Program Level Assessment Plan Evaluation Rubrics

This rubric will be used to evaluate the Program Level Assessment Plans. All individuals involved in assessment should use the rubric as a guide. Categories of “Not Sufficient” or “Sufficient but could be improved” and “Needs Improvement” and “Emerging” (in the case of action plans) will trigger formative guidance to aid in future assessments.

Program Mission / The mission is vague and not specific. The reader cannot deduce an understanding of program by reading the mission, and the relationship to the Colleges’ mission lacks clarity. / The relationship to the College’s mission exists but lacks specificity. The mission contains some specifics but could benefit from further refinement. / The mission is clearly stated with a clear alignment to the College’s mission. A wide variety of stakeholders would understand the nature and purpose of the program by reading its mission.
Program Learning Objectives / The objectives are missing or minimal and do not reflect the program’s purpose.
They are not worded such that measures can be applied or observed. / Goals are present but do not align directly with the mission of the program.
Some objectives can be measured and observed but not all. / The objectives clearly link to the mission and can be measured by a clear outcome; in addition, they are measurable and observable. The objectives are linkedwith a benchmarked (accreditation, organization, etc.) standard
Method(s) of Assessment / Assessments are not clear or listed and lack linkage to the objectives. It is unclear whether or not the assessment is direct or indirect. Assessment methods may not be appropriate for the objective or are not conducive to longitudinal data collection / Assessments are included for some but not all of the objectives but could benefit from more clarification and detail. The assessment method is overly reliant on either direct or indirect assessments. / A method of assessment is linked to each objective and is clearly described. Multiple measures are used, to include direct and indirect assessments and are appropriate to the stated outcomes. Assessments are conducive to longitudinal data collection
Summary of Results / No results are reported and do not link to the learning objectives. No quantifiable data is included nor are results evident / Results are provided for partial assessment method and data is included, but it may be somewhat incomplete. A partial data summary is included / Results are reported for each stated assessment method, whether direct or indirect, and the results are clearly linked to the objectives. The data summary is complete and robust
Action Plan / The action plan is vague and does not include any specific actions to support a continuous cycle of improvement. / The action plan recognizes if changes are needed, and has data to support program modifications, but the plan is lacking with regard to rationalizing changes in the curriculum, pedagogical practices, and implementation of new approaches. The action plan may not explicitly state why changes are not necessary. / The action plan demonstrates a recognizance of how assessment informs change, and action plans directly inform student learning. Targets and analyses are apparent but may lack longitudinal scope. / The action plan is specific with regard to data and targets, recognizes any need for changes to the curriculum, pedagogical practices, and implementation of new technologies, and has examined the impact of previous action plans by re-measuring and collecting data on the outcome. It fully closes the loop on previous plans and looks ahead to new ones.