• Write money in proper form.
  • Reduce fractions/ratios to lowest terms.
  • Round decimals to the nearest cent/hundredths.

1) No graphite was found in 4500 pencils shipped to Sureway School Supplies. This was 2.5% of the total number of pencils received by Sureway. How many pencils in total were in the order?

2) How much tax will Colleen pay on a surround-sound system that costs $1885.00 if the tax rate is 5%?

3) A mechanic runs a car through a computer diagnostic check for its 60,000 mile check up. 76 out of 95 car parts did not need any adjustment. What percentage did the mechanic need to adjust?

4) Scott’s phone bill averages $48.60 per month. This is 115% of what his average monthly bill was last year. What was his average monthly phone bill last year?

5) An island in the South Pacific imposes a 7% room tax. If a room in a luxury hotel costs $92 per night and Terrence will stay for 5 nights, how much tax will he pay?

6) The Incredible Chocolate Chip Company has discovered that 36 out of 400 chocolate chip cookies do not contain enough chocolate chips. What percent of the chocolate ship cookies do not have enough chips?

7) In a survey taken by the Department of Agriculture of 450 people, 74% admitted that they hated spinach. How many people hated spinach?

8) Dean bought a new mountain bike. The sales tax in his state is 4% and he paid $9.60 in tax. What was the price of the mountain bike before tax?

9) Peter and Judy together earn $5060 per month. Their mortgage payment is $1265 per month. What percentage of their household income goes toward paying their mortgage?

10) The Children’s Wish Charity raised 75% of its funds from sporting promotions. Last year the charity received $7,200,000 from its sporting promotions. What was the charity’s total income last year?

11) Laserlight Corporation offers its outside salespeople 3% commission on any industrial laser applications sold in North America. If Trevor sold $2,500,000 worth of lasers last year, how much commission did he make?

12) In Flagstaff, Arizona, 0.9% of all babies walk before they reach the age of 11 months. If 24,000 babies were born in Flagstaff in the last twenty years, how many of them will walk before they are 20 months?

13) Beachfront property is very expensive. A real estate agent in South Carolina earned $26,000 in commissions. The property she sold was worth $650,000. What was her commission rate?

14) Bryce bought a new VCR for $236.00. The tax rate in Bryce’s city is 6%. What is the final cost of the VCR?

15) The daycare enrollment in the town of Harvey increased from 5550 to 7600 children per day. What was the percent increase?

16) A stereo originally priced at $985 was sold for $394. What was the percent decrease?

17) Susie bought her first Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The list price was $15,990, but the dealer gave her a discount of 8%. How much did she pay for the motorcycle?

18) A Compaq laptop computer listed for $2125. This week, Lisa heard that the manufacturer is offering a rebate of 12%. How much will Lisa pay for the computer?

19) What is the sales tax on a suit priced at $150.00 if the sales tax is 5%?

20) The purchase of a camcorder is $799. What is the total price if the sales tax rate is 7.5%?

21) A gold and diamond bracelet sells for $1800. A jewelry store advertises 25% off all jewelry. How much will you save if you buy the bracelet at the store with the sale?

22) Mellie bought a pair of jeans for $25.00 and 2 sweaters at $19.99 each. If there was a 15% discount, how much was Mellie’s final sale price?

23) Frankie sold a house for $225,990. His commission rate is 2.3% on the selling price of the home. How much did Frankie earn in commission on the sale of this house?

24) Tabitha’s monthly salary is $1300. She saves 3% and spends the rest on bills and entertainment. How much money does she spend on bills and entertainment?

25) What is the net pay on $789.25 after deductions of 7.65% for insurance, 10% for federal income tax, and 1.5% for state taxes?

26) Sixty percent of the students in a class get grades above a "C". If 27 people get above a "C" grade, how many were in the class?

27) Suppose 1.8% of the light bulbs shipped from a factory are defective. If there are 45 defective light bulbs in the shipment, how many light bulbs were not defective in the shipment?

28) The U.S. Bureau of Statistics estimates that there will be a 74.4% increase in special education teachers by the year 2005. In 1992, there were 358,000 special ed teachers. How many are estimated for 2005?

29) A retailer purchased merchandise costing $15,500. By paying within 30 days, the retailer received a $500 discount. What was the discount rate?

30) The Palermo Construction Company can buy sinks from a plumbing supply house for $99 each. The company then sells each sink for $45 above the cost. Find the markup rate on the cost of a sink.

31) A lighting fixture store is reducing the price of a hanging lamp from $296.00 to $240.00. What is the discount rate on the regular price of the lamp?

32) C.C. Banks Company manufactures high-quality food processors. The company has borrowed $235,000 to advertise its newest product. The loan is for 9 months at an interest rate of 11.8%.

a) What is the amount of interest on the loan?

b) What is the total amount to be repaid to the bank?

c) What will be the monthly payments?

33) You are the owner of a bowling alley. Due to waning interest, you did not make enough money to pay for necessary repairs to the equipment. To pay for repairs you will need to borrow $80,000. Have Got Savings Bank has offered to loan you the money for 2 years at an annual interest rate of 12 ¾ %.

a) What is the total amount of interest that you will pay on the loan?
b) What would your monthly loan payment be?

