Minutesof the meeting at Library Irchester 28th November 2016 at 3.00pm

Present : JP Carr, T Skipper, M Jones, A Pearce, P Armstrong & N Daft

Apologies: M Waters, L Ellis Day, R & V Galer & D Jones

330)Agreed that the minutes of 23rd August 2016 were agreed as a true record.

331)Matters arising – none

332)Finance –It was agreed to ask the parish council if they could add £1000 for NHP expenses for the following year as there was a possibility that further meetings would need to be held before the plan was submitted for referendum.

333)Appeals – High Street/Chester Road –the enquiry had been changed again to be heard on 6th & 7th of December as a hearing. It was agreed that JPC would speak on behalf of the NHP group.

Station Road – appeal had been dismissed.

334)Village Voice article written and submitted.

Websitestatistics: 1st September – 30th September - 147 Visitors, 384 Page View, 21% Mobile Page View

Home Page - Visitors 61 Page view 94

History & Development Visitors - 30 Page view 42

Consultation Draft Plan Visitors - 16 Page views 70

News & Events - Visitors 7- Page View 7

Stage 2 Consultation - Visitors 2 - Page View 32

Minutes - Visitors 2 - Page Views -11

Stage 1 Consultation - Visitors 1 - Page View 13

For 25th Oct to 24th November were:

Home page 55 visitors – 71 page views

History 20 visitors – 24 page views

Forward Plan 1 visitor – 13 page views

Stage 2 Consultation 1 visitor – 17 page views

Consultation Draft plan 7 visitors – 50 page views

To discuss at next meeting with LED about payment of Domain name. ND also to investigate transfer of NHP documents onto Parish Council website in due course.

335)Character Appraisal – this was asked to be completed for mid November but it is still in progress. JP stated that he would send it to the group for approvalvia email once it had been received.

336)Draft Consultation NHP –Due to DJ not being able to attend at short notice due to personal circumstances JPC gave a verbal update on consultation. Leaflet notification of the Draft Consultation had been sent out to with the Village Voice in September to local homes and businesses highlighting that the Draft Consultation was available online via the NHP Website or hard copies available from Co-ordinator or Irchester Library.ND had also contacted statutory consultees and other local groups that the NHP felt they should consult with.

There had been 250 draft plans printed of which only 91 were left. Two consultation events had been arranged at Irchester Librarywhere 22 visitors attended. There were 20email responses and 5 letters received.One email had also been received in regards to the consultation leaflet. All statutory consultees had been contacted of which their comments would mean that minor alterations would need to be made to the plan. The majority of comments received where very positive about the plan or gave advice for minor corrections. DJ is currently addressing the comments. It was stated that an SEA Screening was now required and DJ was in the process of completing this then there would be a period of consultation with statutory consultees. The NHP group would aim to meet again in January to agree the policy and plan changes ready for a Parish Council meeting. Once it was approved by the Parish Council it would then be submitted to the Borough Council of Wellingborough. JPC will liaise with DJ about feedback and corrections needed to the Plan and with steering group via email.

337)AOB – None

The meeting closed at 4.50pm