5A 510116 for the preparation of the subject of “Private Medical Psychology” for the master’s students in “Medical Psychology”
«APPROVED»Vice rector for Academic Affairs
Teshaev О.R.______
«_____» ______2015
5A 510116 for the preparation of the subject of “Private Medical Psychology” for the master’s students in “Medical Psychology”
Knowledge of the area: / 500000 - Health and social securityEducation: / 510000 – Health
Course of Study: / 5510100 – Treatment
Specialization: / 5A 510116 – Medical Psychology
Tashkent - 2015
Training program of science education, employee education and training program has been developed in accordance with the plan.
- Ibodullayev Z.R. - Ph.D., professor
- Raximbaeva G.S. - Ph.D., professorandheadofthedepartment
- Ashurov Z.Sh. – Tashkent MedicalAcademy, headofthedepartmentofpsychiatryandnarcology, Ph.D., associateprofessor.
- Imamov A.A. - Masters Division.
Fanning ishchi o’quv dasturi davolash fakultetining fakultet va gospital terapiya, tibbiy profilaktika fakultetining ichki kasalliklar kаfеdrаsining 2014 yil ___ iyun ___ - son yig’ilishida muhokamadan o’tgan va fakultet kengashida muhokama qilish uchun tavsiya etilgan.
Kafedra mudiri Rizamuxamedova M.Z.
Fanning ishchi o’quv dasturi davolash fakulteti kengashida muhokama etilgan va foydalanishga tavsiya qilingan (2014 yil ___ iyundagi ____-sonli bayonnoma)
Fakultet kengashi raisi Zufarov P.S.
O’quv-uslubiy boshqarma
boshlig’i Azizova F.X.
Unclear and psychosomatic diseases are among the most common diseases.This distortion will be provided with medical treatment psychologists.
Therapeutic areaforalmost70% ofalldiseasesarepsychosomaticdisordersandmedical(clinical) arecarriedoutbypsychologists. As well asorganicfunctionaldisordersofthediseasesmonitoredin thestudyofmedicalpsychology.This isapreventivemedicaltreatmentpsychologistswillrequireextensiveuse oftheassistance. Therefore, allthedevelopedcountries, thewidespreaduseofmedicalassistanceofpsychologistshasbeenestablished. Eachof these countriesoperateamedicalhealthpsychologist.
Medical psychologist (psychotherapist doctor, the doctor-neyropsixolog, doctors, neurologists) all the necessary diagnostic examinations, CT, MRI, duplex, EEG, ultrasound, ECG, laboratory investigations independently are recommend diagnostic uses and methods of psychotherapy.
According to the curriculum, "medical psychology" specialty are discussed in the form of 3-year full-time Master's degree in education. 1398 hours allocated for practical training, research and practical work (master operation) and 2835 hours of professional practice to prepare master's thesis for 648 hours of scientific and pedagogical work for 567 hours (total of 118 weeks). General medicine, psychology 498 hours.
Audience practice sessions and master a maximum load of 36 hours per week.
The training department of neurological diseases, mental health department, clinic, physician offices, consulting polyclinics and the Republic of Uzbekistan in all academic medical centers, private clinics, taught psychology and psychotherapy centers.
Within trainingworkshopsheldin the form ofthematicsections2(general medicine,psychology, andhealthpsychology). formed. Employee educationalprogram"medical psychology" mastersoftheformationofthebrainandpsychologyatthestagesofpsycho-sensory perception, attentionandmemory, speechandthought, consciousness, personality, temperament, character, emotionandstressonthedevelopmentofamodernknowledgefribble, psychopreventivepsychoanalyst, hypnosis, geshtalt-therapy, includingbehaviorism, andthegeneralprinciplessuchastheuseofpsychologicalandpsychotherapeuticmethods,techniquesused. As wellasthefunctionalityofmedicalpsychologymastersdiagnosticmethods, learnedthebasicprinciplesofpsychopharmacotherapy skillsandknowledge.
Practical training (Master operation) clinics held diagnostic and therapeutic departments in the area where the patients according to the master list of all the relevant practical skills rotating curator, and an independent interpretation of the results of inspectionsdiagnostic, psychotherapy and medical and psychological care.
1.1.The purpose of teaching
The aim of the training of medical psychology master's degree specialty certificate and then licensed as a specialist in modern medical practice the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and practical skills of highly qualified medical and psychological preparation.
