SUBJECT: ‘ASP’ (BSC-IT - 4) Page 1 of 56


This question-bank contains three sections.

Section-A contains 1 mark Multiple Choice Objective type questions.

Section-B contains 5 marks subjective questions.

Section-A contains 10 marks subjective questions.

Section – A 1 Marks Questions

[QUESTIONS 1 TO 100] [PAGE 1 TO 10]


Q1. File extension used for ASP files.

A. Web B.ASP

C. ASPX D. None of the above

Q2. Why is Global.asa is used?

A.Declare Global variables

B.Implement application and session level events

C.No use

Q3.What is IIS?

A. Internet Information service B. Internet Information server

C. Internet Inform service D. None

Q4 What is PWS?

A.  Personal Web Server B. Personal website Server

C. Personal Web Service D. Personal Website Service

Q5. Which one is display the date?

A. <% =date %> B. <% =time %>

C. <% =now %> D. None

Q6. Which one is display the time?

A. <% =date %> B. <% =time %>

C. <% =now %> D. None

Q7.Which one is display the date and time both?

A. <% =date %> B. <% =time %>

C. <% =now %> D. None

Q8. Which one display the month and name of month?

A. <% =MonthName(month(now)) %> B. <% =Monthname(Month(now)) %>

C. <% =monthname(month(now)) %> D. None

Q9. Which one method display the day of current month?

A. <% =day(now) %> B. <% =Day(now) %>

C. <% =date(now) %> D. None

Q10. Which one method display the weekday?

A. <% =weekday(now) %>

B. <% =WeekDayName(weekday(now)) %>

C. <% =weekdayname(weekday(now)) %>

D. None

Q11. Which one method display the weekday and weekday name?

A. <% =weekday(now) %>

B. <% =WeekDayName(weekday(now)) %>

C. <% =weekdayname(weekday(now)) %>

D. None

Q12. Which one method count the no. of character in word?

A. len B. Len

C. count D. none

Q13. Which one method is used to display content of each field?

A. <% =request.form(fieldname) %> B. <% =response.Form(fieldname) %>

C. <% =Request.Form(fieldname) %> D. None

Q14. What does "Option Explicit" do?

A. Requires explicit variable declaration

B. Makes the computer give you additional errors

C. Converts a PG rated programming language into one rated NC-17

D. Implicit variable declaration

Q15. Which one is used to save the result in file?

A. ASP counter B. counter

C. save D. None

Q16. Which one is help to know in no. of visitor?

A. Active Users counter B. Active Users count

C. count D. None

Q17. Which one method is used to return the absolute value?

A. abs (n: number) B. ABS (n: number)

C. abt (n: number) D. none (n: number)

Q18. which keyword is used to declare variable in ASP?

A. dimension B. dim

C. var

Q19.What is ISM?

A. Internet Services Manager B. Internet Server Manager.

C. Information Services Manager. D. Internet Secuer Manager.

Q20. ASP only supports single line comment.

A. Yes B. No

Q21. Database connectivity is possible in ASP?

A. yes B. no

Q22. Which kind of web site can be created using ASP?

A.  Simple Web site B. Static web site

C. Dynamic web site

Q23. Which language is used to create font end of the web site in ASP?


C. Java D. CSS

Q24. ______is a simple object model that is easier to understand and use than OLE DB, and is frequently used for database applications.



Q25. Which one method is used to return the Square root value?

A. sqr (n: number) B. sroot (n: number)

C. sqrtt (n: number) D. sqroot (n: number)

Q26. Which method is used to convert value into integer?

A.  int() B. ConInt()

C. Cint() D. Num()

Q27. Response. End is used to ______

A.  End the execution of the script. B. End the page

C. None

Q28.Response.redirect is used to______

A.  Redirect the value of variable B. Send the user to another page

C. Redirect the value to page

Q29. Cookies can be used to store ______

A.  Small amount of data for short period of time

B.  Small amount of data for long period of time

C.  Large amount of data for short period of time

D.  Large amount of data for long period of time

Q30.Which one is used to convert value into lower case?

A. Lcase B. Lower case

C. LowerC

Q31.Which one is used to convert value into upper case?

A. Ucase B. Upper case

C. UpperC

Q32.What is DOM

A.  Document Object Model B. Documentation Object Model

C. Doc Object Model

Q33. How many built-in objects in ASP?