34) A survey of employees in your company revealed that 5/8 of them would like a day off after New Year’s Day instead of Columbus Day. What percent of the employees did not want the day off after New Year’s Day?

35) If the sales tax rate is 6%, how much is the sales tax on a purchase of $448.95?

36) If you got 77 questions correct out of 90 questions on your exam, what percent of the exam did you get correct?

37) In 1980, a survey of 200,000 households indicated that 1.2% that received a catalog would order a product from it. In 2000, the same amount of households was surveyed and 65.8% said they would order a product from the catalog.

a) In 1980, how many households ordered a product from a catalog?

b) In 2000, how many households ordered a product from a catalog?

c) How many more households order a product from a catalog in 2000 than in 1980?

38) If a $23.94 sales tax is charged on a television set that costs $399.00, what is the sales tax rate?

39) A flood destroyed a publisher’s warehouse. The company received a disaster loan of $165000. The annual

interest rate for the loan is 3% to be repaid over a 5 year period. Find the interest for the loan.

40) As a buyer for an appliance store, you purchase 250 washing machines for $262,000. To finance the purchase, you have obtained a 6 month loan at a 9 ¾ % annual interest rate. What is the total amount to be repaid?

41) La Café Company manufactures high quality cappuccino machines. The company borrowed $65000 to advertise its new product. The loan is for 9 months at 13.8% annual interest rate.

a) What is the interest on the loan?

b) What is the monthly amount to be repaid?

42) As the owner of a garden shop, you buy cucumber seeds from a grower at a cost of $0.62 per pound. Because a certain number of cucumber seeds will not produce cucumbers, it is necessary to sell the cucumber seeds for $0.22 per pound above cost. What is the markup rate on the cost of cucumber seeds?

43) A butcher marks up certain cuts of beef by $0.55 per pound. What is the markup rate for the beef if it costs the butcher $1.65 per pound?

44) You are the manager of Breadwinner Market and offer special discount coupons in all of your newspaper ads. Last week you offered a coupon worth $0.30 off the regular price of a jar of coffee. If the regular price of the coffee is $3.45, what is the discount rate?

45) You are a supplier of ink to a printing company. The regular price of a gallon of ink is $35.00. You mark down the price per gallon to $33.50 for purchases over 200 gallons. What is the discount rate per gallon of ink for purchases over 200 gallons?

46) In one game Rich Gannon of the Oakland Raiders completed 75% of his passes. If he completed 21 passes, how many passes did he attempt?

47) MonroeCollege’s basketball team finished the season with 20 wins and 4 losses. What percent of their games did they win? Did they lose?

48) A 20 ¾ % acid solution contains 220 milliliters of acid. How many milliliters of solution are there?

49) There are 270 students in a graduating class at WheatonHigh School. If 233 students continue on to college, what percent do not attend college?

50) Decorate My Home is having a 30% sale on all living room sets for Memorial Day weekend. You will purchase a living room set costing $5665.00 at regular price. There is 6 ½ % sales tax.

a) How much will the living room cost after the discount and sales tax?

b) You will place a $500 down payment and pay the rest through financing which the store provides. How much will you loan amount be?

c) The terms for the loan are 12.5% annual interest rate for 9 months. How much is the total to be repaid on the loan?

d) What will the monthly payments be to the Decorate My Home?

51) Rochelle decides to invest in her company’s retirement plan. Rochelle will invest 5% of her yearly salary and the company will match it. Rochelle’s yearly salary is $42,550. How much money will Rochelle have invested along with the company in one year?

52) Shawn and his employer negotiated a 3.5% raise for the next 3 years. If Shawn’s present yearly salary is $75,550, what will be his yearly salary in 3 years?

53) Tonia bought 3 pairs of jeans at $29.99 each, 2 sweaters at $13.99 each, 2 skirts at $12.99 each, 2 pairs of shoes at $25.00 each and a handbag for $30.00. There was a 25% discount on all items in the store. How much money did Tonia save?


1) 180,000 pencils 2) $94.25 3) 20% 4) $42.26 5) $32.20 6) 9% 7) 333 hate spinach

8) $240 9) 25% 10) $960,000,000 11) $75,000 12) 216 will walk 13) 4% 14) $250.16

15) 36.9% 16) 60% 17) $14710.80 18) $1870 19) $7.50 20) $858.93 21) $450

22) $55.23 23) $5197.77 24) $1261 25) $638.11 26) 45 27) 2455 28) 624,352

29) 3.2% 30) 45.5% 31) 18.9% 32) a) $20,797.50 b) $255,797.50 c) $28,421.94/mo

33) a) $20,400 b) $4183.33 34) 37.5% 35) $26.94 36) 85.6% 37) a) 2400 b) 131,600 c) 129,200 38) 6% 39) $24,750 40) $274,772.50 41) a) $6727.50 b) $7969.72/mo

42) 35.5% 43) 33.3% 44) 8.7% 45) 4.3% 46) 28 attempts 47) 83.3% win; 16.7 % loss

48) 1060.24 ml 49) 13.7% 50) a) $3707.74 b) $3207.74 c) $3508.47 d) $389.83

51) $4255.00 52) $83763.64 53) $55.98