1.2. Tasks of teaching
- Medicine, psychology, medical science and the role of the health care system in the population about the importance of mental health, medical and psychological services in the formation of modern knowledge;
- The brain and mental processes, the analyzers, the functional blocks of the brain, the central nervous system and ontogeny of the fleet, the development of modern knowledge about;
- The formation of the atmosphere and improve the psycho-modern knowledge about the main stages of development;
- The process of medical psychology to know that intuition and understanding, attention and memory, speech and thought, and the development of modern knowledge about the mind;
- The personality, temperament, character, emotion and stress of modern knowledge about the improvement and development;
- Fribble and psychopreventive on the development of modern knowledge;
- Formation of knowledge about psixodinamik therapy and psychoanalysis;
- Geshtal-psychologybycheviorism knowledge about the formation;
- Principles of the psychological interview and psychological testing to improve the general knowledge about the formation and methods of use;
- Psychotherapy’s formation and improvement of general knowledge about the laws and rules;
- Mastering the techniques of hypnosis and learn how to hypnotherapy;
- Medical psychology functional diagnostic methods, ECG, EEG, X-ray, MRI, duplex ultrasound and laboratory knowledge about the formation and development;
- Neuropsychologic syndrome, mechanisms of formation, topography, and check the diagnosis and neuropsychologic neuropsychologic test of knowledge about the formation and development of the methods used.
1.3.Master ofscience,knowledge, skillsandqualificationrequirements
General process of the development of medical science and psychology of the issues to be carried out within the framework of master:
- Medical and psychological health authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan on service orders and regulations;
- Actual problems of medical psychology and medical and psychological assistance in determining priorities unclear and psychosomatic disorders among the population about the new technology;
- The general principles of medical psychology, fribble and psychopreventive about modern approaches;
- On the higher mental functions and its role in modern medicine neuropsychology;
- The basic elements of the overall role of medical psychology of computer technology, Internet tools, information search, data storage;
- The main areas of common psixoterapiyaning, rational psychotherapy, cognitive psychotherapy, psixodinamik therapy, geshtalt-therapy, behaviorism, hypnotherapy Basic Principles on:
- Operating systems, e-mail, you need to know about the organization of conferences and presentations;
- Psychological conversations with patients, intuition and understanding, attention and memory, speech and thought, the mind, emotions and stress disorders research;
In addition, EEG, EKG, MRI, CT, X-ray, duplex and laboratory test results interpretation;
- Neurological and neuropsychologic to conduct investigations and apply neuropsychologic tests;
- Any category of patients psychorehabilitation activities, medical documents should be thinking skills;
- General medicine, psychology and the use of modern diagnostic techniques and psychological tests conducted in the framework;
- Unclear to find risk factors that can lead to serious distortions, fribble and psychopreventive activities, personality and temperament types, and must be able to identify the man characteriological skills qualification.
1.4.Seminar instructions and recommendations for the establishment of training
- Studied literature workbook;
- To participate in seminars, conferences on topical issues for the preparation of reports;
- Training seminars on current topics of tables, graphs and diagrams;
- Addressing the problematic issues during the course of the seminar;
- To provide training to prepare for presentations and seminars.
1.5. Master's requirementstopractice
- Intuition and understanding, attention and memory, speech and thought, the mind, emotion, personality, temperament, and character types using psychological interviews and psychological tests through high-level research;
- Among the population and the health system's facilities fribble and psychopreventive to conduct high-level events;
- Rational psychotherapy, cognitive psychotherapy, psixodinamik therapy, geshtalt-therapy approach and apply the methods of hypnotherapy;
- Additional studies, EEG, EKG, MRI, CT, X-ray, duplex and laboratory test results interpretation;
- Neurological and neuropsychologic to conduct investigations and to apply the highest level of neuropsychologic tests;
- Clinical, of pathologoanatom to participate in conferences and clinical analysis;
- Thematic analysis of patients;
- Viewing of consultants and experts to participate in psychological and psychotherapeutic procedures;
- Outpatient disease cards, filling in the statistical documents robbery and other medical and psychological;
- Fill each day with the participation of independent protocols master;
1.6.The relationship between science and other subjects in the curriculum
and methodological aspects of a logical sequence
Medical institutions of higher education, clinical and therapeutic departments of general practice medical training program on "medical psychology" specialty based on the knowledge and skills acquired during the training of masters and include the following:
1.Normal anatomy (structure of the central nervous system, the nervous system filo- and ontogeny)
2.Normal physiology (physiology of neurons in the central nervous system and the relationship somatovitseral, analyzers, process neurofiziyologic happening in the synapses in the brain activity of neurotransmitters)
3. Pathological anatomy and histology (disease, neurological diseases and neuropsychologic macro- and microscopic substrate)
4. Pathological Physiology (unclear and psychosomatic disorders neyro- and psycho-physiological mechanisms, in psychogenies dominant principle, the spirit of the central nervous system and the effects of psychotropic drugs).
