Revised 11/29/06

Procedures for Music Library Materials to be Bound

General Guidelines:

Music Library items going to the bindery should always be kept separate from Main Library items. We have a separate account for Music materials. Follow “Guidelines for selecting music materials to send to the bindery” to determine what should be bound.

MISSING STRIPS: The bindery charges us $0.20 per item to install tattle tapes. Roberta will notify you whether they find any bound items that were not stripped. Each month, keep a tally of items not stripped and include a memo notifying the bindery with that month’s shipment. They will deduct that number of tattle tape charges from the next invoice. The memo is in a Word document called missing strips.doc. Simply edit the number of missing strips and change the lot ID to the current lot and print 2 copies (1 for bindery and 1 for our records).

After the item has been cataloged:

  • In the item record in Voyager, change the status to “At Bindery” if you have not already done so.
  • With a pencil, write the call number and location on the upper left corner of the title page and the acquisitions slip (if it is not already written on the t.p.)
  • Emboss the title page. If there is music printed on the t.p. verso, emboss the title page where it will not affect the music.
  • Stamp the item with the small “CSU Music Library, Columbus, Ga.” property stamp on the upper right corner of the title page.
  • Stampeach part with the small “CSU Music Library, Columbus, Ga.”stamp on the upper right corner andwrite the call number in pencil on the upper left corner of the part. If there are any loose pages that you cannot attach (see next instruction), stamp each page and write the call no. on each page.
  • Within each of the parts, if there are pages that are not stapled or otherwise attached and you can attach them without affecting the musician’s ability to use them, attach them with Easy-Bind to make the pages turn like a book. SOMETIMES THE PAGES OF THE PARTS NEED TO REMAIN LOOSE TO BE USED! Examine them carefully before attaching loose pages with Easy-Bind.
  • Paper clip the parts together with a 3x5 card labeled “PARTS (__)” to identify the parts for bindery staff. Add the number of parts in parentheses, e.g. PARTS (5)
  • Log into ABLE (the bindery’s online system)


Acct ID:

Operator ID:


  • If no Lot ID has been created for the shipment, before entering any information on specific titles, click the “Lot” button in the 2nd toolbar and input the Lot ID. It will be “ML” plus the first 3 letters of the month and the last 2 digits of the year, e.g. MLFEB05. Hit enter. You will be asked if you want to create a new lot. Click Yes. Click Apply and then click Close.
  • The first time you use ABLE, you will need to set options for printing. Go to “Print” on the menu and select “Auto UBS.” Select “Use Full Sheet.” Go to “UBS Copies” and make sure it is set for 2. NOTE: If you think you may have to come back to a title and make changes later (i.e. if there are questions how to input the title or composer or special instructions), unselect printing options before the next step so you don’t print a slip before you’re ready.
  • You can also set ABLE to clear the screen (or not) after you press “Add Item.” Go to “Setup” and then “User Parameters.” Select “Compose” if you want the screen to clear after each item is added. Select “Compose +” if you want the last item to remain on the screen after it is added (This can be helpful is you are inputting multiple volumes or copies.)
  • Go to the “Fmt” field (just above the large blank white space) and select“MS” for a score or “M” for a monograph from the drop-down menu. Or type “MS” or “M,” whichever is appropriate and hit enter. You should get blue prompts for Title, Author, and Call no.
  • Our standard instructions for scores are as follows. These will automatically be filled in when you select “MS” or type in “MS”in the “Fmt” field. (For standard instructions on books and for more detail on scores, refer to the Appendix at the end of this document.)

Cover: C7 forest green (NOTE: when binding selected vols. of a set, change the cover color to match the original binding of the set as closely as possible so that all set vols. will be uniform, OR choose a color that will differentiate it from the sets on either side. If you do use a cover color other than C7, highlight the cover color code on the bindery slip.)

Print: W (white)

Leaf: cf-center sew flat (Sew through the middle fold so the score will lay flat)

Click the Instructions tab to see other standard instructions:

BIND COVERS IN: (Retain original covers, unless they are in poor condition)

CUSTOMER NO TRIM: (Do not trim any part of the pages)

INSERT TATTLE TAPE (Put in security strip—the bindery places the security strip on the front cover board right by the spine so it is covered up by the end sheet and should not be visible)

  • Log into Voyager Cataloging and pull up the bib record for the item. You will need to refer to the record to help you determine what to type in for the author and title.
  • In ABLE, place the cursor immediately below the blue “TITLE” prompt and type the title to be printed on the spine in ALL CAPS. Type a backslash (\) between each word instead of a space. The general principles to use in determining what to type in for the title are: try to keep it concise but do include enough specifics to be informative, especially as regards instrumentation. (There are examples on the next page.)
  • Use judgment about what a user would reasonably be looking for on the spine to find the item.
  • For consistency’s sake, use the title from the 245 subfield a in Voyager unless:

The item is part of a composer set cataloged together and the publisher has printed the individual vol. titles on the spines or we have already established a precedent for spine printing for that set. In these cases, try to follow the publisher’s pattern for the spine as closely as possible. Consult Music Library staff if you need to know what pattern or format we have used on existing volumes in the set.

