My training in evangelism began at age six. Missionary training began at age 9. But, it was not until I took a “Christian Service Assignment” in Hollywood and Los Angeles, at age 20, required by my Christian university, that I began to learn about the hidden world within sophisticated America. I began preaching on the street with a group called Open Air Campaigners. After getting married, at age 21, I spent a lot of nights on “skid row” in Los Angeles, to all hours of the night, preaching to the drunks, the pimps, the prostitutes, to gangs of all types, to the drugged out, the homeless, and the other such types that hung out there. I kept it up even until I was 9 months pregnant with my first child. I worked in a nearby Rescue Mission, a soup kitchen, where I preached to the street community who had come for a free meal – if they endured the preaching. Later I preached in Long Beach on the street with a full choir and other evangelists to gangs and prostitutes. In Africa, over seven years, I preached many meetings in open air fields and in churches, many evangelistic.
The greatest miracle of all is seeing someone born again – coming “out of darkness into His marvelous light”. (I Peter 2:9) This is the greatest joy life can hold for us – to see the miraculous working of the Spirit doing 40 things instantly to transform a truly repentant person--taking them from the clutches of Satan, and put them into the Kingdom of Light. There is no greater joy – none!!!!! If you are not involved with spreading the salvation of Messiah Yahushua to the world, you are living way below what you are called to do, robbing yourself! There is no eternal life outside of the precious blood of the Lamb and His resurrection. To love others, as He loved us, is to share our testimony with them of the great salvation of our soon-coming King!
I went on to work in jails, youth detention facilities, prisons and “half-way houses”. I learned the tricks of demonized people, many who used the rhetoric of Christianity to get what they wanted. For in a drugged state, an altered consciousness--by shooting up, snorting, chewing, or smoking, or drinking cheap whiskey--all they care about is getting what they want. I learned the mentality of these outcasts of society. Later I learned why so many very educated and professional people ended up homeless, eating out of garbage cans. I later entered a similar world of darkness, but did not take drugs, trying to escape the horrors of my own reality. So, I understand what goes wrong with a person that ends them up there.
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It is a fact that it is usually the very intelligent and highly talented, who end up in such dire conditions because they can’t shut out reality that has overwhelmed their minds. So, they leave family and friends and end up eating out garbage cans--college grads, doctors, hospital personnel, teachers, counselors, business men of all types, etc.
My education has been broad and varied. I’ve ministered in religious circles
and seen the incredible deception, hypocrisy, pride and masking. I’ve ministered in hospital, nursing homes, and facilities for “special children” of all types. My education has taught me humility--not criticism or judgment. He took all religion and pride out of me. He humbled me, and I praise Him for it!
In relating to you some of what I learned about the mind of a person on drugs, I will transfer that knowledge over to the average American, or citizen of the UK--wherever Greco/Roman culture has invaded with its Lucifer-based mind programming. The cultures of ancient Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece and Rome are all Lucifer/Satan-based, were open portals for the coming and going of the fallen ones into the earth. These 7 empires form the head of the “Beast” with his 7 heads, minus to date the re-rising and joining of a composite Beast of all the cultures above, making #7. The composite Beast is formed mainly from all the above empire, but especially from characteristics of Babylon and Rome, since the man-Beast/Apollyon comes from end-time Babylon, and his False Prophet from Rome. These two together form what Revelation 17 call “the eighth Beast”. [Refer to my article/study: “Nebuchadnezzar”]
Something called a “beast” refers to what devours, destroys, ruins and spoils. These are the characteristics of all these great empires. Satan used these portals to teach mankind his mind, and to bring in religion that would suit his purposes.
I have written extensively with much documentation on the mind programming of the American people, but I’ve noticed the same mind programming across board in western culture as a whole. [Refer to: “Mind Programming, Hidden Manipulation, and the World Brain” and “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons].
How this mind programming parallels those who are strung out on drugs or alcohol is amazing! Today from babyhood and toddler age to death, most Americans are in a process of being drugged so that their minds stay at the age that the drugging begins – about age 3-4, i.e. as in the natural, so in the spiritual. The ability of the intellect continues to gain knowledge. But, one’s ability to make wise choices and relate to others is frozen—i.e. the ability to relate to truth and embrace it, the ability to change, the ability to face life and mature, the ability to handle negative emotions and discipline
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oneself to overcome them, personal responsibility to the Master/Creator, the
ability to think beyond one’s personal flesh-needs, agendas and ambitions – the ability to mature and take charge over one’s thoughts and reactions. The incredible self-centeredness and irresponsible nature that rules a child’s mind continues and grows stronger.
A child thinks the world revolves around him and others are simply there to serve him. Teens or adults locked into that state of immaturity are
vulnerable to the mind programming by those that use self-centeredness to
get people to make choices that will end in their destruction. The chronic appeal to the flesh, from all corners of our culture, has caused the immature to run after what they can get to satiate their desires. Therefore people are in serious debt, into sexual perversions, gluttony, time-wasting entertainment, and have little to no time for any reality that would grow them up.
There is a running from any responsibility to a real Elohim. Most intellectually enjoy learning ABOUT “God”, but to know Him personally takes time and effort, and the drugging effect of the culture that begins with babies, has left most people totally without desire to know Him. Personal relationship gets in the way of their doing, thinking, saying whatever they want to do, think or say.
Note this: It is a psychological fact that whatever age a person begins seriously taking drugs is the age they freeze at. They stop their ability to relate to normal life outside their drug culture, and so continue to think like a drug addict--totally self-centered and irresponsible, even into old age.