5. biochemical (unclear mechanisms and psychosomatic disorders neurochemical).
6. Microbiology (the description of the etiological agent of infectious diseases, microbiological and biochemical methods to identify them and select the optimal treatment methods against the pathogen)
7. Internal disease department (patient questioning, physical verification methods, methods of clinical and functional differentiation of syndromes, phobias and yatropaties).
8. Internal Medicine (derived from visceral functional and organic diseases, their etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical manifestations, complications, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, comprehensive treatment, rehabilitation and preventivesi, phobias and yatropaties).
9. surgical disease (patients with surgical diseases, psychology, neurosurgery practice neuropsychologic diagnosis of syndromes, phobias and yatropaties).
10. Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (organ and unclear types of coma, acute sress measures and urgent cases, medical and psychological assistance, phobias and yatropaties).
11. Infectious Diseases (diagnostic criteria and treatment of the most frequent infectious diseases associated with infection quites phobias, neyrorespirator disorders, phobias and yatropaties).
12. of phthisiology (TB disease associated with the psychology of this Disease patients fobiyalar yatropaties)
13. Endocrinology (endocrinology diseases, patients, psychology, neurology and psychology disorders associated with endocrine disorders, phobias and yatropaties)
14. Clinical Allergology (Allergist diseases psychology unclear patients with asthma and other types of pseudo-allergic syndromes, phobias and yatropaties)
15.Ophthalmology (ophthalmology patients in the practice of psychology, derived unclear amavroz and ambliyopiyalar, phobias and yatropaties)
16. dermatoverealogy (the psychology of patients with skin and venereal diseases, pseudodermatological syndromes, phobias and yatropaties)
17. Hematology (hematology patients in the practice of psychology, blood diseases associated with phobias, phobias and yatropaties)
18. Professional diseases (diseases associated with unclear conditions related to the nervous system poisoning psixo-emotsional syndromes, phobias and yatropaties)
19. Obstetrics and Gynecology (the practice of obstetrics and gynecology patients, psychology, climacteric syndrome psixo-emotsional conditions pseudopregnancy of fertility associated with psychosis, phobias and yatropaties).
20. Oncology (cancer patients psychology, kanserofobiyalar yatropaties).
21. Psychiatry (psychology reactive psychosis patients with mental illnesses, complications of treatment with psychotropic drugs, and the principles of medical and psychological assistance, phobias and yatropaties).
22. Diseases of the nervous system (neurological and neuropsychologic status verification methods and the importance of their medical and psychological diagnostics, neurology and psychology and neuropsychologic syndromes patients, pseudoneurological disorders, phobias and yatropaties).
23. Otorhinolaryngology (ENT patients with diseases of the psyche, prozopalgies, phobias and yatropaties).
24. Dentistry (dental phobia patients, patients' psychology and Prozopalgies and yatropaties).
25. Clinical Pharmacology (unclear Pharmacokinetics psychotropic drugs pharmacodinamic pharmacotherapy for the treatment of distortions and their consequences associated with poliprogmasy psychoemotional disorders, phobias and yatropaties).
1.7. Types of control
- Current control – 1. The seminar will be held in the form of a conversation on the subject of training and testing solutions (3 ratings - knowledge, strength, test results), the rotation will be evaluated daily, depending on the performance of practical skills.
- Intermediatecontrol – after theendofeachchapteronthescienceconductedintheformofadialogueandsolvingtests(3 ratings-knowledge, strength, testresults), heldafterthecompletionoftherotationwillbeevaluatedbasedontheperformance ofpracticalskills.
- Thefinalcontrol– At theendofeachsemester,intheformofinterviewsandtestssolving.
- Thefinalstateatttestatsiyasi – in the form of a master's thesis and tests.
