Turkey Lifelong Strategy Paper
2.1.The participation rate in lifelong learning
2.2.Vocational training activities in working places
2.3.Awareness in lifelong learning
2.4.Monitoring and evaluation of lifelong learning system
2.5.Coordination of the lifelong learning system
2.6.Access of the disadvantaged groups to the lifelong learning
2.7.Flexible learning ways
2.8.Lifelong guidance and counseling services
2.9.Recognition of prior learning
3.1.Generation of LLL Culture and Awareness in the Society
3.2.Increasing LLL Opportunities and Provision
3.3.Increasing Access to Lifelong Learning
3.4.Developing A Lifelong Guidance And Counselling System
3.5.Developing the System of Recognition of Prior Learning
3.6.Developing a LLL Monitoring and Evaluation System
Table 1. Rate of entrepreneur that gives vocational training (%)
Table 2.According to years of non-formal education activities organized by Ministries and institutions
Table 3. Distribution of disabled individuals by education level (%)
Figure 1. The participation rates of lifelong learning in Turkey and EU (27 countries)
Turkey Lifelong Strategy Paper
ASPB / Ministry of Family and Social PolicyÇSGB / Ministry of Labor and Social Security
EU / European Union
EUROSTAT / Official Statistic Institution of European Union
İŞKUR / Turkey Occupation Institute
MoNE / Ministry of National Education
NGOs / Non-Governmental Organizations
Paper / Turkey Lifelong Strategy Paper (2014-2018)
OECD / Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
RPL / Recognition of Prior Learning
RTÜK / Radio and TV Supreme Board
TGNA / Turkish Grand National Assembly
TurkStat / Turkey Statistical Institute
TRT / Turkey Radio and Television Corporation
TQF / Turkey Quality Framework
VQA / Vocational Qualification Authority
YÖK / Board of Higher Education
Turkey Lifelong Strategy Paper
Despite not being new for turkey, the procedure about creating a lifelong learning system is gained momentum from the 2000s. In this context, reckon with 9th Development Plan, the 2009-2013 Lifelong Learning Strategy is planned and accepted by High Planning Comity Decision at 05/06/2009 number 2009/21. All issues about education from preschool to education of the elderly, legislations and financing the education, 16 priorities and 68 measures are applied by the related institutions and organizations. Realization conditions of determined priority, measure and activities in related documentary is reported and presented to Vocational Educational Council in six-month period.
Commenced with 2009-2013 Turkey Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper, lifelong learning system is targeted to reach more systematic structure with national and international approaches for forthcoming period (2014-2018).
In preparation period for 2014-2018 Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper and Action Plan; 10th Development Plan, MoNE Strategy Plan, Strengthening the Relations Between Employment and Vocational Education Action Plan, SMES Strategy Action Plan, Industry Strategy Action Plan, National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy Action Plan, National Education Council Decisions and some EU Countries LLL Strategy Plans, EU Commission Adult Education Agenda is utilized. Furthermore, Paper prepared with related institutions and organizations, presented again to take their opinion and finally draft LLL Strategy Paper and Action Plan is presented to Vocational Education Councils knowledge.
Prepared for increasing effectiveness and efficiency of lifelong learning system, 2014-2018 National Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper;
- Generation of LLL Culture and Awareness In The Society
- Increasing LLL Opportunities and Provision
- Increasing Access to Lifelong Learning
- Developing a Lifelong Guidance and Counseling System
- Developing the System of Evaluation of Prior Learning
- Developing a LLL Monitoring and Evaluation System
priorities is given place.
Firstly the importance of the lifelong learning is explained and the education policies and legislations to strengthening lifelong learning in Turkey is taken into consideration. Followed with focused the issues that prioritized to solve and summary about the ongoing situation of the lifelong learning system is presented. At the 3th part of the paper; six priority for strengthen the lifelong learning in Turkey and the measures is given place. As a result the step to be taken for the Lifelong Learning Documentary is stated with the action plan.
The lifelong learning concept is emerges with the purpose of the needs of the era, keep up with rapidly changing and involving social and cultural life and become an indicator for education level and employment conditions of developed and developing countries.