A.  5 B. 6

C. 7 D. 8

Q34. What is ADO?

A.  ActiveX Data Objects. B. Active Data Objects.

C. ActiveX Database Objects.

Q35. How many cursors are available in ADO?

A.  4 B. 3

C. 2 D. 7

Q36. Which sign is used for “not equal to” operator in ASP

A.  != B.

B.  =! D.

Q37. How many loop statement are used in ASP?

A.  3 B. 4

C. 5 D. 6

Q38. Which sign is used to insert ASP script in html page?

A.  < ------> B. <% ----- %>

C. <% >

Q39. Syntax of “if ” statement?

A.  if ______then B. if ______


End if End if

C. if ______then



Q40. How to declare variable in asp?

A.var a as data_tyle B.var a

C.dim a as data_type D.dim a

Q41. Syntax of “for” loop statement?

A.  for ______then B. for ______


End End for

C. for ______



Q42. Which method is used for Write any message in ASP?

A.  Write B. Response.write

C. Response.print D. Print

Q43. Methods used in form tag are______

A.  Get, Post B. Send, Get

C. Take,Post

Q44. If we used get method in form then which method is used to get value in ASP?

A.  Request.Form B. Request.QueryString

C. Request.get

Q45. If we used post method in form then which method is used to get value in ASP?

A.  Request.Form B. Request.QueryString

C. Request.get

Q46. What is HTTP?

A.  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol B. High Text Transfer Protocol

C. Hyper Transfer Text Protocol

Q47. Is it necessary to declare variable in ASP?

A.  Yes B. No

Q48. Asp is case sensitive or not?

A.  Yes B. No

Q49.How many types of Array in ASP?

A.  4 B. 5

C. 3 D. 2

Q50. How many Global.asa file in one Application of ASP?

A.  2 B. 3

C. 1

Q51. What is the use of cint() function in asp?

A. Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Number.

B. Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Integer.

C. Converts an expression to a variant of subtype value.

Q52. What is the use of Sqr() function in asp?

A. The sqr function returns the square root of a number.

B. The sqr function returns the square of a number.

Q53. How can you convert an expression to a small alphabet?

A. LowerCase B. Lcase


Q54. How can you convert an expression to a capital alphabet?

A. UpperCase B. Ucase


Q55. Which object is used to maintain state in asp?

A. Response object B. Session object

C. Session and Application object D. Application object

Q56. What is Response.Exipre ?

A. Property B. Method


Q57. Is it comparsary to learn HTML before learning ASP?

A.Yes B.No

Q58. Can I use SELECT statement to retrive data from more than one table?

A.Yes B.No

Q59.Difference between function and procedure?

A. Function can return anything but procedure doesn’t

B. Function can’t return anything but procedure does

C. Both function and procedure can return anythig

D. None of them

Q60. Which keyword is used to create procedure?

A. Procudure Procedure_name B. Crate_Procedure Procedure_name

C. Sub Procedure_name

Q61. Which function is used to convert a valid date and time expression to type date?

A. Convert Cdate (date) B. Cdate Convert(date)

C. CDate(date)

Q62. Which function is used to convert the specified ANSI character code to a character?

A. chr() B. character()

C. ConvertChr()

Q63. Which function is used to convert variable to a subtype string?

A.CStr() B.ConStr()


Q64. Which function is used to convert variable to an integer?

A.Cintegre() B.ConvertInt()


Q65. Which function is used to convert variable to a double?

A. CDbl() B. Cdouble()

C. ConvertDbl()

Q66. Which function is used to return the tangent of an angle?

A.Tan() B.tangent()


Q67.Which function is used to returns the sine of an angle.

A.Sin() B.Csin()


Q68. Which function is used to return the square root of a numeric argument?

A.Square() B.Sqr()


Q69. Which function is used to return the absolute value?

A. Absolute() B. Abs()

C. Absc()

Q70. How many events in Global.asa file?

A.5 B.4


Q71. Which function is used to display month in asp?

A. month() B. month(date)

C. month(day)

Q72.Session object is used to store ______

A. date B. variable

C. small amount of data

Q73 Which function is used to display hour in asp?

A. Hour(time) B. Hour(day)

C. Hour(date)

Q74. Which function is used to display a number (0 to 6) representing the current weekday?

A. weekday(date) B. weekday(day)

C. weekday()

Q75. Which function is used to display the year in ASP?

