Before you make the Initial Recruiting Call
It is important to keep in mind that cold calling for passive candidate recruiting (those not activelyseeking a change in employers) is different in many ways from “cold calling” as it is generallyreferred to.
Although your objective is essentially to sell the person you are calling for a face-to-face meeting to discuss a position oropportunity.
Passive candidates aren’t looking to make lateral career moves. When we approach them, we have to isolate what will make them happier in a new position. It takes more than higher wages to lure a highly qualified employee to a competing organization.
What might prompt someone to make a career move is the company culture and the level of engagement in their current role, you have to offer passive candidates true career improvement.This guide is intended to provide some basic tips thatshould help anyone planning to call passive candidate.
Scripts can feel overly constrictive and robotic if you become attached to them … however, as a point of reference and starting point theycan be a huge asset. Do as many rehearsal “presentations” as possible
The presentation is simply an introduction of you and company, and career opportunity.
Think about the prospects situation
Are you reaching out to very top producer individuals with personal assistants, or inside sales personnelworking in a “bullpen”environment? This is an important consideration. If your contact has apersonal assistant that screens their calls, can you find a way to contact them directly, or will youchoose to disclose some of why you are calling to their assistant?
If your target is an individual in a “bullpen”, then serious consideration must be made to the possibilitythat they may not be able to talk at all from their workplace and you may need to set up an after hourtime to present your opportunity. Request a cell number and ask them what the best time to call them to discuss a very important matter with them.
Why would they be interested in your opportunity?
Simply presenting an opportunity is almost exactly like trying to sell a product without pointing out itsadvantages. To avoid this, make sure you are prepared to point out the specific advantages ofworking for your company and the opportunity you are calling about. Your job as a passive candidaterecruiter is to generate interest where none existed before.
Tips of the Initial Recruiting call
Simply presenting an opportunity is almost exactly like trying to sell a product without pointing out itsadvantages. To avoid this, make sure you are prepared to point out the specific advantages ofworking for your company and the opportunity you are calling about. Your job as a recruiter is to generate interest where none existed before.
Initial Recruiting Call: Script Example 1
Hi (candidate name)My name is (name), I’m working on a project for a company out of (corporate HQ). I’m looking for a mortgage banker in (city) and came across your name on LinkedIn.
Ask: (candidate name) Are you still a lender? (This gets them engaged early, as they still don’t know why you are calling and qualifies them that they are still in the business. If for some reason they are not in the business they may refer you)
I wanted to call and introduce myself, I am the (Your Title) with (company name). In light of the change in the market, I wanted to see if you are keeping your eyes open to career opportunities.
Did I catch you where you can speak freely?
I certainly understand you are busy or you may not in a position to talk. I promise you, I will only take a few minutes of your time, to share our unique opportunity. What would be a good time to talk?
Great! We’re expanding in (marketplace) and I’m currently talking to individuals that want to take their production to the next level.
(candidate name) We’ve positioned ourselves so that our mortgage bankers receive the operational support they so desperately need, to allow them to spend more time cultivating their business.
So tell me how you got into this crazy industry?....
Based on your profileit looks(like we have a lot in common) or (worked for some of the same companies) or (share a good number of the same connection). This industry has been a quite a ride to say the least. (small talk)
So I can understand more about you, what is the next step in your career? (let them talk)
(they will probably tell you all the objections you are expecting to hear. Once they get that out of the way, acknowledge the objections and then ask)
Tell me a little about you, how do you driving business today, what hurdles are keeping you from getting more business? (Allow them to answer)
Thanks for sharing. You know (candidate name) I can certainly understand how that (their hurdles) could hold you back. OR It sounds like you have a great plan in place.
(If they have hurdles and your opportunity can help) I would love to have an opportunity to share how I could help lift your business in 2014 and beyond?
Could you be available to meet for a cup of coffee (specific time and place) and I’d really like to personally introduce myself and get to know you a little better.I can share with you; our opportunities we provide our team and see how I might be able to help your grow your business and income this year.
Initial Recruiting Call: Script Example 1
Hi (candidate) this is (your name), thank you for connecting on (linkedIn or Facebook), I wanted to personally call and formally introduce myself.
Did I catch in the middle of something, can you speak freely?