It is also true of those who split into multiple personalities at a young age due to extreme trauma--rape, other types of perverted abuse, things seen that their minds can’t accept. Traumatized children are prone, as they get older, to try to shut out the hurt, the emotional pain, the disappointments, by taking drugs, staying drunk, or acting out in violence and retaliation towards others. This is how the jezebel spirit is spawned also. Jealousy and competition drive a person to take control of others. The manipulation (witchcraft) takes many forms.
The mind programming of the American people into fantasy, illusion, and deception, blinding them and deafening them from reality, has been a good hiding place for the cruel experiments the Illuminati mind programmers have done on the psyche of the people. People fear losing their security blankets, their zones of protection they’ve created. It is more than fear – it is often extremely traumatic. The programming of the American people into fear has been methodical and cruel.
The constant bombardment of advertisements to get people on untested prescription drugs and dependent on doctors has made us a nation of guinea pigs.
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By creating sicknesses, and even DNA changes, through additives to food, to water, contamination of the air, putting destructive chemicals in clothes, in cookware, poisons in vaccines, etc., the American people are the sickest and most dependent people on “legal drugs” in the world. I’ve had people in Europe comment on it, with sad faces. Fear-programming begins with cartoons, children’s books, movies, or toys, oftentimes, even in homes of normal parents who are not cruel or abusive. But, evil is masked, and few see it for what it is. The messages of Satan are bombarding our children and grandchildren, all masked by “cute”, “fantasy”, and “fun”.
Wise parents protect their children by shutting off the Satanic mind-programming devices coming into their homes, and teach their children the love of Yahuweh and Yahushua and the beautiful boundaries of Torah. [I have written two articles on how good parents sacrifice their children to Satan daily without knowing it: “Gentle Sacrifice” and “Cartoon”. You can find almost all articles on laydownlife.net and the most important concentrated ones on comeenterthemikvah.com]
Little ones are so often exposed to pornography early in life. The shock of
pornography on the naturally modest, naïve, innocent mind of a child or young teen, is the same as with rape--a violation of their modesty. Sometimes their minds even slit into other personalities, into a fantasy mind-sets, to escape what they cannot live with. Tragically this goes with them into their adult life – so are living in hallucinations without hallucinogenic drugs.
Only by the “true new birth” – the Scriptural new birth – and the infilling of the Spirit of Yahuweh, the infusion of the Word daily, and dwelling in His Presence, can the Spirit begin to work to cleanse the mind of the person so that they have a chance of being free. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”]
But, it has been said that pornography is 6-8 times more addictive than cocaine. I can believe that.
Demonic spirits enter a person through mind-altering drugs, through pornography, which often accompanies the taking of drugs, from sexual abuse, and other traumatizing things that freeze the minds relationship to the outside world. These abuses open portals to the entrance of demons.
Unless the Spirit of Yahuweh sets them free, they are bound in a box of their own mental and emotional pain all their lives. I lived with such a one. I have compassion, yet great understanding. So many are afraid of losing their witchcraft powers they have from the dark kingdom. Many are so fearful because their identity will be lost if they lose their powers. I’ve counseled several like this. Tragically they hide in Christianity or the Messianic Movement.
The ability to love others is taken away with drug addiction. Anger,
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bitterness, hate, and revenge, jealousy and competition often take the place of learning to love and reach out to others. These negative emotions are very, very deep, especially if they are taken in when a person is very young.
Demonic spirits ride on negative emotions. In rejecting the freedom of the nature of Yahuweh, Yahuweh cannot help these people, for He is Light.
Some of the characteristics of one who has frozen in their maturity by taking addictive drugs is irresponsibility, running from responsibility, laziness/lethargy, no motivation to improve one’s condition, apathy, a “free-wheeling” attitude – undisciplined, a “flying the seat of one’s pants” attitude (no sense of time-keeping, or of other people’s need to keep time), totally self-centered so that they manipulate and use others to do for them without care about anyone else. The ability to love is not there, not real love – to lay down one’s life for a family or others who are suffering. They usually have a hard time keeping a job, if they even get a job. They love to sleep until late in the day, and stay up all night. They talk about themselves profusely. They think like a teenager – as in “it’s all about me”. They don’t think about others – because all they think about is themselves. If they relax, they often lapse into talking in a “low-life” street type of verbiage, because this is the way they view life. They gravitate to the negative, and often fake emotions to get self-pity. Many have hair-trigger tempers, for they have buried deep anger, hate and bitterness.
There is no little to no understanding of, or relating to, people who work for a living, provide for a family, take vacations, love, laugh, and enjoy the simple beauty of a normal human life, let alone people who minister to others with pure minds and unhidden motives. If they are older, they often view people of their own age group as silly—because in their mind they are still a teenager or a kid in their 20s. They view the normalcy of precious love as something to loathe and mock. They see only the down and dirty, and in their bitterness, they despise what is precious to others. Therefore, to lie, steal, even kill, is of little importance, as long as their needs are met.
They cannot communicate with those who are pure of heart for they only know how to relate to those like themselves. They are frozen in place in a mentality that has then totally under the control of the evil one. So, many end up on the streets, or in poor conditions.
What is so blatant is that so-called “believers” can sit laugh at sin on TV. The show America’s Favorite Home Videos – often shows people and animals who are obviously hurt, and everyone laughs. Only one strung out on drugs would laugh at someone being hurt. The drug effect bypasses compassion, tenderness, kindness, gentleness, meekness, and true caring love. These characteristics of Yahuweh and Yahushua are almost totally gone from planet earth. So the killing of children, the murder of people in general that