Pacific Resources for Education and Learning

PacificTeacher Scholarship Application for Academic Year 2013–2014

Application Deadline: April 1, 2013

Mail,fax, or email your application to PREL:

Pacific Teacher Scholarship 2013–2014 ● 900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1300 ● Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813-3718
Fax: (808) 441-1385 ● Email:

Last name: / First name: / Middle initial:
State of residency: / Country of citizenship: / Sex: Male Female
State/country in which you plan to teach:
Contact Information
Mailing address:
Phone: / Email:
Class year in college 2013–2014 (check one): Sophomore Junior Senior
Number of credits obtained contributing to a teaching degree as of December 31, 2012:
Current college status: Full-time Part-timeIf part-time, credits per semester:
Degree you are pursuing: AA AS BA BS Teaching Certificate Other:
Are you currently employed as a teacher? Yes NoSchool:
Will you be enrolled for a full academic year? Yes NoIf no, which terms/semesters? (month/year)
Last high school attended: / Year graduated:
College you are attending: (This must be filled out. All scholarship payments will be sent to the school.)
Are you a previous recipient of a Pacific Teacher Scholarship? Yes No / If yes, year received:
Letter of Recommendation from:
Scholarship Application Checklist:
Completed Application Form
Personal Statement
Transcript Sent (date)
Letter of Recommendation

Personal Statement

Please include the following requested information in your personal statement:
Why did you choose to be a teacher?
Please list your experience working in schools, including the dates and school names.
Where in the U.S.-affiliated Pacific do you intend to work?
What grade level and subject area do you plan to concentrate on?
Please list any relevant financial information, including the funding source(s) for your education expenses, your current income, and an estimate of your monetary need for the upcoming year’s expenses.


If you are a resident of the U.S.-affiliated Pacific and are currently enrolled in a teacher preparation program, you may be eligible for a $750 to $1,000 scholarship from Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL). Please read the following information to determine your eligibility, and then complete the application process outlined below. This is a competitive process, and at least five scholarships are awarded each year.


To apply for a Pacific Teacher Scholarship, you must:

Be a resident of American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, the Republic of Palau, or the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Be a 2nd-, 3rd-, or 4th-year student at an accredited college or university.

Be enrolled in an accredited teacher preparation program.

Be a student in good standing. (A grade point average [GPA] of a least 2.5 qualifies you as a student in good standing.)

Intend to teach in a school in the U.S.-affiliated Pacific.

Former recipients are eligible if above criteria are met.


Submit the following (for additional information, see Instructions section below):

A completed application form

A personal statement (see instructions)

Your most recent grade transcript

A letter of recommendation

These documents may be mailed, faxed, or emailed to PREL’s Honolulu office no later than April 1, 2013.

Pacific Resources for Education and Learning
Attn: Pacific Teacher Scholarship 2013–2014,Ms. Jamie Mitte
900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1300
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813-3718

Fax: (808) 441-1385

If you have any questions, please contact .



Fill out and return application form.

Personal Statement

Write a statement that covers the following topics:

Why you chose to be a teacher

Experience working in schools, including dates and school names

Where in the U.S.-affiliated Pacific you intend to work

The grade level and subject area you plan to concentrate in

Relevant financial information, including:

  • Funding source(s) for your education expenses
  • Current income
  • Estimate of monetary need for the upcoming year’s expenses

You may include other information, such as work experience or community service, to show why you are a good candidate for this scholarship. Please type your statement and include your name at the top of the page.

Transcript of Grades

Submit an official copy of your most recent transcript from your college or university.

Letter(s) of Recommendation

Obtain a recommendation letter from an employer, a counselor you have worked with at your college or university, or the chief state school officer (CSSO) of your public school system. Only one letter is required, but you may include an additional letter if you wish.


Applicants will receive notification in June. Funds will be disbursed in two payments directly to your college or university prior to the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.

Award recipients will be required to submit a recent photo and grant PREL permission to use the photo and personal statement for promotional purposes.

PREL honors your commitment to teaching excellence!