With flourishing and gaining value of the LLL; education became the primary asset, covering both school education and non-school training, independent from time and space. In 2000 European Commission issued The Memorandum of LLL, six basic strategies is mentioned as important for recognition and pervaded of LLL and the general frame is determined as:
1.New basic skills for all
2.More investment in human resources
3.Innovation in teaching and learning
4.Valuing/certification of all kinds of learning
5.Revising guidance and counseling services
6.Bringing learning closer to home. For that purpose using the information communication technologies utilization, local and regional based LLL approaches, multi purposed learning centers, information network usage for learning society.
2009-2013 Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper defined LLL as; personal, communal, social and employment related approach covers all learning activities that an individual participate through his life. Learning is ongoing “from cradle to grave” and irrespective from a certain age or a place, can occur in every age and every place. LLL is covering all learning and training activities as formal, non-formal and informal.
Prepared with the Qualified Human and Strong Society motto, 10th Developing Plan is emphasized lifelong learning as one of the most important ingredient in the development of Turkey and “The harmony between the education and workforce will be increased with gaining work related skills and competences, adoption of an entrepreneurial culture, medium and long term sectoral projections strengthening the school-work relation in vocational and technique trainings” issue is given place.
Developing the required skills in labor market and entrepreneur culture is in lieu of priority areas for sustainable development and competitiveness in Turkey. The skills developed through vocational training to meet the needs of the business world, competences are constantly updated. 10th Development Plan draws attention that updates is being performed in a lifelong learning perspective.
At the same time the emphasis in 10th Development Plan “employability of the workforce will be increased by raising the level of education and the skills demanded by the labor market in order to gain attention will be given to lifelong learning activities” is among the policies of the next five years.
A strong education system offering quality education to anyone is the basis of the lifelong learning. Law number 6287 Primary Education and Training Law Amending Certain Laws raising mandatory education to 12 years is a huge step to upgrade the average education duration.
One of the transformation programs in the 10th Development Program is “Basic and Vocational Skills Development Program”, that requires the priorities about basic and vocational skills developments and promoting lifelong learning. The framework in this program stated “The rapid change in business world demands not only the vocational skills but also basic skills of individuals. This skill is for keeping individuals longer in market, increasing productivity and adopting more quickly in rapidly changes. In this structure having not only the vocational skills but also the basic skills has importance to promote the human resources, strengthened the relations between the education system and market.
This program aims individuals to have some basic skills as knowledge and communication technologies, foreign language, financial literacy, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, leadership, career planning, and seeking job and artistic and sportive skills. Program involves activities to reach developing lifelong learning programs target. In this structure all top-level documents that discussed in this context targeted to strengthen the Turkish Lifelong Learning System.
The situations of countries about lifelong learning is evaluated within the framework of data for participating rate in lifelong learning as primarily, vocational education activities, awareness about lifelong learning and so on.
2.1.The participation rate in lifelong learning
Measuring the effectiveness and results of lifelong learning system is based on individuals between ages from 25 to 64, participation rate to training activities in last 4 weeks. This rate is determined by Household Labor Force Survey[1] . Figure-1 shows the participation rates of lifelong learning in Turkey and EU (27 countries).
Figure1. The participation rates of lifelong learning in Turkey and EU (27 countries)
Source: EUROSTAT, 2013
The changes of lifelong learning participation rates of EU countries between 2006 and 2012 can be seen on Figure-1. The participation rate for Turkey 1,8% in 2006 is raised to 3,2% in 2012. EU (27 Countries) is degraded from 9,5% in 2006 to 9% in 2012. This situation demonstrates that EU is behind the 12,5% rate for 2010 and 15% for 2020. Regardless of progress in last seven years, participation rates for Turkey 3,2% is demonstrated efforts should be made. Paper is targeted to upgrade this value with presentation of lifelong learning, raising awareness and access.
