To help plan technical assistance for the S3 grantees during FY2014 (school year 201314), on behalf of the Department of Education, Office and Safe and Health Students, wewould appreciate your responses to the questions in this LEA Needs Assessment Summary. The information you provide will guide a plan that will help you address the needs of the LEAs(districts/parishes) you are partnering with as part of your S3 grant.[1] This is a similar format to the needs assessments you have completed in previous years.
Please provide as much information as possible at this time based on what you know. Responses should be completed electronically. Please enter your information within each space provided. Text boxes will open up automatically as you write, so you can enter as much information as needed.
Please email this document to Sally Ruddy at the American Institutes for Research () by noon EST onOctober 11, 2013.Be sure to keep a copy for your records. Please feel free to email her if you have any questions.
General Information
Please complete the table below.
Name of StateNumber of Participating LEAs (districts/parishes) in State[2]
Name Of Person Completing Form
Telephone Number
E-Mail Address
Best Days And Times To Reach You (In Case Further Questions Arise)
The purpose of this document is to summarize information collected from your partner LEAs (districts/parishes) about their current conditions for learning and school climate related needs. Information may be obtained from your LEAs’ survey and incident data, or from additional information you may have collected in a needs assessment completed by your LEAs.[3]
NOTE: If you do not have the requested information based on the data you are using to assess LEA needs, please estimate and mark your estimations with an asterisk (e.g., 24*).
Identifying Needs of Your State’s Participating LEAs, from Data on School Safety and Conditions for Learning
- Do your participating LEAs (districts/parishes)have the school year (SY) 201213survey datatheir participating schools collected? For those LEAs that do not have such data, please provide an explanation or note regarding missing or forthcoming survey data.
Have data?
(Yes/No) / Respondent group / Number of LEAs / Explanation/Notes if “No”
- Do your participating LEAs (districts) have the incident data their participating schools collected? For those LEAs that do not have such data, please provide an explanation or note regarding missing or forthcoming incident data.
Have data?
(Yes/No) / Number of LEAs / Explanation/Notes if “No”
- Are the incident data you reported in question 2 above from SY 201213 or from SY 201112?
Incident data are from school year: / Number of LEAs
- Which school climate needs were identified by survey data collected in your participating LEAs during SY 201213? Please organize your list of needs under the threeS3 Pillars: Engagement, Safety, and Environment, and identify whether each need:
- is district-wide (i.e., pertains to all students), or
- differs by school or respondent subgroup demographic factors (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status).
FromSTUDENTsurveys [Add rows as needed]
Needs identified from student surveys (enter below) / District-wide need?(yes/no) / Need differs by school or subgroup?
(yes/no) / Do not know if need differs bydistrict-wide or school/ subgroup / Number of LEAs
From STAFFsurveys [Add rows as needed]
Needs identified from staff surveys (enter below) / District-wide need?(yes/no) / Need differs by school or subgroup?
(yes/no) / Do not know if need differs by district-wide or school/ subgroup / Number of LEAs
From PARENT/GUARDIANsurveys [Add rows as needed]
Needs identified from parent surveys (enter below) / District-wide need?(yes/no) / Need differs by school or subgroup?
(yes/no) / Do not know if need differs by district-wide or school/ subgroup / Number of LEAs
- What needs were identified by theincident data collected by your participating LEAs (districts)? Please organize your list of needs under the three S3 Pillars: Engagement, Safety, and Environment, and identify whether each need:
- is district-wide (i.e., pertains to all students), or
- differs by school or respondent subgroup demographic factors (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status).
[Add rows as needed]
Needs identified (enter below) / District-wide need?(yes/no) / Need differs by school or subgroup?
(yes/no) / Do not know if need differs by district-wide or school/ subgroup / Number of LEAs
Reporting/Disseminating Data on School Safety and Conditions for Learning
- Overall, how effective do you feel your LEAs (districts/parishes) have been at reporting out/disseminating data to various stakeholder groups?[4] Please consider both internal resources and external consultant or contractor effectiveness in your rating.
[List the number of participating LEAs applicable for each category of effectiveness.]
Level of Effectiveness at Reporting Out/Disseminating Data / Number of LEAsHighly effective
Somewhat effective
Not at all effective
Choosing/Implementing Evidence Based Intervention Programs
- How and to what extent are survey and incident data currently used to inform LEA activities or district and school intervention programs? [Enter response in box below]
8. What programmatic interventions are your participating LEAs (districts/parishes)currently
implementing (SY201314) to address the needs identified above (e.g.,specific skills-based programs; promotion and prevention programs; data management systemchanges; planning and training; engagement ofservices and supports by community providers; social marketing campaigns; other)?
- Please provide a list of current strategies/interventions/programs; and
- Indicate whether and how the program has been assessed/evaluated for effectiveness (e.g., was it a national, state, or local assessment; was the tool validated by its developer?).
- If an assessment of a current program has been done, please attach the summary or report to this document, if available.
[Add rows as needed]
Current programmatic interventions being implemented / Assessment? (yes/no) / How assessed?(See second bullet above) / Number of LEAs
- Do you have schools in your state that are just getting the S3 grant for the first time in 201314? Please list them below and indicate why each is new (e.g., replaced a school that closed in SY201213, etc.) and theschool’s progress so far.
[Add rows as needed]
Name of school getting S3 grant for the first time in 2013-14 / Name of LEA / Reason school is new / School’s progress so far- Do any additional programmatic interventions need to be chosen based on new or unaddressed needs identified in your LEAs’ data? [Please enter any new and unaddressed needs for which programs need to be identified.]
[Add rows as needed]
New and Unaddressed need(s) (enter below) / Number of LEAs- What technical assistance will you need in SY201314to helpLEAs choose programmatic interventions? [Enter response in box below.]
- What technical assistance will you need in SY201314 to help LEAs implement and sustain current activities and programmatic interventions? [Enter response in box below.]
- Whatfuturetraining or technical assistance activities, if any, have been planned for next year (SY201314)to address your LEAs’ (districts’/parishes’) needs? Please indicate:
- the approximate month of each planned activity; and
- who will be conducting each planned activity (e.g., SEA, LEA, state-contracted technical assistance center, consultant).
[Add rows as needed]
Planned training or technical assistance activities (enter below) / Approximate month of planned activity / Who will conduct the planned activity? / Number of LEAs1
[1]In this needs assessment, the NCSSLE defines “LEA” to mean an administrative unit akin to a “district” or “parish” – not an individual school.
[2]Please attach a list of participating LEAs in your state, if available, and indicate in how many years of the grant they have participated, and if they are new grant recipients as of the 201314 school year.
[3]The following questions ask you to enter the number of participating LEAs that pertain to each response. If, for your own use, you would like to also enter the names of the LEAs, feel free to do so, but it is not necessary for the purposes of this summary.
[4] Effectiveness in this context means 1) did the reports reach their intended audiences; and 2) how appropriate were the reports for particular stakeholder groups? (Did the report align with the type of information the stakeholder group needs, and with the group’s ability to interpret the report?)