Jo-Carroll Depot LRA Board of Directors

3:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I. Call to Order -The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Steve Keeffer on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at the Jo-Carroll Depot LRA Conference Room, 18933 A Street, Savanna, Illinois.

II. Roll Call - was answered as follows: Present-6 Don Crawford, Steve Keeffer, Bill Robinson, Paul Hartman, Bill McFadden and Ron Smith. Absent-2 Kevin Reibel and Bill Wright. LRA Staff present: Mara Roche, Angie VanKampen and Attorney Phil Jensen. Guests present: Amiee Martelle (RVPR), Tim Schoenig (WS Operator) left at 3:30 p.m., Ed Britton (USFWS) and Tony Carton (Telegraph Herald, Prairie Advocate, Journal Standard) Scott Lombardo left at 4:21 p.m., Jason Hughes and Kristen Brown (Savanna Stables, LLC) left at 4:00 p.m., Laura Roach (Depot Electric Supply) arrived at 4:11 p.m.

III. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

IV. Agenda Additions – None. The Board agreed to move Executive Session to the beginning of the meeting to accommodate the LRA Attorney’s schedule.

A motion was made by Paul Hartman to go into Executive Session at 3:03 p.m., it was seconded by Bill McFadden. Roll call vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay. Guests were excused.

Returned to open session at 4:10 p.m.

Guests returning: Amiee Martelle, Ed Britton, Tony Carton and Scott Lombardo.

V. Approval of Minutes

A. April 1, 2015 Board Meeting

A motion to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2015 Board Meeting was made by Paul Hartman, it was seconded by Ron Smith. The motion passed by voice vote.

VI. Old Business

A.  Environmental Consultant Services – Weston/Funding-There is a possibility that funding may be effective June 1, 2015. If funding is approved, Mara and one board member will need to attend the ADC National Convention in Washington, DC from June 22-24, 2015 (90% covered by OEA). A meeting with our OEA program manager and Tom Lederle (Army) would be scheduled.

B.  Water Tower Repairs – Army / Wagner Consulting-

Matt is waiting for dates from Te-Corp to hold a preconstruction meeting. Work is still scheduled to start early June.

-Well 260 Automatic Transfer Switch-There was a motion in 2012 to move forward with the project for $3,500.00. The latest estimate for parts is $2,905.09. Total parts and labor will still be under $3,500.00. This project needs to be completed prior to the start of the water tower repairs and painting.

Resolution #30 General Agreement of Indemnity -

Performance and Payment Bond in the name of the LRA (required by Army): IMT Insurance is requiring a Resolution authorizing execution of the General Agreement of Indemnity. The agreement has been reviewed by the attorney.

A motion was made by Paul Hartman to approve Resolution #31-General Agreement of Indemnity with IMT Insurance Company for Performance and Payment Bond, it was seconded by Bill McFadden. The motion passed by voice vote.

C. Discharge Permit-MSA-On hold.

D. WHKS-Intersection Design Study; Traffic Count - The count will be performed late May/early June.

E. Northwest Illinois Prairie Enthusiasts request-Seed Picking-NWIPE would like to amend their request from 60 acres to approximately 10-15 acres.

A motion was made by Paul Hartman, seconded by Bill Robinson to allow the NWIPE to pick seeds in the designated 3 areas for a total of 10-15 acres for $30/acre for three pickings; any additional pickings will also be $30/acre for three pickings.

VII. New Business

A.  Bills over $2,500-None

B. Staff Reports

1. Executive Director

a. Report/issues update-

1. Exploration of CNG - The LRA is still in discussions with

Nicor regarding extension of natural gas. If not feasible, Scott Lombardo has provided a proposal to explore the possibility of LNG. He would ask that the LRA reimburse him for travel expenses that may be involved, if any. He would volunteer his time.

Midwest 3PL is in the process of rehabbing building 132 for their office space with a complete facelift on the exterior of the building.

There are three new water/sewer accounts being activated this month.

Staff and the Port Authority have a meeting on May 20th with Alter Logistics and the tenants that may have possible interest in moving goods by barge. The interest is in business expansion and terminal operation.