2.2.Vocational training activities in working places
One of the most important data that affects the lifelong learning participating rate is vocational training activities in working places. Table-1 gives the rate of the employers (entrepreneur) that gives their employees vocational training. Participating to counseling education at work, rotation and substitutions, study visits, quality and learning circles, self directed learning, conference, workshop, commercial fair and seminar is also scored as vocational training by TurkStat
Table1. Rate of entrepreneur that gives vocational training (%)
Size Groups of Enterprises / Vocational Training Providing Businesses Ratio (%)2007 / 2010
10-49 / 29,4 / 32,1
50-249 / 40,3 / 39,5
250+ / 46,6 / 57,7
Toplam / 32,0 / 33,9
Source: TÜİK, 2010
As it may seen in Table-1, rate of entrepreneur that gives vocational training to all is 32% in 2007 and 33,9% in 2010. When providing employees vocational training ratio and participating to lifelong learning of Turkey and the EU countries considered together, is observed the parallels between them. 2010 data of EUROSTAT and TÜİK observation shows that among EU countries, Denmark has the highest participating rate to lifelong learning as 32,5%. They also have the highest rate of entrepreneur that gives vocational training to their employees as 87%. In this context, one can say that rate of entrepreneur that gives vocational training increment will increase the participating rate to the lifelong learning too.
Employees participating to vocational training will also raise the productivity in manufacture for employer. As it demonstrated on 10th Development Plan, raising training opportunities for employee of inefficiency small entrepreneurs is more effective than big entrepreneurs. Thus, raising vocational training activities especially among SMEs is more important.
2.3.Awareness in lifelong learning
Studies in lifelong learning area shows that “Learning Culture” in Turkey is not strong enough and individuals are not aware of the opportunities of learning. Low rates of awareness in lifelong learning causes such consequences as the low ratio of participating learning activities. Not being aware of existing learning opportunities and benefits, has not any demand on LLL activities. In this contest, Paper determined awareness rising to strengthen lifelong learning as one of the priority areas.
The low ratio about awareness in Turkey makes calculation of the participation of lifelong learning much harder. This ratio calculated with Household Labor Force Survey by TurkStat. Thus individuals cannot give the suited answer for themselves. In this context, awareness rising will help ratio being realistic.
Awareness rising is not only for individuals who benefited from lifelong learning, but also for society generally. People to be aware of activities that suit them will provide them manage their self-development process.
As well as individuals, the owners of SMEs that consider training as a waste of sources will see the true benefits of education and improving skills will raise competitiveness. Raising awareness about benefits of lifelong learning for all parts of society including employer is highly important. Thus, Paper takes creating lifelong learning culture and raising awareness in society as the main priority.
2.4.Monitoring and evaluation of lifelong learning system
Lifelong learning providers include all different kinds of actors in Turkey such as public and private institutions, universities, municipals and NGOs. Although the system strengthens with vastness of the actors, it hardens the collection of harmonized date and as a result monitoring and evaluation of it.
In 2009-2013 National Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper period one of the main challenges about monitoring and evaluation of the actions is inability to obtain data about lifelong learning. Not existed or not accessible date harden the quality and efficiency of applied strategy.
As well as MoNE, plenty of institutions and organizations operate activities that may evaluate in lifelong learning. Table-2 shows the non-formal educations activities that organized by institutions accept MoNE and Head of Religious Affairs (Ministry and affiliated organizations/institutions, university, municipal, confederation or unions, foundations and associations.
Table2.According to years of non-formal education activities organized by Ministries and institutions[2]
Year / Number of Courses / Graduated / Number of teachers2009 / 19.817 / 810.279 / 42.633
2010 / 63.748 / 2.574.744 / 88.991
2011 / 64.239 / 2.392.828 / 78.498
2012 / 77.715 / 3.095.003 / 128.237
Source: TÜİK, 2013
2012 non-formal education researches shows 77.715 courses is organized by activities that organized by institutions accept MoNE and Head of Religious Affairs (Ministry and affiliated organizations/institutions, university, municipal, confederation or unions, foundations and associations and 3.095.003 person graduated from this courses. Analyzing the date of 2009 and 2012 demonstrates organized courses risen from 19.817 to 77.715, number of graduated is risen from 810.279 to 3.095.003 and number of trainers is risen from 42.633 to 128.237. Analyzing this data demonstrates that non-formal educations are increased approximately 3 times.
