Sanctuary in Revelation

Study with Tiff and Dan






Feasts in Revelation

Passover—Rev 5:4-8 (Lamb Slain)

Unleavened Bread

First Fruits (Rev 14:4)

Pentecost (Rev 4-5)

Trumpets & Day of Atonement (Rev 8-11; 15-16)

Tabernacles (Rev 20-22) (7)

Chapter 1

Shows us the High Priest walking among the candlesticks who cleansed us with his blood (not specific to a specific section of Sanctuary)

Vs. 4-5 Comes from 3 members of Godhead, one of which is symbolized by the 7 spirits before the throne.

v. 5-6Loves us, released us from our sins by His blood, and has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father; to Him be the glory and the dominion for ever and ever.

Vs. 127 Jesus is walking among the 7 lampstands

Vs. 13Jesus’ clothing is ‘High Priest’ attire. Only in OT with ref. To High Priest

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

3:8Open Door which no one can shut

3:12Overcomer becomes a pillar in the temple

3:5Overcomer wears white robes

Chapter 4

Ongoing worship in the Holy Place (lamps of fire, shew-bread, sea) before the throne, which is interrupted by the question of who can take the book and the innaugeration of Jesus as the High Priest and the Sanctuary.

4:1Door open in heaven

4:424 Elders24 courses of priests in the Old Testament

4:57 Lamps of Fire=7 Spirits of God

—Shewbread was before the candlesticks

4:6Sea of glass before the throne. Laver, the ‘great sea’ was in the Court, before the Holy Place which contained the Table of Shewbread, God’s throne.

—Ex 38:8 And he made the laverof brass, and the foot of it of brass, of the lookingglasses of the women assembling, which assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

2Ki 16:17 And king Ahaz cut off the borders of the bases, and removed the laver from off them; and took down the sea from off the brasen oxen that were under it, and put it upon a pavement of stones.

—Psalm 23: Thou preparest me a table in the presence of mine enemies!

—Compare 8:3 with 4:5. What do you notice? Thrones in both!

Chapter 5

5:6Lamb slain

Note Progression4:1 begins with the throne (HP)

4:57 lamps of fire

4:6Great Sea (Courtyard)

5:6Lamp Slain (Altar)

Christ had to come from the courtyard into the Holy Place to take the book.

Note: Rev 4 & 5 are both ‘worship-scenes’

Note: Rev 4 & 5 is the innaugeration of both Priest and Sanctuary

Chapter 6

Ministry of Jesus in the Holy Place during the opening of the 7 seals

Passover? Unleavened bread?

V 6Grain, oil are sanctuary items

v. 9Souls slain under the altar

Chapter 7



Vs. 9Palm branches with great multitude with palm branches (Tabernacles had a great multitude with palm branches & booths)

7:12Worship Scene. All worshipping

7:15Great Multitude is Continually in the temple

Chapter 8

8:27 Trumpets given to them

8:3Altar of Incense before the throne & Golden Censer (think of orientation—candlesticks are opposite to the shewbread; Altar of incense before ark of covenant

One of last acts of HP on Day of Atonement was to throw coals and incense from censer into courtyard

Angel, ‘much incense was given to him’. Angel=Christ

Chapter 9

Abyss(banishment from the Camp of the Scapegoat?)

—Following day of atonement any person who didn’t accept the atonement was banished from the camp into the wilderness. In that wilderness were scorpions and snakes…

9:136th Angel sounds from the 4 horns of the golden altar before God (Incense)

vs. 10Scorpion’s power is in tails. V. 19 Horses tails have power.

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Vs. 1Temple of God measured

Vs. 2Court not measured: Trampled of Gentiles

Vs 16-17Worship Scene

Vs 18-19Judgment linked with the opening of the temple of God

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Could it be that Each Sanctuary/worship scene is the preview of a period of events.

The Innaugeration scene (4-7), a preview of early church and medieval times.

