St. John School of Religion
1001 Encinitas Blvd.
Encinitas, CA 92024
Registration for the 2017-2018 school year is upon us. We would like to register all returning students by May 15, 2017 so that we have time to organize classes, order textbooks, recruit volunteers, and train staff.
Registration Day will be Monday, May 1st, from 4:00-8:00PM in the Parish Hall.
This will take place during our regular Monday class sessions for your convenience.
Registration forms will not be accepted by classroom teachers.
With the exception of new parishioners, any registration information submitted after May 15, 2017,
will be considered “late registration” and will carry an added $25.00 fee.
Preschool classes for 3yr. olds, 4yr. olds and Kindergarteners take place on Sunday mornings from 8:50-10:10AM (during the 9:00AM Mass). Children must be three years old by 12/1/17 to be eligible. Classes take place in the preschool classroom facility and will begin in late September 2017. Please consider volunteering as a biweekly teacher or aide in the preschool program.
The Elementary Program for children in Grades 1-6 takes place on Mondays and will begin in late September 2017. An afternoon session, 4:15-5:30PM, and an evening session, 6:30-7:45PM are offered. Class sizes are limited and the number of classes at each session is determined by the number of teachers who volunteer. We will try our best butcannot guarantee placement in a particularclass session. We suggest registering early if you must enroll your child in a particular session.
We typically have a three yearSacramental Program here at St. John. Upon successful completion of Grades 1 and 2 baptized children are eligible to celebrate their First Reconciliation in the spring of second grade. After completion of a third year of instruction, children are eligible to celebrate their First Eucharist in the spring of third grade. Children seven years old and above, who have not been baptized, or are behind in the usual process of sacramental preparation, should be enrolled in the Christian Initiation of Children (CIC) program. They must register for the Monday 6:30-7:45 session. CIC children will be mainstreamed into a class with their grade level peers. A series of additional family meetings will be required as well as completion of a home program. Parents of children in the Christian Initiation of Children (CIC) program must attend a mandatory Parent Orientation Meeting in Mid-September 2017.
Weekly Sunday Mass attendance, a minimum of 80% class attendance, participation in family sacramental meetings and completion of a Home Program are required of all students preparing for reception of sacraments. Exceptions will not be made for students participating in extracurricular activities so please keep that in mind when signing your children up for sports and other after school programs. Please note that families with children in Grades 2, 3, or the Christian Initiation of Children (CIC) programare asked to submit a Family Meeting fee of $35.00 in order to help defray the extra cost of their supplemental materials.
All children entering FIRST GRADE, including those baptized at St. John, must submit a copy of their BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE at the time of registration. New Second and Third grade students as well as students in the Christian Initiation of Children program who are enrolling in St. John’s Religious Education program for the first time, must also submit their Baptismal Certificate upon registration. Registration materials for all First Graders, Second and Third Graders new to the program, and new students in the Christian Initiation of Children Program, will not be accepted without a copy of their Baptismal certificate attached.
Over the years, many parents have requested that their child be placed in the same class with a friend. We will do our best to accommodate you provided the request is written in the top margin of your registration form at the time of registration. Please limit your request to only one friend per child. We may not be able to process requests for class placements with friends after May 15, 2017.
Please be sure to fill out both sides of your registration form and sign the bottom of the emergency treatment section. Baptismal Certificate (For all First Graders, 2nd and 3rd Graders new to the program, and new Christian Initiation of Children students), completed Registration Form, completed Volunteer Sheet, Registration Fee, and Family Meeting Fee (For 2nd and 3rd Graders & CIC students only), must be turned in before your child’s class session and placement will be made
In Mid-September 2017, all registered families will receive a letter verifying their child’s registration, session time, class assignment, and location of their classroom. You will also receive a school calendar and pertinent program information at that time.
We look forward to seeing you in the Parish Hall on Registration Day – Monday - May 1st!
