Integrated Fundamentals of Science Expanded Curriculum Guide
{10} Grade (12/1/02)
Abacus # / Objective / Criticality Level / Sequenceand Minimum Time Allotted
/ Sample Teaching
Strategy / ResourcesP / Dist/State
Assessments / Sample Assessment Question
Goal 1: Understand the philosophy of science inquiry
1 / 1. The student will identify ways in which science distinguishes itself from other ways of knowing and from other bodies of knowledge / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Throughout the course, students will be performing activities in which they can witness and experience the uniqueness of science. The teacher should be alert to point out examples of science as a distinct way of knowing and a distinct body of knowledge. / PHAst - 130 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Biology, Geology, and Ecology are branches of knowledge generally known as which of the following fields
a. Literature
b. Science
c. Mathematics
4 / 2. The student will identify examples of observations, hypotheses, and theories / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Throughout the course, students will be engaged in activities and learning new concepts which involve the use of observations, hypothesis and theories. The teacher needs to be alert to opportunities to point out these examples to the students.
The concepts are directly taught as the following objectives are met: 23, 24, 94, 94, 97, 98, 101 / ISLM – xiv, xv,
PH Cells – p. 16
PH Cells – p. 17-20 Cell Theory
PH Cells – p. 97 Sex cells in grasshoppers
PH Cells – DNA structure
PHAst – p. 50-55 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Science is a body of knowledge that is described in which of the following statements?
a. attempts to explain nature
b. uses observations, hypotheses and theories to advance knowledge
c. both of the above
7 / 3. The student will identify examples in which science advances technology and technology advances science / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Throughout the course students will be involved in activities that demonstrates that science and technology serve each other. Specific examples are found in objectives 23, 24, 25 (Microscope); Obj. 35 (DNA); and obj. 63, 64 (telescope, Hubble, etc) / PH Cells – p. 16
PH Cells – p. 17-20 Cell Theory
PHAst 50-55, Solar System, Gravity
PHAst – p. 98-99
Telescopes / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Which of the following scientific discoveries were made as a result of advances in technology?
a. The Cell Theory
b. The Big Bang Theory
c. Both of the above
10 / 4. The student will explain the difference between science and technology / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Early in the Trimester 1, the teacher should describe to the students the difference between technology and science. Throughout the course, the instructor should look for examples of technology and science being used. Newspapers, magazine articles, and Internet articles contain excellent examples of current scientific and technological advances. / Newspapers, Scientific magazines, Internet sites. Which pertain to the current course of study.
PHAst – p. 98-99
Telescopes / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Which of the following is defined as an attempt to make life easier through inventions and use of knowledge?
a. Technology
b. Science
c. Literature
13 / 5. The student will recognize qualities required in the work of science and engineering (i.e., critical thinking, creativity, imagination, and a good knowledge base) / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Throughout the course students will be engaged in laboratory activities and discussions that require scientific skills. The teacher should be alert to point out good historical, present, and classroom examples of good science behaviors. / PHAst – p. 98-99
PHAst 50-55, Solar System, Gravity / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good scientist?
a. Creative
b. Asks good questions
c. No imagination
16 / 6. The student will identify advantages of working in interdisciplinary teams to solve scientific problems:
· share tasks
· share talents
· share ideas
· share experience
· tolerance / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / All group work and lab activities will involve students working in groups of 2-5 people. During many of those assignments it will be necessary to identify skills of individual team members and divide work among the group. / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Which of the following is a benefit of working in groups?
a. We can share tasks.
b. We can share talents.
c. We can share ideas.
d. All of the above.
Goal 2: Understand mechanics of science/technology processes
19 / 7. The student will use observations to help formulate questions. / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Throughout the course students will be exposed to opportunities to observe natural activity. Periodically those observations will lead to questions as part of the planned curriculum. Specific objectives that will offer students a chance to formulate questions from observations are listed below.
Trimester 1: Obj. 23, 24,25, 50,
Trimester 2: Obj. 72,
Trimester 3: Obj. 96, 97, 101
Diuring each of the trimesters, teachers should interject activities which directly teach science skills.
The Prentice Hall “Inquiry Skills Activity Book” (ISAB) is an excellent resource for teaching specific science skills. The skills can be taught in any order, but teachers can avoid repeating assignments by following the following guidelines.
Trimester 1 should focus on the pages 5-36 Basic Process Skills. Test A and B
Trimester 2 should focus on pages 37-56 Designing Experiments. Test C
Trimester 3 should focus on pages 57-70 Data Tables and Graphs. Test D.
In addition to the planned activities which students are engaged in there will be many opportunities for the teacher to point out examples of observations which lead to questions. / ISAB – p. 5-7 - Observe
ISAB – p. 8-11 Infer
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Which of the following observations could be made into a good scientific question that could easily be answered by collecting data?
a. The leaves of the quaking aspen are green.
b. The leaves of the quaking aspen are nearly the same size.
c. The bark of the quaking aspen is white.
22 / 8. The student will identify questions that guide scientific investigations / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / See directions for Objective 7. / ISAB p. 39, 40
PHAst – P. 138 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Which of the following questions could be easily answered by collecting data?
a. What is the average height of trees on the school grounds?
b. How do you feel about killing coyotes?
c. I do not like school lunch!