The altar/incense scene a preview of 12-14?

What if each worship scene is the culmination of the work carried out in one of the divisions of the sanctuary.

4-5Culmination of the Sacrifice Phase of the Courtyard

Revelation 14

14:15Angel who commands the harvest comes out of the temple

14:17Angel comes out of the temple with a sickle

14:18Another angel comes from altar

3SM 172 3rd parRev 14:12 “The Faith of Jesus. It is talked of but not understood. What constitutes the faith of Jesus that belongs to the third angel’s message? Jesus becoming our sin-bearer that he may become our sin-pardoning saviour. He was treated as we deserve to be treated. He came to our world and took our sins that we might take his righteousness, and faith in the ability of Christ to save us amply, fully, and entirely, is the faith of Jesus.”

Revelation 15

Saints on Sea of Glass

Song of Moses & Lamb

Vs. 5Temple of tabernacle of testimony in heaven opened.

7 angels in linen come out of the temple carrying golden bowls with Wrath of God. (Plagues)

Ex 25:22 And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.

-Temple filled filled with smoke of glory of God until 7 plagues finished

Note: Is there any rx to cleansing of temple on day of atonement?

Revelation 16

-Plagues are commanded from the temple

-v 7Altar said (blood of saints under the altar!) true and righteous are your judgments (‘didst judge thus)

-Note: Blood at base of altar of sacrifice.

-vs. 17 after 7th angel pours out bowl on the air, a voice comes from temple from the throne, saying, ‘it is done’. Which throne? In MHP!

Revelation 17

-Judgment of Harlot (vs. 1)


Ex 28:6 And they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and ofpurple, ofscarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work.

Ex 28:8 And the curious girdle of the ephod, which is upon it, shall be of the same, according to the work thereof; even of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen.

This is a false high-priest with gold & jewels and purple and scarlet and instead of headband ‘holiness to the Lord’, it says, ‘harlot’

-This woman offers sacrifices of the blood of the saints

-Perhaps this is a high priestess sucking the lifeblood of the people out of the church?

-Pure woman goes into the wilderness. A harlot woman comes out. Harlot woman comes out. In imitation of the High Priest.

Revelation 18

Rev 12:12 has ‘Woe unto inhabitants of the earth’ and the first woe is the Devil being unleashed from the Bottomless pit.

-18:1Earth is illuminated with glory. In 15:8 Temple filled with smoke from the glory of God

-Note: “I sit as a queen and I’m not a widow” Is 47:7

-In 2nd Woe, 6th Trumpet, 4 angels are unleashed from the Euphrates (seat of Babylon). But in 18:10 & 18:16, the 2 woes refer to the great city, Babylon.

First Woe, Devil clearly seen. 2nd is God’s response. (Also 3rd)

‘repay her double’

Perhaps 3 divisions of sanctuary. This is what happens when you don’t have the sanctuary:

1.Court:Devil’s Activity

2.HP:Judgment on Babylon. Either self is torn down(focus of HP!), or babylon is torn down.

3.MHP:God will be seen (Earth becomes kingdom of God). If this is a reversal and if sin is reigning in your life and you haven’t availed yourself of the sacrifice(courtyard) and self has not been broken(HP)…. Bible says only have one master. If you’re a citizen of world and it’s been given to enemy (how would kingdom of God coming be a bad thing?) If Character of God and restoration of his character happens in MHP, then what would be opposite? Either God’s character will be reflected in you or it will destroy you when it comes….

Connection in MHP?

18:20God has pronounced judgment for you(the saints) against her.

•Material list: Reminds you have list of materials Moses used to make the temple. (except for items not available or not needed) Perhaps the list was a list of things for Pagan spiritual use.