A. year(day) B. year()

C. year(date)

Q76. If no value is defined in method attribute of action tag then which method is used to send data?

A. Post B. Get

C. Request

Q77. Which method is used to end a session immediately?

A. Abandon method B. End method

C. Close method

Q78. Which method is used to remove the session variable?

A. Session.Contents.Remove("VariableNale")
B. Session.Remove("VariableNale")
C. Remove.SessionVariable("VariableNale")

Q79.There is any market value of ASP?

A. Yes B. No

Q80. ASP is better than

A. Yes B. No

Q81. Which language is used to create front end of web page in ASP?



Q82. Which keyword is used to call procedure in ASP?

A.  CallProcedure ProcedureName () B. CallPro ProcedureName ()

C. Call ProcedureName()

Q83. Can procedure return any value?

A. Yes B. No

Q84. Can function return any value?

A. Yes B. No

Q85 Choose the form in which Postback occurs.

A. HTMLForms B. Webforms

C. Winforms

Q86. How do you write "Hello World" in ASP

A. "Hello World" B. Document.Write("Hello World")

C. Response.Write("Hello World")

Q87. What is the default scripting language in ASP?

A. JavaScript B. EcmaScript

C. PERL D. VBScript

Q88. How can you script your ASP code in JavaScript?

A. End the document with: <% language="javascript" %>

B. JavaScript is the default scripting language

C. Start the document with: <%@ language="javascript" %>

D. Start the document with: <% language="javascript" %>

Q89. Which ASP property is used to identify a user?

A. The Server object B. An ASP Cookie

C. The Application object

Q90. All users of the same application share ONE Session object.

A. True B. False

Q91. All users of the same application share ONE Application object.

A. False B. True

Q92. If a user has Cookies enabled, a session variable is available to all pages in one application.

A. True B. False

Q93. Include files must have the file extension ".inc"

A. False B. True

Q94. What is the correct way to include the file "" ?

A. <% #include file="" %> B. <!--#include file=""-->

C. <% include file="" %> D. <include file="">

Q95. Which one of these events is a standard Global.asa event?

A. Session_id

B. Application_OnStart

C. Global.asa doesn't have any standard events

D. Session_Start

Q96. ASP comes with a standard component that displays a different advertisement each time a user enters or refreshes a page, what is the name of this component?

A. AdRotator B. RotateAds

C. Advertisement D. Advertise

Q97. How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "get" method?

A. Request.QueryString B.Request.Form

C. Response.writein

Q98.How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "post" method?

A. Request.QueryString B. Request.Form

C. Response.writein

Q99. "<%=" is the same as:

A.  <%Response.Write B. <%Equal

C. <%Document.Write D. <%Write

Q100. Global.asa is required for all Web sites

A. True B. Only for ASP Web sites

C. False D. Only for PHP Web sites


Prepared By: - Vaishnoo Maa Computers, SCO 145, Chotti Baradari, Patiala.

Ph. 0175-2205100, 2215100

SUBJECT: ‘ASP’ (BSC-IT - 4) Page 1 of 56

1.  A

2.  B

3.  B

4.  A

5.  A

6.  B

7.  C

8.  C

9.  A

10.  A

11.  C

12.  A

13.  C

14.  A

15.  A

16.  A

17.  A

18.  B

19.  D

20.  A

21.  A

22.  C

23.  B

24.  D

25.  A

26.  C

27.  A

28.  B

29.  A

30.  A

31.  A

32.  A

33.  B

34.  A

35.  A

36.  B

37.  B

38.  B

39.  A

40.  D

41.  C

42.  B

43.  A

44.  B

45.  A

46.  A

47.  B

48.  B

49.  C

50.  C

51.  B

52.  B

53.  B

54.  C

55.  A

56.  A

57.  A

58.  A

59.  C

60.  C

61.  A

62.  A

63.  C

64.  A

65.  A

66.  A

67.  B

68.  B

69.  B

70.  B

71.  C

72.  A

73.  A

74.  C

75.  B

76.  A

77.  A

78.  B

79.  B

80.  A

81.  C

82.  B

83.  B

84.  A

85.  A

86.  C

87.  D

88.  C

89.  B

90.  A

91.  B

92.  A

93.  A

94.  B

95.  B

96.  A

97.  A

98.  B

99.  A

100.  C