PO Box 138 • Ivanhoe, MN 56142


Letter to Parents regarding the Child and Adult Care Food Program

Dear Parents,

Your child care provider is enrolled in the Child and Adult Care Food Program with our sponsorship, Child Care & Nutrition, Inc (CCNI). We will be reimbursing her/him for the nutritious meals she/he is serving to the day care children.

This is important to you because

  • This program helps keep child care costs lower than without the program.
  • Your children are assured nutritionally well balanced meals and snacks.
  • Your provider will receive ongoing nutrition workshops and monitoring.
  • Your providerhas met some standards of quality (licensing, CACFP training and resources). That should feel reassuring when you entrust your child to their care.

Periodically, we may send letters directly to parents requesting a verification of schedules, meal or other helpful information to help make your child’s meal experience the best. If you receive a letter from us, please respond as quickly as you can. It will help CCNI and your provider, very much.

Thank you for caring to make the choice to use the services of a provider who is participating on the Child and Adult Care Food Program.


Sharon Rasmussen

Executive Director

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