Eagle Crest Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting
February 1, 2017
1.Call To Order
7:00 pm Meeting held at Heller Road Fire and Rescue
Present:Sharon McIntyre, President
Bill Swisher, Treasurer
Rod Franz, Architectural committee
Sharon Sherman, Secretary
Jeff Campbell, Landscape Committee
2.Old Business
2.1Retention Pond Project
Guest speaker Kindle Sullivan with the City of Oak Harbor spoke on the current workings and condition of the retention pond. It is functioning properly. Kindle explained the maintenance that must be done (Ex. 6-8 inches of silt and vegetation needs to be dug out).
Kindle will consult with the city’s Storm Water Engineer about the advisability of building up the bank along properties with excavated dirt. At least one property owner has issues with his yard soil disappearing. Kindle suggested this may not be due to erosion of the ditch but storm water from the subdivision. (See map of flow).
2.2Pond Maintenance
An estimate from Valdez for pond maintenance is $22,743.58 (or $361 per household). They will excavate 6-8 inches of silt and vegetation, haul away dirt, and add rock for intake pipe. In an effort to ease the financial burden on homeowners, Kindle granted an extension on needed work to take place in late summer 2018.
2.3Retaining Wall
The concrete block fence on the south side of the entrance to Eagle Crest from SR-20 is crumbling. Sharon McIntyre proposed removing the wall (possibly using the concrete bricks on the ditch) and replace with Emerald Greens or similar trees. An estimate will be obtained for rebuilding the wall as well as a proposal to remove.
3.New Business
3.1Treasurers Report
3.2Review of 2017 Budget Expenses
Annual dues will be going up for 2019 to account for future work.
To cover current maintenance issues of the pond and concrete wall, Bill Swisher explained that a special assessment will be necessary. The board will work to adjust the budget to ease the burden somewhat, and possibly pay for some of the cost.
3.3Additional Upkeep Expenses
Expenses in 2016 above and beyond upkeep of the common grounds/Eagle Preserve were:
- Tree removal in Preserve – storm damage
- Overflow clean out - $2000
- Cleaning of pond equipment
- Sword grass removal
3.4Delinquent Dues
5 homeowners are delinquent in dues. Legal counsel will be sought.
4.Board/Committee Needs
4.1Vacant Board Member Slots
Vacant Board Member slots to fill are:
- Vice President
- Talon Loop Member-at-Large
- Second person to assist Landscape Committee
4.2Board Member President
Current President, Sharon McIntyre, announced she would like to step down after 10 years of service. She volunteered to stay this year to complete any outstanding projects and train the new President. Any homeowners interested in the position should contact the Board.
4.3New Board Members
All new Board Members were approved
4.4Ongoing Complaints
Ongoing complaints are:
- Dues
- Paint samples for homes needing to be approved by the Landscape Committee
- Parking on street
- Trash can location should be out of sight
5.Open Forum
5.1New Housing Development
Discussion and concerns were expressed over the new housing development. It is in the approval stages now. Garry Oaks Subdivision will be located across SR-20 from SW Eagle Vista.
There was a Q&A on multiple topics. (Ex. budget, special assessment, anticipated dues increase, and rules about short-term rentals).
5.3Welcoming Committee
Success of the Welcoming Committee listed and thanks expressed. They have been instrumental in solving problems with information to new residents.
Title companies are not issuing CC&R’s to new owners/tenants. A letter was drafted to address this with them.
5.4Social Media
Facebook group is a success. We would like to have more participation.
6. Meeting Adjourned at 8:25pm
Submitted by: Sharon Sherman