It is extremely long. You can substitute the ampersand (&) for the word “and” or abbreviate if necessary.

It is in a foreign language AND there is a parallel English title on the t.p.—prefer English if it is on the item. If there is no parallel English title, use whichever foreign language appears first on the t.p. and in the 245.

  • Add the instrumentation if not already in the title. You do NOT need to list all individual instruments in an ensemble. Use “BRASS QUINTET” or “STRING QUARTET” or similar, as appropriate. Often the subject headings in the record can help you determine what to enter. Put a break (\-\) between the title and the instrumentation, unless the instrumentation is already a part of the title.


  • Substitute “&” for “and” if needed to save space.
  • Omit initial articles and quotation marks from the title.
  • Diacritic entry: The bindery can print 4 diacritics: umlaut (double dots above letter); tilde ~; circumflex ^; and acute (accent mark like a forward slash). To enter diacritics, place cursor immediately AFTER the letter it goes with.Type Alt F7 to activate diacritic mode(you won't see anything happen when you hit Alt F7). Then type the appropriate character as follows:

umlaut: $

tilde: #

circumflex: ^

acute: %

Then type F5 to turn off diacritic mode. Diacritics should appear in green.Any other diacritics may be ignored, as they would have to be done freehand by the bindery.

  • Abbreviate/shorten the title as needed.
  • Use a lowercase (b) to represent the flat sign; use the pound sign (#) for the sharp sign.
  • Some title examples:

245 Title from Voyager: |aAndante et allegro : |b solo cornet and piano


Other examples: CONCERTO\IN C\-\TRUMPET\-\Composer



  • Immediately following the last word of the title (no spaces), type “\-\” and then type the author or composer’s name (not in all caps). If there is more than one composer with the same last name (e.g. Bach, Schumann, Mozart, etc.) include the initial(s) to distinguish them (e.g. J.S. Bach). If the spelling of the composer’s last name differs between the 100 field and what is printed on the score, use the spelling of the last name in the 100 field.

Example: MUSIC\FOR\PRAGUE\1968\-\Husa


  • If you do not have a spine label with the call number, input the call number next to the blue “Call number” prompt. Use a backslash for a line break. (Do not worry about the thickness of the spine. If the spine is too narrow for the call no. to print horizontally, our profile will tell the bindery to print it on the upper left corner of the cover.)

Example: Music\Library\M\1001\.B4\op.21\1999

  • If you need to input a blue prompt for any reason, press F8 to “turn on” the prompt feature. Type the words in the prompt, e.g. TITLE\-\Author, or CALL. When finished typing the prompt, press F5 to “turn off” the prompt feature.
  • If there are any parts included, click the “Instructions” button and add the following instruction in the “Bindery” box:


If there are ONLY parts (i.e. no score), give the following instruction: MAKE POCKET AND PUT ALL PARTS IN POCKET. DO NOT SEW ANY PARTS IN. Put a sticky note on the parts: PARTS ONLY—NO SCORE. DO NOT SEW ANY PARTS IN.

