October 13, 2016
6:55pm Michelle Whitecar opened meeting
Mr. Rodney Taylor from food services updated the free breakfast/pilot program.
Description of the 2016-20187 Food and Nutrition initiative descriptions was handed out. (attached)
Questions from attendees after Mr. Taylors presentation:
Parent - voiced concern about empty calories in breakfast after having already eaten breakfast. Appreciative that it is available, but not very healthy.
Mr. Taylor -They don’t have to eat the breakfast in the classroom. No one if forced.
Parent -Obesity concerns
Mr. Taylor -Research isn’t showing this. Need to get kids fed and then we will offer healthier options.
Parent – what is the idea to have breakfast in the classroom?
Mr. Taylor – eliminate stigma when kids come in early for breakfast (free/reduced).
Reduces stigma and improve communal feeding. This has been successful. We will address sugary items in the future.
For more information – – University of NC intervention-Riverside School district.
Based on work out of Cornell Univeristy.
Thanked Mr. Taylor for his presentation and his time.
Debbie Kirkpartick: - NOVA PTA Director – represents VA PTA in FFX, Arlington, Alexandria and Falls Church city.
Membership awards at PTA levels: Beech Tree awarded Outstanding membership achievement award (300-399 students) 1st Place.
12 PTA members paid last year
112 PTA paid this year. 833% increase in membership
Financial update:
$609.02 in account
Sign up for Giant, Harris Teeter, Amazon rewards –link your cards
Veteran’s day membership baskets
Don’t offer parents to volunteer for after school
Up dues by $5 for running clubs – PTA offsetting $5, cash share program
Teacher mini grants-budget expenses
Income $3500, surplus at $7500-spend down through(?)
Motion to approve budget– Budget passed.
PTA Scheduled events:
Book fair – Nov 9th-11th - 3 days this year due to election. Linked to Veterans day. Tom Coates & Van Nguyen are co-chairs of the event. Sign up Genius will be set up Friday before. One librarian will be around. Ice cream social will be on Thursday. Veterans day is on Friday. Laura will check with Tom on when he will be here.
Bake Sale – Amanda Scherer – election day bake sale. Flyer will go out on in Wednesday’s folder. Breakfast options, donuts, muffins, coffee can use ones from school.
BTES 5K Run – December 10th – Mr. Skrtic to design shirt. New flyer will go out in Wednesday folder. Online registration is offered this year. 3 additional schools will be joining BT. There will be chips in bibs this year. Beanetic donates coffee. Volunteers needed to put flyers throughout the neighborhood. Sign up Genius for volunteers at corners. Sign up early so we are not panicking. Running clubs paid money for dues. They need running buddies. $5 increase for children/adults. Michelle Whitecar will co-chair next year.
Mentoring Program – Friday morning – October 14, Ms. Theberge will have a mentoring program meeting to match adults with a child. Kick off breakfast at 8:00am. It is a 30 minute a week commitment. 30 mentors have signed up so far.
Fun Fair – Food trucks this year. Need two chairs to co-chair. Committees underneath the co-chairs (Basket/raffles, bookstore, toy shop) Biggest fundraiser for BT. If we don’t have, this will eat into surplus. Not as time consuming as it sounds, but it’s a commitment.
PTA Volunteer openings:
- Vice President
- Membership committee – need 1 additional volunteer
Clothing closet – Melinda Hill – Social Worker/volunteer- one bag limit $5 year membership honor system.
Odyssey of the Mind – registration is coming up but we do not have a chair.
Student Council – 1st meeting – 3 main things student council does: Collects box tops, winter food drive in November & December, pennies for patients.
Family Field Trip – October 29th – Udvar Hazy Dulles, VA 9:30a-12:30pm
Other field trips planned: Capital Tour, African American History Museum (most likely next year)
Meals tax is up for a vote on November 8th. Consider supporting it.
8:11pm – Meeting adjourned.