Staff employed on the Locally Determined Contract have certain provisions which differ from other groups of staff.


The Holiday Year

b) The holiday year runs from 1 September to 31 August.

c) The University will define a 'university year' which will cover all days other than statutory holidays and those discretionary holidays on which the Vice-Chancellor chooses to close the University. Staff may take their holidays at any time, subject to the approval of their manager. No reasonable request will be refused.

Holiday Entitlement

a) The holiday entitlement is 30 working days.

b) The holiday entitlement arrangements will apply (pro-rata) to all part-time staff, irrespective of the number of hours they work.

Staff are allowed to carry forward up to 5 days holiday entitlement from one leave year to the next. In exceptional circumstances, individual employees may apply, via their line manager, to the Director of Human Resources, for consideration of more than 5 days being carried forward.

Statutory Bank Holidays are:-
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
New Year's Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
May Day
Spring Bank Holiday Monday
Late Summer Bank Holiday

The University of Central Lancashire has 4 days as additional discretionary holidays. The timing of these are subject to consultation with staff.

Statutory maternity leave shall not affect a member of staff's annual holiday entitlement in the holiday year(s) in which maternity leave falls.

Recording Procedure

Whilst it is the responsibility of the line manager to approve holiday arrangements, it is the intent of this procedure that mutual agreement is reached wherever possible. Special regard will be given to staff with family responsibilities and those who wish to attend conferences or courses that are held in normal holiday periods. The University of Central Lancashire has 4 days as additional discretionary holidays. The timing of these is subject to consultation with staff.

Employees, on appointment, will be issued with a leave card for the recording of all types of leave in any one year. The card will be issued by Human Resources and will show an employee's standard holiday entitlement. When an employee takes up employment part way through the holiday year the pro-rata entitlement will be shown.

When employees request leave, they should submit their record card to their line manager. This will be initialled or signed to denote approval. Faculties/Departments must retain a central record of leave taken by each member of staff.

Staff employed on a 'term-time only' basis will have a pro-rata holiday entitlement which will be paid as part of their salary.