Revelation 19

Vs 1-2 Great multitude (Chapter 7, the sealed ones on the sea of glass) having a praise service to God because they see that

1.His judgments are true and righteous

2.He has judged the harlot

3.Avenged the blood of the saints on her

—Smoke rises up forever and ever (vs. 3)

—(vs 4) 24 elders and 4 living creatures worshipped God who is on the throne

—(v 5) Voice from throne says to give praise to God

—(v 9) At the end of the day of atonement, the High Priest blessed the people and had a special supper for his friends and relatives

—Testimony of Jesus/spirit of prophecy is related to this final part of judgment

—1:15; 14:2; 19:6 Voice of Many Waters

—God’s people clothed in linen (v 8)

Revelation 20

v. 4Judgment given to the saints. They become priests and reign with him. He sees the souls of the beheaded ones.

Abyss in Luke is a spiritual limitation of Devils/angels. But in most of scripture applies to earth. In summary, the earth itself is finite and limiting by nature. And angels who are given free reign are confined to a finite, limited place which is called ‘abyss’.

—vs. 12Dsead, great and small standing before the throne. Dead judged

Revelation 21

—(vs 3) God himself shall dwell among them , and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be among them.

—Let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them

—vs. 9) One of the 7 angels who had the 7 bowls of the 7 lplagues saying, “I shall show you the bride, the wife of the lamb”

In 17:1, uses same wording but refers to the great harlot. Two women revealed.

—It is ‘done’ The bride is ‘done’ spoken by same angel

—(v. 15)Gold measuring rod measuring the city (cf. Rev 11 and measuring the temple)

—(v. 22)no temple in the New Jerusalem (or lamp) because the Lamb and God are it’s temple. This is the temple of living stones!

Revelation 22

Note from Genesis & Seals and Trumpets

First sequence of four (1st 4 days. Creation of inanimate)

Followed by a sequence of two (that have some connection) (birds & sea & man)

Followed by one, which is physically separated from the others (Sabbath)

7 Trumpets

1.Also called plagues

1st plague was on Pharoah of Egypt to release Sarah

—Bride was in an unholy relationship

—Purpose of the Plagues was to show him the truth about the relationship tween Sarai and Abraham.

—It was to reveal truth. In Revelation, this is the revealing of Christ and His people.

2.When we move to the 7 Last plagues, it’s a different purpose

a.In Exodus, Pharoah had hardened his heart

b.Therefore, the plagues were not just to reveal truth, but especially to free God’s people.

8:2-6Prelude and Altar of Incense

8:71st Trumpet: Hail, & Fire w. Blood. Trees and grass destroyed

8:8-92nd Trumpet: Great mountain thrown into sea. Sea becomes blood and 3rd of creatures die (along w. ships)

8:10-11 3rd Trumpet:Great star falls from heaven onto rivers and springs. Men die because of bitter water

8:12Heavenly bodies darkened

8:13Introduction to Woes: Place-marker

9:1-125th Trumpet:Creatures come out of Abyss.

-Breastplates of iron (v 9)

9:13-216th Trumpet: 4 Angels of Euphrates released. Army of horsemen bring destruction. No repentance

-Breastplates of Fire, hyacinth, and brimstone (red, blue, and yellow)

10:1-11Angel with Little book

—VS. 3-47 Thunders are spoken and sealed up

—Vs. 77th Angel hasn’t sounded yet.

11:1-13Measuring of the Temple & 2 witnesses

—Repetition and Enlargement of Preceding 6 Trumpts

1.vs. 5Fire out of mouth (9:17-19)

3. vs. 6 Turning water to blood

5.vs. 7Finished testimony. Beast comes out of abyss and will kill them.

11:14-157th Trumpet (3rd Woe)

a.11:16-1824 Elders worshipping God

b.11:19Temple opened and ark appears

-link to 7 plagues 15:5

-in both places, the temple is opened and is linked to the Ark of the Covenant

Beginning of Trumpets: 8:5 Censer thrown to ground

“And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.” Revelation 8:5, KJV.

“And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.” Revelation 11:19, KJV.