1.8. Modern informationandeducationaltechnologyinteachingscience
Determining the quality of education depends on the circumstances of the educational process are as follows: teaching at a high scientific level, the problem of interesting lectures and question-and-answer form of classes, advanced pedagogical technologies and the use of multimedia tools the main clinical problems thought-provoking demands put to them, reflect individual performance, communicate with students involved in scientific research.
Master "medical psychology" following the main theoretical approaches used in teaching the subject:
Person-oriented education "The essence of education is aimed at the development of all full participants in the learning process. This loyihalashtirilayotganda education, of course, is not a trained person, avva'lo future activities related to specialty training purposes, based on the approach to'tilganadi.
A systematic approach. Education should be contained in the technology, the system embodies all the signs: a logical link between all its branches, and integrity.
Activity-oriented approach. The quality of a person's training session and the intensification of the activities of the recipient of the formation, training and the ability to process all of its options, represents an initiative aimed at opening education.
Dialogical approach. This study indicates the need for the creation of educational relations. As a result of its self-activation and self-person creative activity as he can.
The establishment of joint training. Democracy, equality, education and the formation of the inclusive nature of the activity of education and the evaluation of the results achieved, attention should be paid to the introduction of working together.
Education. Education problematic way to provide educational content activates the activity of the recipient. The opposite of objective scientific knowledge and methods to be applied in a creative way to solve the dialectic, resulting in the formation and development of the abovementioned independent creative activities are provided.
Information provided to the use of modern means and methods of implementation of a new computer and information technologies in educational process.
Teaching methods and techniques. Report (thematic, visualization), education, case-studies, pinbord, paradox and design methods, practical work.
Forms of learning: dialogue, communication and cooperation based on mutual frontal, collective and group.
Training of traditional forms of teaching tools (books, text to speech), as well as computer and information technology.
Methods of communication: operational inverse relationship based on direct relation with the audience.
Feedback excellent methods and tools: observation, Bliss request, intermediate, and final diagnosis on the basis of the analysis of the results of the training.
Management methods and tools: training technological training in the form of maps that determine the planning stages, the teacher and the student to achieve the goals of the joint action, not only to the audience classes, but independent of the auditorium Control i.
Monitoring and evaluation: during the entire course of the training sessions planned to observe the results of the training. At the end of the course, using drugs, diagnostics and testing tasks to assess the participants' knowledge.
"Medical psychology" in the process of teaching of computer technology, computer programs, prepared handouts on topics. Oral carried out as a computer test to evaluate their knowledge base.
1.9. Professional activities:
treatment and prevention:
Unclear and psychosomatic disorders and in patients (less invasive methods), including medical and psychological assistance is necessary for a full-scale independent qualified as a medical psychologist with practical training activity;
- In order to reduce the most common unclear disorders and psychosomatic disorders fribble and implementation of psixoprofilaktika.
scientific research and experimental:
- Unclear diagnosis of disorders and psychosomatic disorders, psixo-farmakoterapiyasi research and development of new technologies and prevention, analysis of the results of the research, compilation and implementation;
- To assess the spread of the main unclear disorders and psychosomatic disorders and to identify risk factors for the implementation of epidemiological investigations, as well as contributing to the development of preventive measures to reduce them;
- Unclear disorders and certain pathological processes modeling and study of the pathogenesis of psychosomatic diseases.
teacher (pedagogical):
- Carry out activities to assist the medical university teaching.
medical and social:
- Unclear on the conditions and the social and professional rehabilitation of patients with psychosomatic diseases implement measures to improve their way of life.
organizational and methodical:
- Physician-specialists with unclear conditions and new technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of psychosomatic disorders of the thematic and methodological seminars and consultations.
Administrative Management:
General of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the management of a variety of organizations specializing in administrative science and state committees.
2.Learning process
2.1. Obligations of the director of the program:
- Organizational work in connection with the accreditation of the program to go to the jury as well as the Ministry of Health to provide all the necessary documents in a timely manner.
- In connection with the educational process in accordance with the standards adopted by all organizational matters. The structure of the material-technical supply of educational process and training of personnel skilled and experienced personnel selection and appointment of the institute. The creation of conditions so that the employees of the teacher and trainer for the possibility of financial incentive to occupy high positions in the future should such opportunities. This creates the conditions for the staff to take on a competitive basis.