Board members present Board members absent
Anthony Esposito JoAnn Reddick Guest Maureen Donnelly R. Eudora Winston Dr. Angel Granison
Dorothy Mayner (a / 7:16) Others present
Elaine Rittinger Sharonda Johnson
Jose Rodriguez W. Keith McCoy
Sidney Stone (a / 7:18)
The president called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm. Mr. Esposito announced that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.
The minutes of the meeting of April 17 2008 were approved (Donnelly/Granison).
Board Reports: Ms. Donnelly reported on the plans of the Friends, and the Oprah Book Club. There was approval of the first board/staff dinner seminar, and agreement that we should do it again next year. It was noted that some trustees need copies of the state Financial Disclosure Form. Ms. Mayner arrived at this time. Mr. Stone arrived at this time.
Programs and Services: Mr. McCoy reported that we are awaiting the final approval for the Americorps grant. He updated the Board on the status of a patron taken to court for excessive overdues.
Finance: The Board voted to approve the May bill listing (Mayner/Rittinger), Granison abstaining on check 2948. The Board also voted to approve the April financial report (Donnelly/Granison), and to request the mayor and council to amend the capital improvement ordinance so that the remaining funds may be used to replace windows (Stone/Rodriguez). The director was asked to contact the borough CFO, and inquire about a discrepancy regarding our final quarterly payment. Mr. McCoy also reported that the new State Comptroller may be requiring certain information about audit practices from public libraries as well as from municipal governments, and that he had asked NJLA to investigate the matter.
Buildings and Grounds: The Board agreed to have a special meeting before the regular June meeting, if necessary, to approve a contract for new fencing in this fiscal year.
Planning: The director reported that Assemblyman Cohen had re-introduced a bill for public library construction aid.
Fundraising: no report.
Personnel: Mr. McCoy reported on the new state Family Leave Act, and its implications for the library and the staff. The Board asked that the staff reports on the recent NJLA conference be placed in the June packet. The president asked that the full board receive a copy of the director’s benefits letter of agreement, and the annual goals, as a first step towards the annual evaluation.
The Board then suspended the agenda to move to the public portion of the meeting.
Ms. Sharonda Johnson, of 411 West Fifth Avenue submitted a letter of complaint regarding the library director. The Board received the letter, and informed Ms. Johnson that they would investigate the matter and respond to her.
The Board then voted to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters at 7:55 pm (Stone/Mayner). They returned to regular session at 8:34 pm (Donnelly/ Granison). No action was taken as a result of the executive session.
There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm (Donnelly/Rittinger).
Elaine Rittinger