As seen above, the vast and diversity of actors in non-formal education area, requires tenderness to diversified date and indicators created with using different methods. Not having update and harmonized date produces a major problem for decisions of policy makers, strategic planning in national and provincial level, monitoring and evaluation of strategy plans and monitoring of the lifelong learning system. Thus, harmonized data will cover whole system and facilitate policymaking statistics. In this context, National Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper sees significant the improvement in monitoring and evaluations of lifelong learning.
2.5.Coordination of the lifelong learning system
The vast and variety in lifelong learning providing services requires coordination in this area. Coordination will raise use of resources and efficiency of provided learning opportunities. One of the problems about lack of coordination is time and content differences of certificates. As a consequence individuals and employers cannot see certificates as a proof of knowledge and skills. Rising quality of lifelong learning services and trustworthy of certificates is aimed with a provided co-ordination across the country.
Coordination between lifelong learning related institutions will provide not only raise quality and capacity of the system but also grant a belief to it. In this context supplying the coordination is one of the fundamental targets.
2.6.Access of the disadvantaged groups to the lifelong learning
Main principle of lifelong learning is being open to everybody. However disadvantaged groups (women, youth, elders, disables, long-term unemployed, convicts, migration and nomadic people, people having difficulties entering labor force) may suffer participating lifelong learning activities. For example, İŞKUR provide education to unemployed people who registered as unemployed but not registered people, seasonal workers or people living in rural areas cannot utilize from this opportunities. Also disabled individuals are under the risk of remaining outside educations system. Table-3 is given the data of TurkStat’s “Research Problems and Expectations of People with Disabilities”.
Table3.Distribution of disabled individuals[3]by education level (%)
Education level[6 or higher] / State of disability
Total / Visual / Hearing / Speech snd language / Orthopedic / Mental / Mental and emotional / Chronic desiase / Multiple
Total / 100.0 / 8.4 / 5.9 / 0.2 / 8.8 / 29.2 / 3.9 / 25.6 / 18.0
Total / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0
illiterate / 41.6 / 32.1 / 31.6 / 33.6 / 26.4 / 57.5 / 24.0 / 32.2 / 48.5
Literate but not school graduated / 18.2 / 11.8 / 23.0 / 38.6 / 10.9 / 28.9 / 12.7 / 12.8 / 15.3
Primary school / 22.3 / 29.0 / 17.9 / 10.7 / 32.9 / 4.6 / 33.0 / 34.9 / 22.9
Secondary school or higher / 10.3 / 12.5 / 16.4 / 11.0 / 13.4 / 8.2 / 15.2 / 10.2 / 8.0
High school or higher / 7.7 / 14.6 / 11.1 / 6.1 / 16.4 / 0.7 / 15.1 / 9.9 / 5.3
Source: Research Problems and Expectations of People with Disabilities,TÜİK 2010
Concerning ratio shows, disabled people has lower education levels, a high rate such 41,6% is illiterate. Also researches shows why disabled people cannot benefit from vocational educations. Findings show 88,4% do not believe educations will gain them a job. Health problems, being too old to get into a job, not having enough knowledge about ongoing jobs/educations and lack of job changing support are the other reasons for not participating the vocational educations. Disabled people encounter some challenges and needed professional support. Disabled peoples being disadvantaged in lifelong learning area requires evaluation as a priory group.
Moreover the working children is one of the learning groups that being outside the formal education. According to the TurkStat2013 ratio 292.000 children in 6-14 ages, 601.000 children in 15-17 ages are working. Two-thirds of that are boys, one-thirds of are girls; only half of them is continuing to school. Reaching to the working children requires special methods; feature of work and depending on conditions which impelled them. Furthermore raising lifelong learning activities to raise education level and abilities and education levels of woman is one of the priority objectives.