Select one: Elementary Program: (Grade 1-6) _____ Monday, 4:15-5:30 OR _____ Monday, 6:30-7:45
Preschool Program: _____ Sunday 8:50-10:10am (Must be 3yrs. old by 12/1/17)
Christian Initiation of Children (CIC) Program Mondays 6:30-7:45 _____CIC I ____CIC II
Mother/Guardian ______Father/Guardian ______
Last FirstLast First
Mother’s Religion ______Father’s Religion ______
Street Address ______
Number StreetCity Zip
Home Phone: ( ) ______Mom’s Cell( ) ______Dad’s Cell ( )______
If parent cannot be reached, in case of emergency please contact:
Name______Relationship: ______Phone: ( ) ______
*Do children have any medical or learning problems of which we should be aware? YES / NO
If yes, please explain ______
*Children primarily reside with: ___ Both Parents ___ Mother ___Father Other______
*Any special family circumstances of which we should be aware? ______
1. Name ______New Student? Yes( ) No( ) Sex____
Date of Birth ____/____/____ Elementary School Grade ____ Preschool Age 3yr 4yr K
(as of 12/1/17) CIRCLE ONE
School Attending ______
*Check Sacraments Received: ___ Baptism(Catholic-Other) ___ 1st Reconciliation ___ 1st Eucharist
2. Name ______New Student? Yes( ) No( ) Sex____
Date of Birth ____/____/____ Elementary School Grade ____ Preschool Age 3yr 4yr K
(as of 12/1/17) CIRCLE ONE
School Attending ______
*Check Sacraments Received: ___ Baptism(Catholic-Other) ___ 1st Reconciliation ___ 1st Eucharist
3. Name ______New Student? Yes( ) No( ) Sex____
Date of Birth ____/____/____ Elementary School Grade ____ Preschool Age 3yr 4yr K
(as of 12/1/17) CIRCLE ONE
School Attending ______
*Check Sacraments Received: ___ Baptism(Catholic-Other) ___ 1st Reconciliation ___ 1st Eucharist
One Child$135.00
Second Child$110.00Amount Paid $ ______Date Paid ______
Third Child $85.00Check ______Cash ______
*Family Meeting Fee $35.00Balance Due $ ______
**Late Fee $25.00
*A Family Meeting. Fee of $35.00 is also required for each child in 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, or the Christian Initiation of Children Program.
**A $25.00 late fee must accompany any registration submitted after May 15, 2017 for any returning students.
I, ______, the undersigned parent/guardian of
______, do hereby give permission for my son/daughter to attend the Religious Education Program held at St. John Catholic Church in Encinitas, California.
I also give permission for photographs to be taken of my child/children during program activities. These photos may be printed in the church bulletin, displayed on church property, posted on the parish website or be submitted to the Diocese newspaper. ____Yes ____No
When the person in charge decides a minor child needs emergency medical treatment, he/she will make a reasonable attempt to contact us. We give this authorization in advance so if we can not be reached, he/she will have the authorization and power to give approval for necessary medical attention recommended by a licensed physician or surgeon. Neither agents nor organizations will assume a financial responsibility for this action.
In emergency situations where we cannot be contacted, we hereby authorize the persons in charge to follow the procedure listed below, which is pursuant to Section 25.18 of the Civil Code of California:
1. Time and situation permitting, to make a reasonable attempt to contact our
named agents;
2. When agents cannot be contacted, the person in charge is to act in our behalf;
3. Time and situation permitting, to contact the following doctor, hospital, and/or ambulance service:
FAMILY PHYSICIAN: ______PHONE: ( ) ______
To be our agent is to give consent for any x-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care which is recommended by any licensed physician or surgeon.
I understand and agree that by signing this form, I am freeing St. John Catholic Church and the St. John Office of Religious Education, its officers, or other agents from any liability resulting from my child’s participation in the sponsored activity. I certify that I have personally read and understand this waiver and release.
In order to provide your children with a quality program, we ask each family to volunteer in at least one area below. Please review this sheet thoroughly and then indicate those areas in which you will be volunteering.
This sheet must accompany your child’s registration form before it will be processed.
Parents Name: ______Child’s Name______
Phone: ( )______Email______
Child’s Religious Ed. Grade: ____ Session: ___ 4:15 or ___6:30 ___Preschool
All Parents will be on our substitute classroom aide list and will be called to help as needed.
Grade 1-6 Grade 1-6 Preschool Age Group
Mon. 4:15 Mon. 6:30 (3, 4,or 5 yr olds for Sun. 9:00am)______
Classroom Teacher
Classroom Aide
Classroom Aide
(Every other class)
Substitute Teacher
During class session______
Office Help
During class session
Sunday’s Dismissal for the “Children’s Liturgy of the Word”
(Check time, position and frequency available)
Leader 9:00am Mass
Aide 9:00am Mass
Other Areas of Need
______Sunday Preschool Party Planner
______Assist with creative projects (artistic skills, crafts, sewing, graphic arts, sign making, etc)
______Preparing teacher appreciation gifts, assist in planning Christmas Dinner/ Year End Brunch
______Help assembling teaching and sacramental preparation materials
______Computer/Technology Assistance
______Registration Assistance
______General Office Help
______Summer Bible Camp Station Leader (one week in Mid-July 8:30-12:30)