Week of April 7th, 2013

- please join Julie Decker and Lisa Drost and their families in thanksgiving as their father Bruce Long (who lives in Alaska) has received amazingly favorable results from his cancer testing; he is said to be 90% cancer-free with no need for further treatment at this time;

- please pray for Betty Baas, who had been in the hospital again recently for 10 days with pneumonia, for her strength and encouragement;

- please pray for Esther Schoneveld, who had been feeling a little weak from bronchitis and other ailments, and was discouraged, but is doing and feeling better;

- please pray for Alice DeLeeuw, who on her first day (Thursday) moving into Inland Home broke her hip; she is in Chino Valley Hospital for a few days and plans to enter the Skilled Nursing Facility at Inland for rehabilitation soon;

- please pray for Rudy & Anabel Fabela’s friend Andy who had spinal fusion surgery and is facing a long and uncomfortable period of recovery and rehabilitation;

- please pray for our expectant mothers, for health for moms and babies; for Becky Henry, who is now on strict bed rest for a month at least; for Becky McIlhenny, as she has been terribly ill for so many weeks now; and for Lisa Drost;

- please pray for the diligence and faithfulness of our pastors;

- please pray for our society and culture, for the Lord’s grace, for stability, for moral purity; pray for those in the Lord’s providence who make laws and policies, enforce them, and adjudicate disputes about them, that all these men and women would be made alive in Jesus Christ or grow in His grace and knowledge; pray for the peace and protection of Christ’s church and everyone everywhere; pray for our daily bread.

Visitors at the Lord’s Supper

We are delighted you have joined us to worship the Lord today. We hope and trust that the Lord will richly bless you as we call upon His name together. At the conclusion of our service, we are celebrating the "Lord's Supper," or "communion." In 1 Corinthians 11:27-29, the apostle Paul issues a strong warning: "Whoever...eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord...Anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself." For this reason, throughout history, out of love and concern for those present in the congregation, churches have developed some kind of guidelines regarding who would be welcome to partake of the Lord's Supper.

If you wish to partake with us today, you musteither1) be a professing member, not currently under church discipline, of a fellow URCNA congregation;or2) have received from our pastor or one of our elders, before the worship service today, specific permission to partake. A pastor or elder is available in the sanctuary foyer within a half-hour before the service to grant such permission. You may also call the church office during the week at(909) 986-9889to contact one of them. We realize you may not have been aware of these guidelines in time to speak with one of us before the service today. Please know that we appreciate your patience with us until we have the opportunity to come to know you better as a like-minded believer, and to ensure that we share the biblical understanding of the Lord's Supper.

If it turns out that we are yet unable to commune together, please also know that we arenotsaying that you are not our brother or sister in the Lord,norare we saying that you would be partaking in an "unworthy manner" or "eating and drinking judgment on yourself" if we did commune together. But given the weightiness of the apostle Paul's warning, we sense a responsibility even to err on the side of caution. Please feel free to speak with our pastor or any of our elders about these matters, as we would be happy to try and answer any questions you may have.

Church Announcements

Our ‘Little Lambs’ group is offered for children age 3 (by October 1, 2012) through kindergarten. The kids exit the sanctuary through the back doors during the last song before the sermon to meet their leaders who take them to room #4 for a Bible story.

Men’s breakfast—IT’S TIME TO LET US KNOW YOU’RE COMING—we’re set to gather here at church THIS Saturday the 13th for breakfast for great food, fellowship, and an inspirational talk. Talk to Lena today or contact her right away please (951-264-8520, call or text, or ).

COOKIES for next week, April 14th—[those households listed here please drop off a couple dozen cookies or so in the kitchen before the worship service next week, April 14—thanks!] R. Rodriguez, Salvino; Sanchez; Schoneveld; Sernas; Shank; Skocilic; Smart; Smith; Starri; Turgeon; Vanderbilt.

Ladies—please mark your calendars-- Saturday, May 4th we’ll come together for the “Ladies’ Tea.” All ladies age six and up of the church along with their moms, daughters, granddaughters, sisters, etc. are invited to lunch and tea on May 4th at 11:00am. More details are coming soon.

Office Hours – Pastor Adam plans to be in the church office most of Thursday and Friday morning, but otherwise has appointments. He can be reached anytime or to make an appointment at (951) 264-8520. Pastor Ruben plans to be in his office Wednesday and Friday from 9 – 5, and may be reached at (909) 615-5738 anytime or to make an appointment. Please remember to call Pastor Ruben ahead of time if you plan to stop by during his office hours, and please enter his office door at the front of the parsonage.

Serving Today–April 7, 2013

Greeters: George & Janice Shank

Nursery AM: Infant- Leah Sernas

Toddlers- Christina Bejarano &

Rosy Gutierrez

Nursery – PM: Lena Kaloostian &

Tena Meinders

Sound Room: Mike Back

Coffee Servers: The Henry Family

Security Watch: AM – Steve Smart

PM – Lewis Van Hofwegen

Little Lambs: Rita Moreno and

Joshua Moreno

Ushers: North- Jerry Villa

Center- John Ermakovich South- Paul Huizenga

Serving Next Week– April 14, 2013

Greeters: Mark & Dianne Yegge

Nursery AM: Infant- Anabel Fabela

Toddlers- Shawn Caro &

Susan Castleman

Nursery – PM: Leah Sernas & Jennifer Back

Sound Room: Nathaniel Belden

Coffee Servers: The Howerzyl Family

Security Watch: AM – Jerry Villa

PM – Neal Westfall

Little Lambs: Josh Martinez & Mia Martinez

Ushers: North- Jerry Villa

Center- John Ermakovich South- Paul Huizenga

SERMON NOTES- 1 Samuel 23

“David & Saul Speak”

SERMON NOTES –Belgic Confession Article 19

Matthew 2:13-15

“The ‘Hypostatic Union’”