25 / 9. The student will generate hypotheses / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / See directions for Objective 7. / ISAB p. 41, 42
PHAst – Skills Lab 78-79 – Speeding Around the Sun
PHAst – p. 138 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Which of the following is a good example of a hypothesis that is testable?
a. I wish my plants would grow bigger.
b. If I fertilize my plants they will grow bigger.
c. I don’t have time to grow a good garden.
28 / 10. The student will design a reproducible step by step procedure that will generate data / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / See directions for Objective 7. / ISAB p. 56
PHAst – p 139 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Teacher observable. Use ISAB Activity Page 56. Look for the following ideas in the answers that the students generate.
§ Good question
§ Written hypothesis
§ Experiment with one variable
§ Data table to record observations
31 / 11. The student will create data tables / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / See directions for Objective 7, 85. / ISAB p. 57-60
PHAst – p. 144-146 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Create a data table to organize and record the following data from an experiment designed to measure the average number of robin eggs in five different nests. Nest 1 - 2 eggs, Nest 2 – 4 eggs, Nest 3 – 3 eggs, Nest 4 - 4 eggs, Nest 5 – 4 eggs.
34 / 12. The student will collect and organize data into data tables / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / See directions for Objective 7, 85. / ISAB p. 57-60
PHAst – p. 144-146 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / See above question.
37 / 13. The student will graph and analyze data using math skills such as totals, percent and averages / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / See directions for Objective 7, 85. / ISAB p. 61-68
PHAst – p. 144-146 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Use a bar graph to show the differences between the number of robin eggs in nests in the following data. Nest 1 - 2 eggs, Nest 2 – 4 eggs, Nest 3 – 3 eggs, Nest 4 - 4 eggs, Nest 5 – 4 eggs.
40 / 14. The student will make conclusions based on analyzed data / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / See directions for Objective 7, 85.. / ISAB p. 50-55
PH Cells Project “Shine On”, p, 49
PHAst - 139 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Teacher Observable
Use the “Shine On” activity in Trimester 1 to assess this skill.
43 / 15. The student will revise models or hypotheses as necessary based on data collected / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Students should complete at least one lab activity from beginning to end. They should make the hypothesis, test the hypothesis, record and analyze data, and make conclusions from the data they collect. The “Shine On Activity in trimester 1 lends itself well to this type of challenge. / ISAB p. 20-21
PH Cells - Project “Shine On”, p, 49 / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Teacher Observable
Use the “Shine On” activity in Trimester 1 to assess this skill.
46 / 16. The student will analyze revised models or hypotheses based on observations and conclusions / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Students should complete at least one lab activity from beginning to end. They should make the hypothesis, test the hypothesis, record and analyze data, and make conclusions from the data they collect. The “Shine On Activity in trimester 1 lends itself well to this type of challenge. In Trimester 3 the exponential growth objective also lends itself well to this type of challenge. /
Trimester 1
PH Cells - Project “Shine On”, p, 49Trimester 3
PH ENV - p. 27-28TR E - p.22 “Unlimited Population Growth” / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Teacher Observable
Use the “Shine On” activity in Trimester 1 to assess this skill.
Use the “Unlimited Population Growth” activity in Trimester to assess the development of this skill.
49 / 17. The student will use computers to create tables, graphs, collect data, or lab write-ups / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Students should complete at least one lab activity from beginning to end. They should make the hypothesis, test the hypothesis, record and analyze data, and make conclusions from the data they collect. The “Shine On Activity in trimester 1 lends itself well to this type of challenge. In Trimester 3 the exponential growth objective also lends itself well to this type of challenge. /
Trimester 1
PH Cells - Project “Shine On”, p, 49Trimester 2
PHAst – p. 78,79 - Speeding Around The Sun – Skills LabTrimester 3
PH ENV - p. 27-28TR E - p.22 “Unlimited Population Growth” / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / Teacher Observable
Use the “Shine On” activity in Trimester 1 to assess this skill.
Use the “Unlimited Population Growth” activity in Trimester to assess the development of this skill.
52 / 18. The student will communicate and defend a scientific argument / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / See Objective 103 in Trimester 3. / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / See Objective 103 in Trimester 3.
55 / 19. The student will research a topic and present the information to their peers (i.e., posters, build a model, brochures, power point, written report) / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / See Objective 103 in Trimester 3. / ECA
Classroom Testing
Teacher Observable / See Objective 103 in Trimester 3.
Goal 3: Understand use of scientific equipment
58 / 20. The student will identify the following scientific equipment and demonstrate its correct use:
· Calculator for calculating total, percent, average
· Light microscope
· Celsius thermometer
· Digital Balance
· Metric ruler/meter stick
· Graduated cylinders
· Spectroscope / ESS / Trimesters 1,2,3
Introduced and practiced along with content objectives / Through out the course students will be engaged in activities in which they will identify and use these tools. Below is a list of some specific activities where these tools will be used.
Calculator – Obj 99, 100
Microscope – Obj. 23, 24, 27
Thermometer – Obj. 78