(If No: I certainly understand you are busy or you may not be in a position to talk. I promise you, I will only take a few minutes of your time, to share our unique opportunity. What would be a good time to talk?)
From your profile I noticed that you focus on (points of interest from profile) and you’ve had some success in these areas. In light of the change in the market, I wanted to touch base and discuss new markets we are expanding in and see if you keep your career options open?
Do you mind if I ask you how you got started in this crazy industry?
(this gets your prospected involved in the call, they may have several questions about the opportunity for you at this point)
Like you (candidate), I network with industry professionals at all levels and have been speaking with six figure career-minded mortgage professionals in (candidate’s market).
We have been focused on expanding that market and have been acquiring talented mortgage bankers.
My call is meant as an introduction. As well as see what that next career move looks like for you?
Based on your profile (LinkedIn or NMLS) you have been (past or current position) for (# of years). What is that next career step for you?
As I said earlier, I am speaking with career-minded mortgage professionals that are devoted to the industry and exploring their options.
We are unique here at (company name) by creating opportunities that help our team grow their business in areas they excel in.(company name) is committed to delivering the tools for our team to get their business to a level they can grow and offer a career path where they can personally and professionally develop their skills.
Tell me a little about you, how are you driving business today, what hurdles are keeping you from getting more business?
Thanks for sharing. You know (candidate name) I can certainly understand how that could hold you back. OR It sounds like you have a great plan in place.
(candidate name) would you be available to me in (candidate’s area) on (day) or (day) this week?
I would like to personally meet you and share several areas I think could appeal to how you do business today and might possibly open more doors for you by the end of 2014.
I realize you are not looking and I will work around your availability. I want to assure you this meeting is confidential and I promise you, it will not be a waste of your time.
Objections – To meeting for Coffee and/or Changing Jobs
Too busy to meet
Option 1 Rebuttal:
(candidate name), I am in this market through (specific date) and would only take 20 minutes of your time. As you have developed relationships with realtor, it usually start with just a few minutes. I promise you, it won’t be a waste of your time.
Option 2 Rebuttal:
Wow (candidate name), I understand you’re busy but if you can’t even step away long enough for a cup of coffee then I’d seriously recommend you upgrade to a company with a better support staff. (Pause to see if candidate back paddles)
Well I really don’t want to be a disruption (candidate name) so here’s what I’ll do, you tell me what time you’re heading to the office on (day) and what coffee places are on the way and I’ll meet you there.
I’m happy where I’m at
Option 1 Rebuttal:
(candidate name) I want to talk to people that are happy in this business and who knows maybe put them in a place to real excel with our new (tools, products, marketing, etc…) we are offering to OUR top performers.
Give me a few minutes to show you, I promise this will not be a waste of time.
Option 2 Rebuttal:
I’m not asking you to leave (current company) (candidate name), I’m just asking you to explore your options. We both know things change all the time in this business and it never hurts to have options. All I’m asking for is 20 minutes of your time, if I can offer you a substantially better opportunity then it will be one of the best 20 minute investments of your career and if not we’ll part as friends you’ll sleep better knowing you have another option if something changes unexpectedly. Either way you win.
(If they hesitate) Come on (candidate name), you’re working in an unstable industry and I’m offering you career insurance for the cost of a cup of coffee, what have you got to lose?
First, tell me about the job – Why should I meet in the first place.
Option1 Rebuttal:
(candidate name) We have (exact number) of people at Union Home Mortgage that have increase their business by ___% through our (tools, products, marketing, etc…). I am looking for the relationship driven professional that knows how to deliver this to the market.
Give me a few minutes to show you, I promise this will not be a waste of time.
Option 2 Rebuttal:
(candidate name), the bottom line is we’re a (volume or brag item) company who employs more than (number) of top performing mortgage professionals and I’m interested enough in you that I’m willing to take time out of my schedule to meet with you personally. If you honestly believe (current company) is the single best lender in the market, that they’re maximizing your career and that neither of those facts will ever change then let’s meet for coffee and discuss how I can join you. I’m certainly not afraid of building my career and considering that 50% of the companies in our industry have closed in the last 5 years I’m sure I’ll sleep better knowing I have options. Of course if there’s a chance I can offer you a better opportunity than I’d like to discuss that as well, worst and case scenario maybe you’ll sleep better too.
