successes to failures

The time spent on errors

Have to have time to complete the task

The percentage of the task completed

Task completed per unit

Keep up with the percentage of errors

How many commands used

The time spent using help

Amount of runs of successes and of failures

Number of good and bad failures that’s recalled by the user

How many times the users need a work around from a problem

How many times the users is frustrated or satisfied (Tyldesley, 1988)


The handheld computer device has a communication area for network connections, WLAN radio, an antenna and operating channels this will help receiving and sending data to the main base system. The mobile architecture application includes three major components:

Existing system

Middleware application

Handheld application

Send information

Received delivery and pick up information

Dispatch information and send to the main database

The middleware application is needed to provide the data transformation and the central point of communication for the system.

PowerPad2 class diagram

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