  • If you have any loose pages that need to be tipped in preceding or following the score, such as performance notes or biographical notes or other items that are not an integral part of the music, do not include the loose pages when you send the score to the bindery. They usually tip them in the wrong place. Separate the page(s) to be tipped in and file them with the item’s pocket until it returns from the bindery.
  • DO send loose pages that are an integral part of the score! Often the middle page of a score may be loose and the bindery may mistake it for a part. In this case, it helps to put a sticky note on the loose page indicating that it is a portion of the score, NOT a part, and should be attached in its proper order. If you’re rebinding an item that has pages falling out, input an instruction to the bindery in ABLE to note which pages are falling out.
  • For scores printed “landscape,” instruct the bindery to BIND ON SHORT SIDE.
  • Input any other special instructions needed. Check with Susan or Roberta if you have questions.
  • When you have input the information for a title, check the title, composer and call no. information for accuracy. Make any needed corrections and click “Add Item.” Two sheets will print. Fold the 1st sheet in half and insert into the item. You may want to highlight unusual notes on the slip, such as a cover color other than C7. The 2nd sheet is our copy.
  • Input information for all other titles to be shipped.
  • If you had to change any information for a previously added item, click “Update Item” before leaving that title again. Print slips once information has been finalized.
  • If you need to delete an item entered in error, go to “Update” on the top toolbar, select “Item,” and then select “Remove item.”
  • When you have input all titles for a shipment, go to “Window” on the top toolbar and go to “Reports.” The “Report Type” should be “Lot Item.” For “Sort Criteria,” select “Item ID.” Click “Next” and input the Lot ID to print. Click “To Screen,” select PDF format, and print. Print 2 copies—1 for our records and 1 to attach to the box.
  • Go to “Window” again and select “Bindery transfer.” The Lot ID should be there. Make sure “Internet” is selected under “Drive/Destination.” Click “Transfer to Bindery” to send the information to the bindery. THIS SHOULD BE THE LAST STEP IN ABLE—we cannot make ANY changes to bindery instructions for this lot once we have sent it!
  • Paper clip pocket containing the acquisitions slip, barcode, etc. to our copy of the bindery slip and file in alpha order by composer name in the “Music Library Bindery” file.
  • Pack items in a bindery box SEPARATE from any Main Library materials going to the bindery. Include a copy of the printout of the shipment inside the box.


When Music Library items return from the bindery, perform the following steps:

  • Pull the pocket containing the acquisitions slip/spine label/etc. for each item from the “Music Library Bindery” file.
  • Pull up the bib record in Voyager.
  • Before affixing any labels etc., verify that name and title information on the spine is correct. Verify call no. if printed by the bindery.
  • Before affixing any labels etc., check quality of work and confirm that all pieces/parts are included and in order. Check the number of parts in the pocket against the number of parts in the 300 ‡a. Make sure there are no parts bound in with the score. If there are any mistakes or the bindery did not follow instructions, show to Susan.
  • Check the bib record. If the title as printed on the spine differs from the 245 ‡a within the 1st 5 words (or any other significant difference), add a 246:13: for the spine title (Note: ordinarily a spine title is 246:18: but a title printed by a binder is considered “other title” instead). Change the dimensions if needed (tag 300 ‡e).
  • If the call no. was not printed on the spine or cover by the bindery, affix call no. label to spine and cover with label protector.
  • Affix barcode to top of endpaper facing the inside back cover. Call up the item record in Voyager and check to see if the barcode has been assigned. If not, scan the barcode into the item record.
  • Stamp the same endpaper under the barcode with the small “CSU Music Library, Columbus, Ga.” stamp in black ink.
  • Affix date due slip to endpaper under the stamp facing the inside back cover (so that pressure is put on the text block, not on the back cover). If a part or parts are included, make sure “1 score + __ parts” is written in red ink on the top of the date due slip.
  • Tip in any loose pages, if needed.
  • Update item record by changing status from “At bindery” to “In transit” and scanning in the barcode.
  • Change “Pieces” to the total number of pieces (scores + parts). For a score with 5 parts, input “6.” (This step may already be done.)
  • Remove any sheets taped inside the score by the bindery. Usually one will be found on the page following the title page.
  • On the bindery slip that was clipped to the pocket, write “Rec’d [date].”
  • Pack items in a box labeled “TO: RIVERCENTER Music Library FROM: Cataloging Department THESE ARE NEW ACQUISITIONS..” (Susan or Holli can send you the Word document to print this label.)
  • Notify Vicky to submit a work order for the box(es) to be taken to the Music Library. When the shipment is picked up, note the date that it was picked up on your list of items.
  • Keep a copy of the shipment list so that you have a record of what you are sending over to the Music Library. Notify Susan of any titles in the shipment that did not return from the bindery.

APPENDIX: Standard bindery instructions for specific materials


  • Retain original covers, unless they are in poor condition
  • Color: dark green, white lettering (unless binding selected volumes of a set; then try to match the original cover color of the set. If you cannot match it, then choose a color that differs from the sets immediately next to it on the shelf. Contact Music Library staff for guidance if needed.)
  • Do not trim ANY part of the pages
  • Sew score through the middle fold (to ensure that it will open flat)
  • If a part or parts are included, make a pocket and put parts in the pocket
  • If there are loose pages that should be tipped in, give instructions on where to tip in
  • Insert tattle tape


  • Put ALL parts in a pocket—do not sew any in
  • Color: dark green, white lettering (unless part of a composer set—try to match original cover color of a set when possible)

BINDING OR REBINDING OF BOOKS (Use “M” format instead of “MS”)

If it’s not obvious whether an item is a score or a book, check the “Leader” in Voyager. Type “c” is a score. Type “a” is a book.

Any color

Insert tattle tape