Hail is in 16:21

In 16:18 “And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.” Revelation 16:18, KJV.

Re 15:1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven lastplagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

Re 21:9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven lastplagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.

7:14 Angels holding 4 winds of destruction: 4 Angels granted the ability to harm earth and sea. 1 angel tells the 4 to hold back

9:144 angels bound. 1 Angel tells the 4 to be loosed for killing

Introduction to 7 Trumpets

I.7 Trumpets

A.Trumpets are used in the feast of trumpets on the 7th month.

B.Only place where 7 trumpets are blown by 7 priests are at fall of Jericho.

Jos 6:4 And seven priests shall bear before the ark seventrumpets of rams’ horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets.

1.Proud City

2.Last main obstacle to entrance to promised land

3.7 Trumpets are linked to the Ark of the Covenant

4.Seems impossible to overcome

5.Houses a well-known prostitute; but the prostitute ends up getting saved. It is also from the house of the prostitute that the spies escape.

6.First major city they encounter coming out of wilderness

7.“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices (mega-phone) in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Revelation 11:15, KJV.

D.Sinai (Bill’s Seminar): What did God intend for the people of God to experience? This is first time trumpets are used and used in conjunction with sanctuary. Summarize for him the preparations that God required of his people, the epectations that he put upon them, and any results that developed from that.

Note:Here are Tiff’s Best Shot

1.God’s people are delivered from Egypt in Ex 19 and the Trumpet calls them to meet God. In Revelation 7, God’s people are called out of Tribes of Israel. Called into Salvation 7:10 7:14 “Out of great tribulation” Came out of Great tribulation in Egypt. Told to wash in both places.

2.In both places God coordinates the construction of tabernacle (7:14)

3.God protects his people in both

4.Mt. Burning with fire in Ex 19 and in the 2nd trumpet.

Only place where ‘puri’ and ‘oros’ Mt. Are used are below:

Ex 19:18 Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, the whole mountain trembled violently,

De 4:11 You came near and stood at the foot of the mountain while it blazed with fire to the very heavens, with black clouds and deep darkness.

De 5:23 When you heard the voice out of the darkness, while the mountain was ablaze with fire, all the leading men of your tribes and your elders came to me.

De 9:15 So I turned and went down from the mountain while it was ablaze with fire. And the two tablets of the covenant were in my hands.

Jer 51:25 Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burntmountain.(‘burnt’ is a different form, but same root)

5.Both places are associated with a trumpet


1.Remember God’s Leading

2.Wash Garments (put away sin)

3.Respect God’s holiness

4.Lord comes down on 3rd day and reveals himself. (Trumpets herald revelation of God)

5.What concrete form would this preparation take?

6.Trumpets associated with calling and warning. Most serious events in Israel’s life were heralded by trumpets.

7.Hearing God’s voice

8.Moses consecrated them

9.Trumpets call to the mountain

10.Can’t tough mountain. Put up a fence around the mountain. (This was a place where God was ‘fenced in’. Only certain people could go. (Like the Sanctuary)

11.Hearing of God’s voice associated with hearing of God’s voice (signs of God’s presence and his voice)

12.Trumpets get louder and louder

13.Animal or person who touches mountain dies.

We know from sanctuary understanding that when trumpet sounds, something important is about to sound. Based on your knowledge of the sanctuary and articles of sanctuary, when you see trumpets sound, what event will you know is now very very clear upon this earth? What big event is drawing very near? Day of Atonement. Anti-typical day of atonement seems to focus on a particular event (different from typical). What aspect of day of atonement will be almost upon us when trumpets begin to sound? How will you know when the trumpets begin to sound? Revival within Apostate Protestantism. Precipitate that? Developments that will cause people to choose who they’re going to worship. And for people to make that choice, there will have to be a clarification of the issues concerning God and his law and justice and mercy. Millions of precious people would be with us if what two things were present? 1) Issues clear and 2) If they could see life of Christ in God’s people.