Due to our January 2015 response on accepting parcel 3C “as is”, the Army has agreed to demo the barracks and associated buildings as part of a housekeeping action.

b. Correspondence-None.

c. Property transfers-There was no property transferred in April.

d. Employment report- 73 for April, same as March. Numbers are up 2 from last year at 71.

2. Bookkeeper-

a. Bank account balances - As of 4/30/15, our current balance is $1,421,261.20.

b. CD –The next CD #413647 is due 7/3/2015 for $50,225.84

c. Cash flow - Income for the month of April was $4,431.13. Expenses for the month of April were $34,051.25.

d. Budget update –Five months into the FY income is $121,270.86 with $444,203.00 budgeted and expenses are $100,512.48 with $917,308.57 budgeted. Yearly loss is $0. Yearly gain is $20,758.38.

e. Water/Sewer-review expenses - Water and Sewer related expenses for the month of April were $4,471.52 and income was $1,767.94. Total expenses to date are $28,419.68. Total income to date is $8,964.61 for a deficit of $-19,455.07 five months into the FY.

f. Outstanding Invoices-Art Dersham $612.95 (water already turned off).

E. Board of Directors Reports

1. Foreign Trade Zone #271-None

2. Jo-Carroll Enterprise Zone-Next meeting is June 3, 2015.

3. Other directors’ reports-

F. Attorney’s Report

1. Speer Enterprises-Citation hearing has been pushed out to July 14, 2015.

G. Other new business-None

VIII. Reports to the Board

A. Site Manager / BRAC Environmental Coordinator-The draft deed and universal environmental covenant (UECA) for LRA parcels 10 & 18 have been reviewed by headquarters USACE who had additional comments on the environmental covenant. Now waiting for guidance from BRAC/Environmental Law Division.

A contract to remove deteriorated railroad ties from USFWS parcels will begin next week and go through most of May.

B. Tenants-Amiee Martelle from RVPR said the new building should be done by June 1st. The track and ties by 504 have been replaced.

C. UMRI Port District – After the initial suggestion by EDA that the LRA act as the lead applicant for the Port Feasibility Study (see attached), the LRA, Blackhawk Hills and members of the Port Authority worked to revise the application as suggested. Several meetings and conference calls were held which included EDA, Rep Cheri Bustos office and Sen Durbins office. It was then determined the LRA would not be eligible to be the lead applicant since they were not going to be the eventual operators of the port. The Port Authority will need to provide how the plan will be carried out, pro forma, etc. Additional funding options are being researched.

D. USFWS - USFWS has contacted the LRA regarding their 1st Quarter Water &Sewer bill. The LRA secretary sent the USFWS staff the policy with sections 16 & 20 for their review. Ed Britton has asked for consideration in a reduction of the bill due to a water leak at the Pit Meter. The board recommendation was to follow the Water & Sewer Policy under Section 16-Water Loss.

E. Guests-None.

IX. Public Comments-None.

X. Executive Session as permitted for the following under:

5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (6). The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.

Riverport Leases-3rd Addendum

Riverport Options

Building 255 Lease/Purchase Request

Supplemental Lease #10

XI. Motions from Executive Session, if any-

A motion was made by Bill Robinson to extend the 3rd Addendum for Riverport Railroad to 2020 due to lack of transfer from the Army for building 115, 504 and the 1158 acres, it was seconded by Bill McFadden. The motion passed by voice vote.

A motion was made by Paul Hartman to sell the land between the Main Line and Shinske Road in the Riverport Option, with Riverport being responsible for the survey and giving reasonable access for future development, it was seconded by Bill Robinson. The motion passed by voice vote.

A motion was made by Bill Robinson to offer Savanna Stables, LLC a 2 year lease, $3,000 per year, with a right of first refusal for $50,000 on building 255 with all lease payments credited to the purchase price; no residency allowed, seconded by Bill McFadden. The motion passed by voice vote.

A motion was made by Paul Hartman to table Supplemental Lease #10 for 1 month, it was seconded by Don Crawford. The motion passed by voice vote.

XII. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Don Crawford. The motion passed by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 4:46 p.m.


Angie VanKampen, LRA Board Secretary