Tell me about your pricing/comp plan
Option 1 Rebuttal:
(candidate name) We have a strong pricing engine and based on how you market yourself, I would be glad to share that, along with several other unique (product, price, marketing, etc…) with you when we meet.
Let’s meet (Tuesday) at (10am) at (Starbucks) in (Location), fair enough?
Option 2 Rebuttal:
I’m glad you asked (candidate name) because that’s one of the things I really wanted to discuss with you. But we both know a lot of companies will mislead you when it comes to (pricing/comp) so I was really hoping to show you in writing. Why don’t we meet (date, time, place), I’ll show you the (comp plan/pricing engine) and we’ll discuss it in detail so there’s no confusion.
I have a huge pipeline and need to work through that (indicating refi pipeline)
Option 1 Rebuttal:
(candidate name) Most of the mortgage professionals I am currently speaking with are working through their pipeline and have started to really focus on their PURCHASE business. I am helping them with a seamless transition and would love to show you how.
Let’s meet (Tuesday) at (10am) at (Starbucks) in (Location), fair enough?
Option 2 Rebuttal:
I understand (candidate name) and if you’ll just let me know when you expect your pipeline to be empty I’ll be happy to suggest that meet for coffee right away and talk about how we can avoid ever reaching that point. (pause for that to sink in)
But really (candidate name), I know you’re doing a lot of business and that’s one of the reasons I want to meet with you. Let’s meet (date & time) to discuss it and If we decide to move forward from there we’ll coordinate everything to minimize the disruption to your pipeline.
I just made a job change need to stick it out for a while
Option 1 Rebuttal:
(candidate name)It sounds like I just missed the opportunity with you, how was the transition? What attracted you to this company? And are you getting the level of service you expected?
If you have a few minute (Tuesday) at (10am) at (Starbucks) in (Location),I’d like to at least meet with you, in the event something changes there, fair enough?
Option 2 Rebuttal:
Wow, I wish I’d had a chance to speak with you before you made that move but let me ask you a question, how confident are you that this is the last position you’ll ever accept?
(The answer doesn’t matter)
Well then let’s meet for coffee anyway, worst case scenario you’ll know you have options if things don’t work out at (existing company) and I’ll know that I’m early instead of late when you do decide to make another move.
I get my business from the bank and don’t have many external sources
Option 1 Rebuttal:
(candidate name)I would like to show you how you could develop more referral partnership and not be strapped to a desk, fielding customer calls.
Give me a few minutes to show you, I promise this will not be a waste of time.
Option 2 Rebuttal\qualify:
I’m happy to hear that (current company) has been able to supply you enough business to make a living (candidate name) but let’s be honest, things change in this business all the time and it sounds like you’re just one unexpected change away from having to start over. So let me ask you a serious question, if I could help you build a book of business that would increase your income and make sure you never have to start over again would you be interested in discussing it further?
If YES- Great, let’s have coffee. If NO (you probably don’t want this candidate) Let me send you my information and when you’re ready to take your career to the next level give me a call.
I wouldn’t make a lateral move
Option 1 Rebuttal:
(candidate name)That is great to hear, I am the District manager and I am looking for the up and comers, to help build out their teams.
If you have a few minutes I can show you, let’s meet (Tuesday) at (10am) at (Starbucks) in (Location), fair enough? I promise this will not be a waste of time.
Option 2 Rebuttal:
Slow down (candidate name), I’m talking coffee and you’re talking career change. I’m pretty confident I can offer you a better opportunity but there’s no way either of us will know for sure unless we get to know each other a little better. So let’s start with a cup of coffee and then you can make an educated decision for yourself where we go from there.
Initial Call Tip
The first call is not a job “pitch”
•If we just recite some job duties, they may not be interested enough to consider a new opportunity
•Get the prospect to agree to receive information about your company and to connect on LinkedIn. Then you can ask to meet and discuss their career goals
•Get their contact information (home address and personal email address)
•Send the prospect a follow up email confirming the meeting, address, with your contact information and cell number
•Send your Recruiting Brochure with a link to your website
•Call and email the prospect the evening before to confirm the meeting
•Make the first call an introduction call, not a recruiting call.
•Create an urgency to meet! The market is always changing and it is the prospect’s best interest to hear about how your company is prepared for the changes. It’s much more challenging when recruiting passive candidates; those who do not apply directly.